Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 581 The second wave of attacks returned without success

If the hackers attacked other companies, people may not pay attention to it, because it has little to do with them, and many people just read it as news and skipped it.

But Phoenix Software Company is not an ordinary company. At present, the number of users who use the Phoenix operating system in the world has reached hundreds of millions. Almost everyone who uses a computer has an intersection with this company.

In addition to their products all over the world, the other is the legend of this company, which is the fastest rising software company in the world, none of them.

More importantly, anyone who has a little understanding of the software or Internet industry knows that Phoenix Software is not just an independent company.

Many of the world's top software companies and Internet companies are inextricably linked to this company, and attacking Phoenix Software is tantamount to stabbing a hornet's nest.

Of course, hackers don't care about these, as long as they can succeed, no matter how powerful the company is, they can't do anything about it, but everyone has also seen the effect of offending Phoenix Software.

That is what was thought to be a silent intrusion, but now it is directly exposed in front of people all over the world, making it hard for hackers to get off.

If they stop now, their honor will be lost. The hackers who can be invited to attack Phoenix Software are definitely not those scumbags. The hacking skills they have mastered are their proud capital.

Now that the flags and drums are quiet, it looks like nothing. In fact, it has dealt a great psychological blow to them. In the future, they may be ridiculed by some people in this business.

If you continue to attack, you will be fine, and you will gain a sense of presence in front of the whole world. If you fail, it will be even more embarrassing.

The most important thing is that Phoenix Software exposed this incident with such a big fanfare, which made them feel very uncertain. Phoenix Software completely looked confident.

This is the reason why they are under tremendous psychological pressure. If it is other companies, they do not have this psychological pressure, but Phoenix Software has a network security business, which is not good.

What's more, the purpose of their attack on Phoenix Software this time is not to get their technology or secrets, which shows that technically, Phoenix Software is not a soft persimmon.

While Ye Zishu was drinking tea, they were also discussing this issue internally. In order to avoid being discovered, the chat tool they used was a software they wrote themselves.

Because they know very well that Qingluan Information Technology Company and Phoenix Software Company are in the same group, and using Qingluan Information Technology Company's chat software is courting death.

Now they are faced with two problems, the first is whether to continue to attack, and the second is how to attack, for which they have heated discussions.

More than an hour has passed like this, Phoenix Software has upgraded the security protection for the brother company, but the other party still has no movement, making people doubt whether they will attack.

Ye Zishu felt that he was full of tea in his stomach, looked at the time, and decided that if he didn't attack after half an hour, he would just go home instead of waiting here.

As soon as he finished thinking about this idea, there was a sudden commotion in the office. When Ye Zishu heard it, he knew that the other party had started to attack, and only 2 minutes later, the news spread wildly on the Internet.

Because the person in charge specially arranged for a person to write a copy of the battle situation, and the brother company also arranged a manpower connection. As long as there is news here, it will be pushed to the user immediately.

Ye Zishu just sat there and watched the other party act like a clown, because knowing that they were launching an attack, the intelligent network defense system could know the address information of the other party.

In fact, when they launched an attack, the defense system here immediately planted a virus program on the opponent's computer in reverse, because just finding the address is nothing.

If you want these hackers not to dare to infringe in the future, you have to dig out their detailed information, and then publish it directly on the Internet, exposing them to the public.

Although hackers wander in the dark, they yearn for freedom very much, and even have the idea of ​​doing whatever they want. In reality, they can't do it, so they can only seek this kind of stimulation on the Internet.

If they are exposed, they will lose their freedom completely. They will either face prison or be recruited. From now on, they can only rely on others. This feeling is worse than death.

As for recruiting these people, he didn't have this idea. Their company didn't need a bunch of lawless people, let alone they didn't need them to do dirty work. There was no need for that.

As far as technology is concerned, the software industry under him has an absolute crushing advantage, and there is no need to do some frivolous things. If you are not careful, you will get yourself into trouble.

At this time, the person in charge of the network security business came over and reported: "Mr. Ye, we have obtained everyone's information, do you want to publish it?"

"Don't announce it for now, the game is not over yet, such a strong organizational offensive ability, there must be a strong organizer behind it, we haven't got their information yet.

