The next morning, Pei Qing woke up very early and made a hearty breakfast. After breakfast, Pei Qing accompanied him to the airport, and she reluctantly left after watching him board the plane.

The most difficult thing to bear is the grace of a beauty. Ye Zishu only now has a deep understanding of it. If it was before the change, he would definitely dismiss it, thinking that he is a free person.

Now I don't think so. Once I have a deep relationship with someone, no matter how hard my heart is, it will be softened. Looking at the back of Pei Qing leaving alone, Ye Zishu felt as if he had done something wrong.

It took more than two hours to fly from the capital to Xi'an, and Ye Zishu didn't have anyone to pick him up. He drove directly from the airport to the headquarters of Baihu Technology Company.

Fortunately, there was a software base built by Phoenix Technology Company here before, and its footprint was not smaller than the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, and even slightly larger.

Phoenix Technology Company has money, and in addition to turning over a part of the profits, the remaining profits are fully capable of building a large amount of infrastructure in addition to expansion.

I thought it was a bit wasteful to do this before, because it was too advanced, but now it seems that the benefits of doing so are too many.

For example, they can recruit students from nearby universities here, and all their companies have R&D centers here. In the Internet environment, this kind of distributed office has no problem at all.

The second is to facilitate brother companies, whether it is Kirin Industrial Group, Qinglong Technology Company, or even Baihu Technology Company, they are all in the light.

Since he needs to stay here for at least a few months, let him prepare an office and a place to rest here in advance, and follow the Phoenix Software Company headquarters.

Although there are hotels here, he doesn't like staying in hotels. It's fine to stay for a day or two. It feels strange to stay for a long time. It's better to get a room next to the office to save time.

The headquarters in Xi'an is for Baihe Software Company, but Baihe Software Company's current business is not too large, and the number of employees under it is naturally not too large.

So they still rely on Phoenix Software to work there, and the company's headquarters has not been officially moved here, but it will only be a year or two.

During this meeting, Ye Zishu also raised the importance of informatization of government affairs. To improve the level of modern governance, the use of information technology is indispensable.

Moreover, in places that were difficult to manage in the past, using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, many issues can be included in the supervision.

For this reason, he also cited many examples. Needless to say, the Skynet system that has been included in the plan, there are also taxation systems, household registration systems, judicial systems, law enforcement systems, and so on.

It can be said that almost all fields can undergo information transformation, and with the increasing speed of social and economic development, economic activities are becoming more and more active, more advanced management technology is essential.

Many of the examples he cited gave the people present a bright feeling. The current situation is that technology is available, but how to apply technology to all aspects of society is not very clear.

The examples he cited played the role of throwing bricks and attracting jade, and also introduced to everyone present the technical strength accumulated by Baihe Software in the field of government software services.

I believe it won't be long before the business of Baihe Software Company will have huge room for development. After all, domestic top-down promotion is the most efficient, and domestic government informationization will usher in huge opportunities for development.

Although Baihe Software Company is not the designated contractor, with their technical strength and high efficiency, they should be able to stand out from the competition.

It is not to say that there will be no competition from other companies. This is impossible. In fact, some state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have already seen the prospects of the software industry and the Internet industry.

It's just that their technical strength is not enough, and they can only do some leftovers and low-profit work. In the process of government informationization, the pattern should be similar.

Baihe Software Company undertakes the construction of many important and critical software systems, and other companies will undertake the non-critical part of the business. It is almost impossible for Baihe Software Company to take over all of them, no matter how advanced the technology is.

Since this is part of the business of each company, it seems relatively fragmented. In order to provide comprehensive services here, Phoenix Technology Company has established an administrative department here.

The administrative department will support the office space and personnel working conditions here, so that the business of each subsidiary here can be carried out smoothly and effectively.

In fact, not only this is done here, but also the business in other cities is arranged in this way, unless it is a subsidiary whose headquarters has been relocated, the business of the subsidiary is arranged by themselves.

As for the business of other subsidiaries, they are unified and coordinated by the administrative departments established by Phoenix Technology in each base. These are necessary measures that are conducive to building a harmonious working environment.

