Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 601 The pace of times is going a little fast

Next, the president of Kirin Beverage Industry Group explained their future plans. Currently, the base produces 1000 million tons of fresh milk per year, mainly supplying the southern region.

Next, they plan to build a northern base in Hebei, with an annual output of 1000 million tons of fresh milk, which will mainly be supplied to North China and Northeast China. In the short term, they believe that such production capacity is sufficient.

Although our country has a large population, even if the annual output of fresh milk reaches 1 million tons, it is not particularly large, at least the per capita is not very high, but our country's economic level is here.

Compared with food and clothing, dairy products are not necessities of life. We need to wait for the domestic economy to rise and everyone can easily afford it in order to have a substantial growth.

In addition to these two bases supplying the mainland, it is also planned to build a production base of 1000 million tons in Shandong, mainly for product export.

In other words, the total annual output of dairy products of Kirin Beverage Industry Group will be around 3000 million tons in the next two years, excluding dairy products such as cheese and milk powder.

This production capacity plan is actually very conservative, but it is appropriate for the current market situation, because the current market demand is not particularly clear, and if the production capacity is too large, it will be a waste if it cannot be digested.

At present, the cost of producing 1 kg of standard fresh milk is about 0.2 yuan. This cost is absolutely competitive no matter where it is placed in the world.

This is still calculated according to the current electricity price, because most of a kilogram of milk is water, and the proportion of nutrients such as protein is not high.

If the cost of electric energy is reduced in the future, they think that the cost of standard fresh milk per kilogram can be reduced to about 0.1 yuan, which is a bit scary.

If it is really necessary to dump at a low price, the dairy farming industry all over the world will disappear without a trace, because they have no competitiveness at all in terms of cost.

However, it is impossible for them to do this. Even if it is to open up the market, they will not set the price too low, but the price of the same standard dairy products is slightly cheaper.

But for high-end dairy products, their prices must be set higher than others, so as to establish their own high-end brand image, not that the lower the price, the better.

Of course, it is also possible to clear the market with a low price first, and then raise the price, but he is more opposed to this method because it is too tasteless.

Although shopping malls are like battlefields, it is not impossible to use many methods, but he believes that once used, the side effects will be even greater. They are not wooden people, so they can be manipulated by you?

At present, their pricing strategy is that the domestic price of fresh milk is about 2 yuan per liter, and the pricing abroad is not necessarily the same. Different pricing strategies need to be formulated according to the differences of each country.

Therefore, compared with the domestic market, they are currently more optimistic about the international export market, and the construction of a 1000 million-ton export product base is only to test the international market.

If the international market responds well, then production will continue to expand. As for the domestic situation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to change in a short period of time, and they cannot dump at low prices.

Because there are still a considerable number of domestic dairy farmers engaged in milk production, if the price is low, the livelihood of these people will be gone immediately.

Therefore, if domestic consumers want to enjoy low-priced dairy products, the government has to make policy adjustments and actively guide relevant practitioners to transform.

Of course, it doesn't mean that everything can be beaten with the cost advantage, because this is artificial milk, and it is impossible to promote it as natural milk in advertising.

This involves false advertising, even if there is no difference in ingredients between them, even if synthetic milk has higher nutritional value, it cannot be done.

Therefore, whether the market can accept artificial synthetic milk will be the key to opening up the market, and Kirin Beverage Industry Group needs to spend a lot of money on publicity, and at the same time, it needs to fund a large number of scientific research institutions to study this.

Only by working hard in these two aspects can we reverse the prejudice of the global public towards artificial milk, correct their thinking and cognition, and open up the global market.

Anyway, they are not afraid of research. The milk formula is provided by Ye Shu. The standard fresh milk is compared with the fresh milk produced by the best cows. Even if someone smears it, there is no sufficient evidence.

Of course, we should also pay attention to methods and methods in publicity. For example, synthetic milk products are more environmentally friendly and more animal-friendly, etc. These can be used as promotional selling points.

After having dinner with the delegation, Ye Zishu held a meeting with the people from Kirin Beverage Industry Group to learn more about their channel development.

At present, there is only one base, and the output is not particularly large. It should be digestible in China, not for other things, but cheap enough. This price is still much cheaper than the milk produced by dairy farmers.

It's just that the second and third production bases will be put into operation early next year. By then, the domestic supply will double. How to digest it will become an important issue.

The second is how to open up the international market. All of these must be planned in advance, find a good partner in advance, and now there are samples, so work in this area can be done in advance.

In addition to bulk sales, they also need to establish their own brands internationally, focusing on high-end dairy products, and cannot completely hand over the channels to international traders. They may be more passive in the future.

In addition to fresh milk, they also have many products, such as cheese, cream, milk yogurt, milk powder and other products mentioned above, all of which need to develop markets.

