Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 566 No wonder the boss wants to be the person in charge

The above are all the solutions proposed in terms of efficiency. Next, Ye Zishu began to put forward his own views on how to reduce the cost of customers.

I saw him say: "How to reduce the cost of customers is also an important consideration for us, at least on the bright side, we must make customers feel that the cost has been reduced.

Products such as printers and copiers are basically necessary equipment for office work, and their consumables are ink cartridges, and the original ink cartridges are not cheap.

So is there any way to develop a printing device that does not use ink cartridges? I think it is possible. The easiest way is to use laser burning technology to carbonize the surface of the paper.

For documents that are not very formal, this printing method is completely feasible, but in daily office work, most of the documents are actually not official documents, and this method can save a lot of use costs.

In addition, whether it can be used with special paper to achieve printing without relying on ink, I think it is possible. Kirin Industrial Group has accumulated a lot of technology and experience in the field of paper research.

They have a technology that allows paper to display fonts that are similar to ink effects without relying on ink, and it will last longer.

If this technology is widely used, not only can your equipment sell more, but this kind of paper from Kirin Industrial Group can also occupy the office paper market. "

Ren Zhengfei felt unbelievable when he heard his words, and asked in surprise: "Is there really such a paper?"

These words are not questioning, but purely expressing surprise. There is no need to question what Ye Zishu said, but it feels that things are a bit unexpected.

"You may not know the business of Kirin Industrial Group. It is very simple to say, it is the carbon industry and the energy industry. Their specialty is to play with carbon elements.

And carbon can be said to be ubiquitous on the earth, which means that their business scope is very large, and paper is just one of their small businesses.

Not to mention this kind of paper that does not use ink, it is paper that can be stored for thousands of years without changing. They also have special paper in their hands, which can have the characteristics of moisture resistance, water release, and high temperature resistance.

This type of paper is the best choice for storing key and important information. In addition to these special papers that are destined to have a small market, there are many excellent everyday paper products.

For specific information, you can contact Qilin Paper Products Industry Group Co., Ltd., and I will not introduce too much here, because there are too many types. "Leaf Book said with a little pride.

These paper technologies with excellent characteristics are all provided by him personally. For ordinary paper, he does not provide special production technology, but provides general production technology.

In fact, the paper that most people come into contact with is ordinary paper. The production technology of these papers is not complicated, but the production technology of Kirin Paper Industry Group is very different from the traditional production technology.

As for the suggestions on office equipment, he is going to stop here. He is already in the leading position technically, and it is only a matter of time before he can occupy most of the market.

It's just that office equipment has been used for a relatively long time and the replacement is slow. They need to compete with traditional giants for the incremental market, resulting in a relatively slow market share.

The above suggestions are just to give many companies more reasons to buy, and to eliminate stock equipment at a faster rate, which can reduce the market share of traditional giants faster.

But when he got to the point of speaking, he felt that there was one aspect that he had overlooked, and maybe Qinglong Technology Company hadn't realized it, and that was the importance of advanced concepts.

Don't underestimate this point. It involves the issue of values, which can often yield huge potential gains. When product development and concept promotion, we can move closer to this.

For example, environmental protection. All the papers of Kylin Paper Industry Group are environmentally friendly papers, which is a natural advantage for many people who care about environmental protection.

It can even be said that most of the products of Kirin Industrial Group are green and environmentally friendly products, and the price of such products is slightly higher, and many people will pay for them.

What's more, the price is not higher than that of traditional products. When consumers make choices, they will not be entangled at all, and they will definitely give priority to buying green and environmentally friendly products.

"In fact, when we promote products, we can also promote advanced life concepts. For example, after so many years of industrialization on the earth, the environment has become worse and worse, and the climate has become more and more unpredictable.

The issue of environmental protection involves the well-being of all mankind. It is an issue that all mankind should care about, and it should also be a common value of all mankind.

Whether your products are more environmentally friendly can also be used as one of the publicity, and how to produce environmentally friendly products is naturally to use more environmentally friendly materials.

For example, the shells of many industrial products currently use petrochemical plastics. If similar products produced by Kirin Industrial Group are used, they will become environmentally friendly materials.

Because many materials of Kirin Industrial Group, that is, the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the air is transformed into various advanced material products through technical means.

In addition to consuming electricity, the whole process will not produce too many pollutants, and it can even reduce the carbon dioxide content in the air.

Don't think that the process of electric energy production will still cause pollution. In fact, Kirin Industrial Group is preparing to enter the green energy industry on a large scale, mainly solar power generation.