It is very important that these employees who are not at the headquarters feel like they are being exiled. They need to feel that they are an integral part of the whole family at all times.

People are not only economic animals, but also emotional animals. Under the premise of economic support, taking care of the emotional needs of employees is an inevitable need for the long-term development of enterprises.

Ye Zishu came to the office site, went directly to the Xi'an Administration Department of Phoenix Technology Company, and they took him to his office. He inspected the living environment here, and he was very satisfied.

After putting away the luggage, Ye Zishu directly inspected the businesses of Phoenix Technology's subsidiaries here. Currently, the total number of employees here is 1.2, which is quite a lot.

And these talents are basically trained by universities in Xi'an. It can be said that in the past few years, most of the software talents trained by universities in Xi'an have been recruited by them, and the rest have been recruited by state units. .

I ate at the cafeteria here at noon. The food was very good. In addition to the Northwest pasta that caters for the diet here, there are also a lot of food in other places, which can meet the various tastes of employees from all over the world.

After lunch, Ye Zishu went directly to Baihu Technology Company. It seemed a bit quiet here. Hundreds of people occupied the entire building, and the inside seemed a bit empty.

Because the technology involved here is highly confidential, it was specially arranged in a building in another corner, and no other personnel were arranged to settle in. All of it was handed over to Baihu Technology Company for management.

Due to the small number of people, Ye Zishu held a plenary meeting in the large conference room, mainly talking about the original intention and goal of Baihu Technology Company.

When Ye Zishu said: "Our enterprise has only two goals, the first goal is to establish an aerospace enterprise with advanced technology and services, which can be seen from our existing business.

The second goal may not be very clear to you, that is to establish an advanced national defense military equipment research and development and production enterprise, and make your own contribution to national defense security. "

Many employees at the scene were very excited. They were selected to come here after careful inspection. They are a group of patriotic young people. It is naturally in line with their wishes to have such a lofty goal for the company.

During this period of time, they studied the satellite positioning and navigation technology provided by Ye Zishu, which was simply astonishing. The advanced technology also greatly updated their knowledge system.

In their view, since they can come up with such advanced satellite technology, they will naturally not be poor in the field of military industrial technology, so they look forward to the future even more.

Then I talked about the next period of time, the company will have many new employees coming in one after another. Although they are seconded, we should regard them as our members.

At the same time, he emphasized that these people have many years of experience in the industry. Those present need to learn with humility. This is the ultimate important thing. Use other people's talents to cultivate their own talents.

After the general meeting, Ye Zishu held another small meeting, calling the president, vice president and satellite business director of Baihu Technology Company together to make detailed arrangements for the next things.

For example, the working space that is still very empty now may not be enough in the future. Leaf Book requires them to prepare office space according to the standard of at least 1 R&D personnel.

That is to say, coordinate with Baihe Software Company to rent the office space around this office building, and at the same time make arrangements for the residence of the personnel.

There is also the principle of this cooperation. Ye Zishu also disclosed these high-level officials in detail. Based on this information, they can make reasonable arrangements for many things in the future.

The last is the planning of new business. The current satellite positioning and navigation system and the following remote sensing satellite system are fixed, not only cannot reduce the number of personnel, but also increase the number of personnel.

Since he has not sorted out the military technology yet, there will be a window period. Ye Zishu asked them to arrange all the seconded personnel in the satellite business department to speed up the research and development speed of the satellite business department.

Then there is the construction of the organizational structure of the military industry department. At present, the company has a small number of people, and they have not been employed for a long time, so the assessment results may not be accurate and effective.

Therefore, the initial structure is not complicated. A vice president is temporarily in charge of the affairs of the military industry department. Before the actual research and development work begins, they need to improve the organizational structure of the military industry department.

The principle is still to give priority to selection from within the company, but professionalism must also be taken into account. If there are top talents among the seconded people, they must be retained at any cost and let them take up important positions.

Ye Zishu only talked about the retreat part at the meeting, expounding his principles and ideas. As for how to do it, it is up to them, the top managers, to come up with a solution and implement it in place.

After all, he does not hold any position in this company, nor does he receive any salary. He does these things only out of the boss's responsibility, and he can only do this to this extent, otherwise why would he spend money to hire them.

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