After the meeting ended, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. After the meeting ended, Ye Zishu continued to work on sorting out the technical information of Baihu Technology Company at his residence.

In the early morning of the next day, the delegation headed to Changsha immediately after breakfast. This is the headquarters of Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group, and it is also the current production base of grain and edible oil.

The scale of grain production here is not large, with an annual output of only 1000 million tons. Compared with the domestic grain consumption, it is not worth mentioning, but these grains are high-end grain products, both in terms of nutrition and taste. .

According to their market pricing strategy, the market price of high-end rice produced here is 28 yuan per kilogram, dozens of times higher than the price of rice on the market.

The production capacity here is given priority to the domestic supply. If the domestic production cannot be digested, it will be sold internationally. Anyway, the storage period of rice is much longer than that of dairy products.

In terms of food production, they have only carried out tentative production. As for when to expand, they have to coordinate with relevant departments. They cannot blindly expand production capacity, and the current production of ordinary food is generally not profitable.

So the main production business here is still concentrated on edible oil. Although the price of ordinary soybean oil is not high, the market price is only 4.8 yuan per kilogram, but it is still much more profitable than grain.

In addition to the commonly used soybean oil and rapeseed oil in China, it also produces peanut oil, sesame oil, and higher-end olive oil and tea oil.

In fact, the cost of producing these edible oils is not very different. The production cost of soybean oil and rapeseed oil is about 1.5 yuan per kilogram, while the production cost of peanut oil, olive oil and tea oil is only about 1.5 to 1.6 yuan.

The main reason is that there are differences in the nutritional components, but the proportion of this nutritional component is not high, and most of them are mainly fat. Although the types of fat are slightly different, the production cost is almost the same.

If it weren't for the distinction between low-end, medium-end and high-end products, he would actually be willing to produce all good edible oils, but obviously this is unrealistic and does not conform to the laws of the market.

In terms of production capacity, the annual output of common edible oils such as soybean oil and rapeseed oil is 2000 million tons, which is enough to meet domestic demand.

We must know that the total domestic edible oil consumption in 2018 is only more than 3700 million tons. In this era, everyone is relatively economical. Such a huge output can almost supply the needs of the whole country.

Based on historical prices, the price of edible oils such as soybean oil will increase sharply from 1995 to 1996. By 1997, the price of soybean oil per kilogram will reach about 9 yuan.

Now, due to the low production cost, Qilin Grain and Oil Industry Group does not plan to follow the market. Not only will it not increase the price, but it will be slightly lower than the market, and it is going to clean up the domestic edible oil market.

Even if the market price is 4 yuan per kilogram, they can get 100% gross profit after excluding transportation costs and sales channel costs, which is absolutely profitable.

As for mid-end edible oils such as peanut oil and sesame oil, the current design production capacity is 1000 million tons, some of which are supplied to the domestic market, and if they cannot be digested, they will be supplied to the international market.

The production capacity of olive oil is designed to be 300 million tons per year, and the global production of olive oil is about the same. However, because their prices are much lower, the market consumption may expand a lot.

The annual output of tea seed oil is 100 million tons, and the price is more expensive than olive oil. As for how to set the price, there is no accurate figure for the time being.

But for products like olive oil, the FOB price is about 50 yuan per kilogram, and the FOB price of camellia oil is about 80 yuan per kilogram. As for how to sell it in the end market, it depends on the dealer's strategy.

Hearing the industrial planning here, people feel a little unreal. If they are all digested according to their production capacity and market sales, they will create an output value of more than 6000 billion yuan.

Not to mention in the current era, even decades later, the scale of this output value is not small, and according to this production model, it is almost as much as you want.

As long as the market can digest it, they can produce the output that meets the demand, and there is no bottleneck at all. Compared with the traditional agricultural production method, it is simply too advanced.

What the inspection team saw in the past two days made many people feel unreal. If we solve the problem of industrialized meat production, can we only grow vegetables on the land?

Not to mention, Ye Zishu is planning to solve the industrialized meat product industry in the future. If he wants to become the world's largest grain merchant, it makes no sense to let this one go.

When the day's inspection was over, the leader of the Ministry of Agriculture couldn't help but sighed to Ye Zishu: "Looking at it these two days, I feel that I am old and can't keep up with the pace of development of the times."

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu didn't say a word, that is tomorrow's arrangement, maybe they have to refresh their traditional concepts, because it is even more bizarre than this.

"Don't say that, we are just taking a step forward. The fundamental purpose is actually to solve our country's problems in this area. Stability, efficiency, large quantity, and good quality are our original intentions in this business." Ye Zi said the book.

"You summed it up well in four words. Looking at it in the past two days, you have indeed achieved these four words. The days of relying on the sky may really be gone forever." The leader said with a smile.

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