The meaning is obvious, even the electric energy used in the production process of Kirin Industrial Group is green energy, and the whole product is naturally a completely environmentally friendly product. "Leaf Book said.

Just now, Ren Zhengfei didn't have a very clear understanding of the carbon industry of Kirin Industrial Group, but now he hears what Ye Zishu said, and his understanding is completely different.

This is not a simple carbon industry, it has completely opened up another development path, no wonder the boss wants to personally serve as the person in charge of this group company.

There are many such advanced technologies, and it is not wishful thinking that the industry scale of Kirin Industry Group is as high as tens of trillions of yuan. Many industries are currently at the level of younger brothers in front of this.

As Ye Zishu said just now, carbon is everywhere, and most products on the earth are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and other elements, which means that Kirin Industrial Group can produce most of them in a green way. product.

"Hearing what Mr. Ye said, I have the urge to visit the Kirin Industrial Group immediately. It is simply amazing. I really want to see what kind of picture it is." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Then you have to wait a bit. At present, many industries are still under construction, and the earliest industries need to wait until the end of July to start production. Speaking of which, you may find it even more amazing, that is artificial milk." Ye Shu said.

Synthetic milk is actually not complicated, at least compared to textile fibers, this difficulty is really nothing, even if it seems unbelievable to the outside world.

When Lao Ren heard this, he really opened his eyes wide. He felt that his cognition was limited, and thought that the carbon industry mentioned by Ye Zishu only referred to those fossils and other products.

Unexpectedly, they can artificially synthesize milk. The amount of information behind this is huge. This means that proteins can be artificially synthesized, so can organic substances such as sugars and fats also be synthesized?

As a Chinese, the first thing that comes to mind in his mind is food, which is the value engraved in our bones, and he is no exception.

Seeing his bright eyes, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "You guessed right, Qilin Industrial Group can not only produce milk, but also sugar products and fat products.

Naturally, there is no problem with food. The original intention of my establishment of Kirin Industrial Group was actually for this purpose, but I am still more cautious about it, because there are still too many people who rely on growing food to survive. "

With Ye Zishu's acknowledgment, Ren Zhengfei truly understood the importance of Kirin Industrial Group, and this position must be truly recognized and trusted by him.

In the initial stage of the development of this industry, no one is more suitable than the boss to take charge of this group enterprise himself, and it is not known who will be in charge of this group in the future.

Although the helmsmen of these high-tech companies are prominent, in terms of importance, no company can compare with Kirin Industrial Group.

It is even said that these high-tech companies are actually incomparable to the Kirin Industrial Group in terms of technical content. Although Ye Zishu didn't mention the specific technical indicators, he was still shocked by what he heard.

"You just need to know about this. Kirin Industrial Group just wants to be a low-key company, and there is no need to make a big publicity like your company." Ye Zishu reminded.

Ren Zhengfei nodded after hearing this. In fact, most industries are not very sensitive, as long as they do a good job in keeping the technology secret, but there is still no need to publicize some things.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked Ren Zhengfei about other businesses under Qinglong Technology Company, which generally continued the previous good development momentum, which reassured Ye Zishu.

After talking about these things, Ren Zhengfei said: "Whether our tablet can be launched in advance, I don't think it is necessary to release it together with the smartphone."

The tablet computer was originally developed together with the personal computer, but many sensors are still under development, and the time will be later, and it will not be developed until some time ago.

Now that the tablet computer has been developed, the smartphone is not far away, but the smartphone needs to cooperate with the 3G mobile communication network to play a role, and it will not be launched in a short time.

In order to make the smart phone astonishing everywhere when it came out, Ye Zishu postponed the tablet PC to prevent everyone from having expectations in advance and nothing new.

Apart from the lack of a communication module, a tablet computer is actually a large smartphone. The technical versatility between the two is too high, and early exposure is not good for smartphones.

But Ren Zhengfei has a different opinion. He said: "The main function of smartphones is communication. As long as they have this function, are they afraid that consumers will not buy them?

Tablet PCs are different. If smartphones can complete most of the entertainment work, the value of tablet PCs will be greatly reduced, and sales will not be very satisfactory.

I think that the early release of tablet computers is more conducive to maximizing our interests. Taking advantage of the large-scale construction of 3G communications in two or three years, we can make money two or three years in advance. "

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu thought about it and felt that it made sense, so he said, "Then do as you said."

As soon as Ye Zishu finished speaking, Ren Zhengfei showed a happy expression on his face. He believed that tablet computers would be another fast-growing business of Qinglong Technology.

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