Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 568 Continuing to Strengthen the Strength of Hometown Education

Although there is some truth in what he said, Ye Zishu still emphasized: "You are no longer a small company, and I have no objection to putting your R&D department here.

However, the number of personnel in your other departments is also increasing rapidly. Now the domestic market is not particularly large, and the number of personnel does not seem to be particularly large.

It's just a matter of time, and you should also prepare in advance to migrate all of your business segments out. This is also a good opportunity for them to develop independently.

In the past, it was your group headquarters who arranged everything. With the increase of business and the growth of personnel, this management mode will become more and more difficult.

The establishment of a subsidiary is to establish a subsidiary and change the responsibilities of the head office. It is best to transform the entire structure system into a group company model and give the subsidiary relative independence.

I had a chat with Lei Jun just now, and I also mean the same thing. As many of their businesses are gradually getting on the right track, Phoenix Technology should also undergo group transformation.

When I was in office, I already consciously did this, so now their group transformation is just a name change, and most of the business does not need to be adjusted.

Your side is a bit more complicated. You need to clarify your business, which takes a lot of time, and you also need to build your own headquarters and offices in various places, which also takes a lot of time.

Anyway, what I mean is very clear, I am not forcing you to do this, but it has already developed to this level, if you continue, your personal energy may not be able to keep up.

So if you can make plans earlier, you can avoid the fuss in the future. As for where these businesses go, you can make the decision. I don't plan to get too involved.

But I would like to talk about the principle that the manufacturing industry should try to locate in areas with rich human resources, and the headquarters and R&D departments should try to move to places that are more suitable for business operations and rich in educational resources. "

His principle is consistent, and Ren Zhengfei is actually clear about it, but he emphasized this point again, although capital has the advantage of allocating human resources.

That is to say, where the capital is, the human resources will naturally go there, but he still hopes that more people can find jobs in their hometowns, even if it is much better to find jobs within the province than across provinces.

In fact, this strategy has certain disadvantages for capital, that is, the local clan and other forces are too strong, which may cause capital to suffer certain losses.

But he feels that these can be overcome, as long as the treatment is good, the disadvantages can also be turned into advantages, making their local operations more stable.

Even if there is a problem, they can call each other, let the factory in county a go to county b for recruitment, and the factory in county b go to county a for recruitment, which can solve this problem to a certain extent.

It’s just that this idea is good. Given the current domestic traffic conditions, many things are still uncontrollable. For example, he really wants to put some electronic manufacturing industries in Henan.

However, the transportation in Henan can only rely on land transportation, the cost is relatively high, and the construction of supporting industries is not perfect, unless Xuanwu Technology Company builds supporting industries here.

If there are none of these, if we just build an assembly factory here, it will be more troublesome to bring in raw materials and parts, and then ship out the finished products, and the cost will also increase a lot.

There are still many places like this, so there is a high probability that Qinglong Technology will still locate its business in coastal areas or areas with relatively good water transport conditions.

In a word, the backwardness of transportation has restricted the development of many places. Even if there are abundant human resources and mineral resources, they still cannot be effectively utilized.

This is also the reason why he let Qinglong Technology Company decide on its own. He was afraid that what he formulated would violate the basic principles of business management. It seems to be no problem now, but the situation may not be optimistic when the market competition is fierce in the future.

Unless it is a software industry or a high value-added industry like cosmetics, there is no such restriction, which is why it is easy for Phoenix Technology to build headquarters across the country.

For physical enterprises, choosing a location is the most important thing, and it is the optimal solution based on the conditions of all parties. Ye Zishu's wish can only be said to be a proper reference, and it cannot be a decisive opinion.

Since Ye Zishu talked about this, Ren Zhengfei also had to seriously think about this issue, and promised to make corresponding arrangements after returning.

"By the way, when will your college application be approved?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Our application has passed the qualification review, and it should not be long before we pass it," Ren Zhengfei said.

"Then you have to decide where to build it now. The Taiji Group has already planned to build a medical school in my hometown and has already started construction. Their actions are much faster than you." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"How about we also build it in Mr. Ye's hometown?" Ren Zhengfei said.

"I think it's better to forget it. I understand your small thoughts, but my personal energy is limited, and I can't help much at all. Moving there may not be beneficial to the development of the university.

If I had to choose, it would be better to move to Nanchang. It would not only satisfy my selfishness, but also satisfy the development of the university. It would be the best of both worlds.

At present, the higher education there is still very different from other education provinces. I am building an industrial chain in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The economic development speed there will definitely not be slow in the future.