If it is just to punish these hackers, why do we have to spend so much time, you can just treat it as a normal defense and let the other party feel that they have not been anti-tracked.

Even if they were exposed, they did not give up and continued to attack, so this time they planned not to give up until the goal was reached, and they would not give up after the second round of attack failed. "Leaf Book said.

The person in charge nodded and said, "I know how to do it."

"By the way, are they still using technical attacks this time?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's still a technical attack, but it's different from last time. This time, the direction of the technical attack has changed, and at the same time, some ddos ​​attacks have been mixed in, thinking that this can deceive us." The person in charge said.

This kind of confusion shows that the other party is already very cautious. It was taken by surprise before, so there are not so many ways to cover up.

If they went straight this time, they would be in great danger of being exposed, so they used ddos ​​attacks as a cover to hide the real attack in these violent attacks, thinking that they could hide it.

"I see, go get busy." Ye Zishu said.

The second round of attack lasted for half an hour, which wasn't long, but it ended very suddenly, and it was immediately calm, as if the attack just now was a dream.

This shows that the other party is indeed very organized and disciplined, which makes him doubt whether the other party is organized by freelance hackers, and it feels more like a member of an organization.

Ye Zishu called up the hacker information he had just obtained, and glanced at it. From the information, it could not be seen that it belonged to an organization.

Now he is waiting for the other party to communicate with each other in series, and the attack failed just now, so they have to discuss strategies with each other, and it is impossible for them not to communicate.

A virus program was planted in their computers just now, as long as they chat, their chat content can be intercepted, and there should be more basis for judgment by then.

Ye Zishu was not kept waiting for too long, after about half an hour, the person in charge found Ye Zishu again and said, "We have obtained their chat records.

Although they were cautious enough when chatting, the failure of two consecutive rounds made many hackers feel very frustrated and complained a lot, which made some people relax their vigilance. "

"Then what's going on?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The cause of the incident is that our business has encroached on the interests of many companies, but the gap in technology has prevented many companies from competing with us head-on.

So a group of hackers were organized to break through our defense system. If we can get important technical information, it will be a complete success. If we don't get it, it will also damage our prestige. " said the person in charge.

"Then why are they attacking you? It should be easier for other companies." Ye Zishu asked.

"The main reason is that they believe that the rapid development of all businesses under Phoenix Technology is closely related to the operating system mastered by Phoenix Software.

As long as they break through the defense of Phoenix Software Company, they will be able to obtain many secrets of the Phoenix operating system, and then they can make a fuss about the Phoenix operating system. " said the person in charge.

This is understandable, if the Phoenix operating system is full of loopholes, it will give many users a sense of insecurity. If they have a choice, some people may give up the Phoenix operating system.

The Phoenix operating system is currently the most complete operating system in the world. It is very difficult to find vulnerabilities, unless a hacker specifically hacks a computer to succeed, but the cost of doing so is very high.

How can there be so many top hackers in the world, if it is just a virus Trojan horse, then I am sorry, the personal security protection software that comes with the Phoenix operating system can make this idea unfeasible.

"Do you know which companies are involved?" Ye Zishu asked.

"According to their chat records, we can't tell which company is behind the organization. They use a code name, and there are special people to contact them." The person in charge said.

"They are cautious, so it can be seen that they are not so contemptuous!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If they thought they could win it easily, they wouldn't be so cautious. From the perspective of the organizers, they were still afraid of being exposed, so they wouldn't be able to mess around.

As for whether the hackers are cautious, I don't know. Maybe the organizers didn't disclose any information to these hackers at all, and the hackers are just doing things with money.

"Do you think they will organize another attack?" Ye Shu asked.

"It should be. After all, it takes time and effort to organize such a huge attack, and there are some gains in general. What's more, they haven't exhausted their means, so they shouldn't give up casually." The person in charge said.

These words just repeated Ye Zishu's judgment just now, and Ye Zishu didn't care about the real thoughts of the person in charge, and said directly: "Then wait a little longer, everyone will work harder tonight."

"This is as it should be," said the person in charge.

After the person in charge left, Ye Zishu didn't intend to continue drinking tea, so he simply took advantage of this time to do some work, so he got busy on his notebook.

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