Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 582 Who is the winner and who is the loser?

The time quietly came to 12 o'clock in the morning. It was already this time. Ye Zishu thought that the other party might have given up, and was about to go back to rest.

Before he could stand up, the person in charge of the network security business ran over again and said, "They have already started the third round of attacks. Mr. Ye guessed right, this time they really used a ddos ​​attack."

"What are the characteristics of their use of this attack method?" Ye Zishu asked.

"According to the anti-tracking method, we found that the number of computers involved in this attack reached 200 million, and they have a lot of meat machines in their hands.

In addition, they also used supercomputers to participate in this attack, and invested a total of 3 supercomputers. " said the person in charge.

This surprised Ye Zishu. In the past, it would have been easy to have 200 million meat machines, but if you use the Phoenix operating system, it comes with network security software.

Ordinary means and methods of obtaining meat machines are very difficult to be effective, unless these hackers conquer each computer, then they will not be able to obtain so many meat machines until they die.

"Why are there so many meat machines?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Well, according to the data we obtained before, many users uninstalled our network security software, especially the old machines.

This is to prevent network security software from taking up too many resources, and we have not stopped it, because this is the user's personal freedom and it is not easy to control it. " said the person in charge.

This statement is more reliable. Although it is equipped with network security software, it does not restrict users to uninstall it personally. Uninstallation is very simple and not complicated.

If uninstallation is prohibited, it is likely to be sued for monopoly, which will bring a lot of trouble to Phoenix Software. It is no problem to provide additional services, but it cannot be forced to bind.

"Do you know which enterprise or unit the three supercomputers belong to?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We checked and found that these three supercomputers belong to the machines of the public computing center on the other side of the ocean. It is estimated that it is difficult to track down who bought and used them." The person in charge said.

"The other party has done a perfect job." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although it is a bit regrettable that the mastermind behind the scenes was not found out, it doesn't matter, and I didn't have much hope for this, because the organizers know very well what kind of situation they will face if they are found out.

First of all, they will face the condemnation of public opinion. No matter what their purpose is, attacking other people's network is not a moral act, and they will inevitably be condemned.

If this kind of behavior is not condemned, then all companies and individuals in the world may face this situation, and they will be the ones who will be injured by then.

The second is to face Phoenix Technology's revenge. Don't underestimate this. This is what these companies are really afraid of. They know exactly what Phoenix Technology is like.

Domestic people or enterprises may not be so in awe of Phoenix Technology, because most of their business is abroad, and the most used domestically are operating systems and office software.

For many people, it's just a software company, not to mention they don't know how much Phoenix Technology's revenue is, because they haven't released any financial reports at all.

But overseas, Phoenix Technology Company is well known. For these ordinary people, they know that many of the products they use belong to this company.

Even their daily work is inseparable from the products of Phoenix Technology, and it is difficult not to understand, but there is no clear understanding of the specific power of Phoenix Technology.

But as professionals, they not only look at the dominance of Phoenix Technology in the software and Internet industry, but also admire the technical strength behind them.

Once they start a war with Phoenix Technology, it means they will face a violent storm. If they only rely on capital, they are not too afraid, after all, they are not necessarily short of money.

But in the face of technological crushing, many of them have already experienced the sense of powerlessness. The Phoenix operating system has been out for so long. Where are those operating system manufacturers who resisted?It was all gone.

People have not specifically targeted a certain company, and many software companies have been punished to death. If they specifically target it, it will definitely be a disaster.

From this point of view, it is understandable to be cautious enough. If you are not cautious, does it mean that you don't think you have enough ways to die?Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the mastermind cannot be traced.

"Don't wait for them to finish the attack, just report to their local police station according to the information you have traced, and you will have to pay them back sooner or later." Ye Shu said.

"If we do this, will we completely form a bridge with the hacker community, and it will be troublesome to harass us from time to time." The person in charge asked.

"If it's an ordinary company, your idea is correct, but for a company like ours, do you think it's useful?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

The person in charge thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be very effective. After all, our influence lies here. Many hackers want to prove themselves, and they may be the first to attack us."

