Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 598 Running at High Speed

After talking about this, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and Ye Zishu ate directly in the cafeteria here, and the food was worse than eating in front at noon.

The main reason is that there are not so many styles, and the number of people here is too small. If there are too many styles, there may be a huge waste. Moreover, there is no profit here, and I don’t know when it will be profitable. I have saved a little on the cost.

Fortunately, the taste of the food is good, the combination of meat and vegetables is reasonable, and the menu changes every day, so there is nothing wrong with it.

After dinner, the employees here have to work overtime, usually until 10 pm. Fortunately, the whole family lives in a nearby residential area, within a few steps of walking distance.

Now is the start-up period, it is basically impossible not to work overtime, at least until many projects have taken shape, and the revenue will be recorded before returning to normal work and rest time.

Ye Shu's office is not here, but in the front software business area, and he doesn't have much time to spend in the R&D department here to guide them.

When he returned to the office, he called Pei Qing directly, and then called his family to report his safety or tell him where he was now, so that his family could also know his whereabouts.

Then he sorted out the luggage he had brought. There were all the basic daily necessities here, so he didn't need to worry too much. After everything was done, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the night outside, most of the software developers here have already left work, leaving only some on-duty personnel who need to provide evening services, which seems very quiet.

Now there is suddenly one more thing at hand, so he has to plan to extend his working hours and return to the original state of Phoenix Technology's entrepreneurial stage.

As soon as I sat at the desk, the whole person entered the working state and continued to work on sorting out the technical data of the remote sensing satellite system. The progress of this work has reached half.

After working until four o'clock in the morning, Ye Zishu went to rest, and continued yesterday's work the next day. It lasted for a week before finishing all the technical information of the remote sensing satellite system.

When he had just finished working on the remote sensing satellite, Baihu Technology Company notified him that the seconded researchers had arrived.

The first batch of people who came here were basically local people in Xi'an. This is an important military and industrial town, and there are many related scientific research institutes, and naturally there are also a lot of related talents.

The number of people who came in the first batch reached thousands, which exceeded Yeshu's expectations. Yeshu asked Baihu Technology Company to arrange the work and life of these people.

If their family members are willing to move here to live, they must make corresponding arrangements, because relatively speaking, the living conditions here are much better.

These are all newly-built residential areas, and the design is relatively advanced, the comfort is relatively good, and more importantly, the area is large, and simple decoration has been carried out, so you can move in immediately.

It is impossible for these seconded personnel to go back in a short period of time. They will stay here for at least three to five years. The time span is very long. He thinks it is more appropriate to move here.

After asking the company's management to make arrangements, Ye Zishu personally held a meeting with them, mainly to explain the technical research and development, so that they had a psychological preparation.

Then I hope they can help the satellite business department for a period of time. If they are interested in satellite research and development, they can also stay in this business department for a long time.

He also explained why he did not immediately enter the state of military equipment research and development, that is, he has not yet prepared the relevant materials in his hand, and it may take about a month.

After the meeting with these seconded personnel, Ye Zishu handed out a thick set of test papers that he had compiled and asked them to do it again.

According to him, among so many people, he doesn't know whose abilities are mainly in which areas. If he doesn't know, it will be difficult to arrange future research and development tasks.

The entire set of test questions is as thick as a book, and they cannot be completed in a short while, so let them take it home and do it directly. After finishing, they will arrange for people to scan and enter the system to analyze the ability data of these people.

As for the salary, Ye Zishu didn't know what their previous situation was, and they all followed the salary here. The monthly salary of junior engineers was 4 yuan, and the monthly salary of senior engineers was 1 yuan.

This salary is quite good in the current period. Since people are willing to come over, he can't be stingy on the salary. This is not his way.

After making the arrangements, Ye Zishu returned to work in his office and began to sort out the list of military technologies listed before. It is not easy to complete tens of thousands of technologies in a short time.

On average, thousands of technologies have to be sorted out every day. If all of them are done manually, even if his hands are broken, he can't complete this task.

So he first optimized the tasks in the technical list, and reasonably matched the tasks that artificial intelligence could help with the tasks that he needed to complete manually.

In this way, he only needs to dictate key information to the artificial intelligence, and the artificial intelligence can simulate the calculation to complete the entire technical chain. He only needs to look at the key indicators to determine whether he is qualified.

Like the preparation of special materials, he only needs to provide the molecular formula and physical and chemical characteristics of the material, and then describe the key preparation methods, and the artificial intelligence can perform simulation deduction based on the information he provides.