Regardless of whether it is Hunan or Hubei, their higher education is relatively strong. I naturally hope that my hometown can also do this, which is good for future development. "Leaf Book said.

He really felt that the higher education in his hometown was backward. Since he had the ability, he naturally hoped to help a little bit so that students in his hometown could have a good choice.

The establishment of this college is destined to have a bright future, because it is the Tianwen Institute of Technology jointly founded by three companies: Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company.

The combined strength of the three companies must be much stronger than Taiji Group, and the scale of funds is also much stronger than that of Tianwen Medical College. I believe it will not take too long to become a top university in China.

"Since Mr. Ye said so, let's put it in Nanchang." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

In fact, where Tianwen Institute of Technology is built does not need to consider too many factors. If it is a general university, the main consideration is the financial support of the local government, which is the basis for the development of the school.

And Tianwen Institute of Technology does not need to rely on local financial support, and it will not lack their funds wherever it is placed. As long as the funds are sufficient, other problems will be much easier to solve.

As for the employment of students, don't worry, the three companies have enough to digest, even if they can't digest, they can still be stuffed into other brother companies.

In terms of financial support, Phoenix Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company are more supportive, each planning to provide 100 billion yuan per year, while Xuanwu Technology Company intends to provide 50 billion yuan.

For Xuanwu Technology Company, Ye Zishu is still understandable. They need to support too many employees. Regardless of the family's big business, but the profits they earn are really not as much as these two companies.

It was planned to build a few more colleges and universities before, but now it has been shelved. It is planned to develop a college first.

It’s just that the model that was originally thought of as small and refined may become large and comprehensive because of too many majors. It’s more like a university than a college.

The main thing here is to take care of Xuanwu Technology Company. They have too many industries under their umbrella and involve many industries and fields. Naturally, the types of talents they need are also diverse.

At that time, there may be a large number of students in the school. From this perspective, it means that one university has done the work of many universities, and there is no need to divide it into many universities.

Since Ren Zhengfei said so, Ye Zishu also agreed with the trend, and asked them to talk to the local government as soon as possible to carry out infrastructure construction in advance, hoping to complete it as soon as possible.

As for the faculty, they have already contacted a group of experts and scholars, and they also adopted the intention to sign contracts. When the school is completed, these experts and scholars can come.

In addition, a group of R&D personnel under its own banner will also be arranged to enter colleges and universities to teach, mainly for the purpose of learning and connecting with reality, so as to avoid working behind closed doors in the school.

Although Ye Zishu did not give too much theoretical information to its R&D personnel, but when it is necessary to sort out the technology, it will still disclose some.

And these theories are often much more advanced than those of the outside world, and the entire industrial system is also higher than the world's top level. It is still possible for them to enter colleges and universities as teachers.

Since it is a polytechnic college, there must be both engineering and science. Most of the faculty for engineering is resolved internally, but the faculty for science needs to rely on external talents.

The people they recruit from all over the world are basically doing theoretical research, and they are still biased towards basic theoretical research. In this regard, their own strength is relatively weak.

Talking about this topic reminded him of Shengshi Culture Company's desire to establish an academy, but he hadn't paid attention to it and didn't know what was going on.

The strength of Shengshi Culture Company is definitely not comparable to them, but the Industrial Arts Academy they intend to establish does not need so much funds, and with their strength, they are still able to support it.

And it is also possible to raise funds from other brother companies, because industrial art is not only needed by them, but also by these industrial companies.

Originally, he didn't intend to have an interview with Shengshi Cultural Company, so he decided to go there when he had time, to learn about this information, and at the same time to improve his sense of presence.

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu asked about their philanthropy. They had made plans with Qinglong Technology Company before, and planned to allocate a part of the funds every year to support the welfare of orphans.

According to Ren Zhengfei's introduction, relevant welfare homes have been built in various prefecture-level cities. They will be completed before the end of this year and may be put into operation next year.

According to him, the facilities of the orphanage are well established, and it is planned to adopt the model of a small family. Therefore, the orphanage is more like a residential area, and it also has educational supporting facilities.

Due to the uncertain number of people, the current investment scale of each orphanage is between 2 and 3 million yuan, and the infrastructure construction alone needs to spend more than 80 billion yuan.

In order to meet the possible expansion needs in the future, they also purchased a lot of excess land in advance to facilitate future expansion. The idea is very advanced.

After listening to their charitable work, Ye Zishu gave full affirmation, and the next step is to see how the operation works, hoping that they will continue to strengthen their operation capabilities.

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