"This is the end, this time we are warning the entire hacker community, don't touch our ass at every turn, if you plan to do so, be prepared to be punished.

By the way, after the police station catches them, you organize a team of lawyers to claim compensation from these people. These hackers are generally not short of money. It is best to give me all the money they made before. "Leaf Book said.

The person in charge was a little surprised when he heard his words. He didn't expect the boss to be so ruthless, not only to send these people to prison, but also to make them impoverished.

"Since this is a warning to the outside world, naturally we can't end it hastily. Either let it go, to show my generosity, or fight back in the most ruthless way to let them know our majesty. The centrist is the worst thing to do, unless there is no one. Strength." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, the person in charge thought about it and found it very reasonable, so he said, "I'll do it now!"

As soon as the person in charge started to move, Ye Zishu said again: "The list of hackers should be released on the Internet in the morning, so as to give the local police some time to act.

And after this round of attacks is over, leave the necessary personnel on duty, let the others go back to rest, there is no need to stay here until dawn.

I won't stay here any longer, I'm going to go back, and I'll trouble you for the rest. With our defense capabilities, it shouldn't be a big problem. "

The person in charge said he knew, and then hurried out the door, while Ye Zishu packed up his laptop, and then went directly downstairs to go home.

It's night here, it's broad daylight on the American side, and it's still dark on the European side. The reason why these hackers choose this time to attack is also particular.

One is that there is no need to adjust their work and rest time during the day, and the other is that at night, there will not be many people left behind, which is convenient for them to move. But the first wave did not succeed, and this idea is useless.

The employees of the Phoenix Software Company intentionally heated up the incident, but were not in a hurry to let the other party end it, and deliberately opened a virtual space on the defense system.

Let the other party think that what they have done is making progress, so it will not end so early, while Phoenix Software Company is tracking and reporting this incident, writing the process ups and downs.

The literary talent is really different. It was originally a simple hacking incident, but it was written like a suspense novel.

This kind of news writing, many people no longer treat it as news, but treat it as a novel, and even many of the comments below are reminders.

The specific executor who writes these contents is the intelligent content creation system of Kunpeng Information Technology Company. This system is based on the materials and unreal inside stories provided by Phoenix Software Company.

Then create these contents, if it is written by humans, it must not be written so fast, and the text cannot have such a good sense of substitution, so that the audience feels that they are one of the participants.

In this incident, in addition to the heavy losses of the attacker, the defender has gained a lot. As the direct victim, Phoenix Software obtained a more advanced network security defense system from Ye Zishu.

Although the previous system was also very advanced, it was unable to deal with such a large-scale attack, nor was it as intelligent as this system, which completely belonged to two levels.

Coupled with this incident, the whole world knows Phoenix Software's strength in network security, and their network security business will be greatly developed in the future.

Now enterprises rely more and more on the Internet, and almost every enterprise faces the test of network security, which is a huge market for Phoenix Software.

Maybe it will rapidly grow from an inconspicuous business to a business of hundreds of billions of yuan. It is also possible that the market size will reach nearly one trillion yuan in the future.

Not to mention that they can obtain the entire market, as long as they can obtain more than 80% of the entire market, they can benefit a lot, let alone they have the strength to do this.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company and Qingluan Information Technology Company also got a share of this incident. The most direct benefit is the surge in platform traffic, and the advertising fee naturally also skyrocketed.

In addition, the number of their user registrations has also increased a lot compared to usual, which shows that this incident has attracted many new users.

Interestingly, Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. used the intelligent content creation platform to write novel-style news. After being urged to update, it stopped updating directly, and then told them that they could read the follow-up content for free on the digital book platform and online novel platform.

Taking advantage of this popularity, they launched a wave of advertisements on these two platforms, because they found that the number of people watching this is as high as tens of millions around the world. If these two platforms are introduced, the two platforms will show explosive growth.

After Ye Zishu went back, the third round of attack didn't end until 2:[-] in the morning, because he didn't want to play anymore.

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