After all the deduction is completed, he will take a look and feel that there is no big problem, so he will directly put this material technology into the internal research and development system of Baihu Technology Company.

In the past, he only used an intelligent supercomputer. This time, in order to speed up the calculation efficiency, he activated all five supercomputers that belonged to him to help complete this arduous task.

Since the first batch of seconded scientific researchers came over, many scientific researchers came one after another, ranging from a dozen to hundreds.

These people were all arranged in the name of special missions, and they hardly complained about it. As long as the country needed it, they would devote themselves to it without hesitation.

To be honest, Ye Zishu felt that his consciousness was not as high as these people. He admired their character very much. What he could do was to let Baihu Technology Company make arrangements as much as possible so that they would not feel distanced.

It's just that he has too many things in his hands, and he no longer talks with them like the first batch of seconded personnel, and can only arrange for the company's management to do these tasks.

At present, these people are all arranged to enter the satellite business department, and some of the technologies that were originally handed over to the subordinate companies are also brought over for them to study.

The reason for doing this is not that Ye Zishu insisted on making them work, but that satellite technology is also an advanced technology, and exposing them to these technologies will help them improve their knowledge reserves.

Although satellite technology and military equipment technology are very different, they also have a lot in common. Studying satellite technology is indeed conducive to improving their military equipment technology capabilities.

After they came into contact with satellite technology, some people suddenly became interested in satellite technology and simply applied to join the satellite business department to do research and development work.

Up to now, 10 people have submitted applications to join the satellite business department, and Ye Zishu also agreed. This number will not affect the subsequent research and development of military equipment technology.

During this period of time, he was basically in a closed state, except for the things related to Baihu Technology Company, which he would pay due attention to, he basically didn't pay attention to other things.

It was in this state that it was planned to spend one month to complete the collation of the technical data, but in the end it was extended by 10 days, and the technical data collation was not completed until the beginning of August.

There must be no problems with the general direction of these technical materials, and there must be no problems with the key parameters, but it cannot be ruled out that there are flaws in them. After all, quite a lot of technologies are assisted by artificial intelligence.

In order to save time, Leaf Book did not read all the technical information carefully, but only checked the key data. If this part is correct, it can be judged that the technical information is available.

As for some deviations, researchers need to correct them during the actual research and development. If there are long-standing problems, they can be submitted in the system, and he will look at them specially.

After completing the sorting of these technical materials, Ye Zishu had time to review the ability analysis data of the seconded personnel, and then began to assign research and development tasks.

At present, the number of scientific researchers seconded has reached 1.2, and it may exceed 1.5 in the future, exceeding Ye Zishu's previous expectations, and we can also feel that the country attaches great importance to this matter.

Yeshu organizes these people into groups of 5 to 10 according to the needs of their capabilities, and then assigns specific research and development tasks in groups.

After this allocation, a total of more than 1700 teams were formed, and the R&D tasks assigned to these teams were also allocated according to technical difficulty and workload.

Some groups were assigned more than 50 technology research and development projects, and some were only assigned five or six scientific research projects, but if all went well, the completion time was basically the same.

It took five days to complete the task assignment, and Ye Zishu immediately started the next task, which was to sort out the materials related to the overall design and equipment manufacturing technology.

This part of the work is not easy. First, advanced military strategic thinking is required, and the determined equipment parameters need to meet the needs of future military development. Second, cost issues need to be considered.

The only thing that makes him more gratified is that when the technical data was sorted out some time ago, the artificial intelligence also stored the relevant technical data and calculation results in the system.

When designing, he can directly use these data and use simulation to build various military equipment relatively easily, which saves him a lot of time.

Regarding the design of military equipment, he does not intend to make his own decisions, but plans to use existing technologies to construct military equipment of various grades and models.

Then leave it to the relevant departments to make their own decisions. What he thinks is good is not necessarily good. After all, he is not a military expert, and his prediction of future military development still comes from the advantage of his rebirth.

Of course, he also has his own predictions about the future development. He compiled these contents into a report, and submitted them to the relevant departments together with these technical materials, and the decision-making power was handed over directly.

Before carrying out the overall design, it is necessary to determine the design of key components, such as the engine. The technical information given before is basic technical information and does not involve the development of specific and complicated components.

Otherwise, it is impossible that there are only tens of thousands of technical research and development items on the list, and the parts and components of a fighter plane are measured in tens of thousands, so this part of the work may take longer.

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