Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 558 Preparations for Online Shopping Platforms

Ye Zishu left Guo Dongsheng's house, went directly to Phoenix Software's headquarters, and arrived at his office. Before he called Lei Jun to come over to understand the situation here, Lei Jun had already arrived at his office.

"So positive, I haven't made this tea yet." Ye Zishu watched Lei Jun come in and said with a smile.

"It's not easy for Mr. Ye to come here. If I'm not active, won't I be wasting Mr. Ye's time?" Lei Jun said with a smile.

"Then you came just in time, I just wanted to know about your situation." Ye Zishu poured the freshly boiled water into the cup and said with a smile.

"You want a cup too?" Ye Zi asked again after pouring out the book.

Seeing Lei Jun waving his hand to decline, Ye Zishu was not polite either. He put the kettle away, took his teacup to sit behind the desk, and put the cup on a safe place on the table.

"I noticed that many companies under the Phoenix Technology Company have moved their headquarters, but some have not yet moved. What are your plans?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The remaining companies are either small in size and can save a lot of expenses by staying at the headquarters, or they are too large and don't know where to go, so it's hard to make a decision at the moment." Lei Jun said.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "We should follow the original division plan and let these companies move out of here as soon as possible, anyway, they will be independent sooner or later.

As for the large-scale companies you mentioned, there are currently only two companies. Phoenix Software does not need to move out, so Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment is left.

Although the current revenue of this company is very good, but the future development potential is not the best, but the profitability is relatively strong. "

"How about moving to Changsha?" Lei Jun asked.

Ye Zishu heard Lei Jun's opinion, thought for a while, and nodded in agreement. In fact, there are not many cities to choose from. There are only a dozen cities where the headquarters office has been established.

At present, the office headquarters in Changsha has not been opened yet, and it is just right to move there. Most importantly, it can also cooperate with our own economic development plan for the central part of the Yangtze River.

If he followed his own thinking, he naturally hoped to move to his hometown, but he felt that he couldn't move all the good things to his home.

Now that this matter is settled, other things are not so entangled. The current volume is not large, and the relocation will not attract too much attention.

Although the size of some enterprises in the future cannot be ignored, for example, the e-commerce company, if the e-commerce business is really launched, it will be a super large group enterprise.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu said: "Many of your companies have started their businesses, but now the development of e-commerce is relatively lagging behind.

I hope that your e-commerce business can be launched globally before the end of the year, just in time to match the development of the textile and garment industry of Kirin Industrial Group. "

"We also have the same idea. At present, most of the resources of the group company are invested in this company. Before that, we have already selected the locations of storage bases around the world.

It’s just that we were not ready at that time. We have enough funds this year. We started building storage bases at the beginning of the year. We plan to build 10 smart storage and logistics centers in October.

The hardware and software platform has actually been built, and the global operations team is ready to prepare for specific businesses.

It’s just logistics and distribution personnel. We haven’t started recruiting yet, and we plan to wait until October, and then after about a month of training, we can start working directly.

In addition, we still need to spend one to two months to prepare the goods, so we expect to launch our first online shopping platform by the end of November. "Lei Jun said.

According to the forecast of Lingdong Technology Company, the global Internet users will exceed 1 million this year, which is much faster than last year. This number of Internet users already has the conditions to develop an online shopping platform.

According to the plan of the E-Commerce Company, the first online shopping platform to be launched is a self-operated shopping platform, and it plans to take advantage of the first-mover advantage and abundant funds to occupy this market in advance.

The service of the self-operated platform is guaranteed. For consumers who experience online shopping for the first time, they will have a good start and will not have resistance to this shopping method.

After gaining the trust of consumers, it is relatively easy to develop other online shopping platforms, and the logistics and warehousing services established in advance can also provide services for these businesses.

Especially for third-party online shopping platforms, logistics speed and service are always difficult to satisfy. If this business is developed first, the effect may not be very good.

"After your simulation, how long will it take for the goods to be delivered to consumers?" Ye Shu asked.

"After reasonable calculations, if it happens to be near the storage base, it can be delivered within eight hours on the same day, and if it is the farthest, it may take three days to deliver it." Lei Jun said.

"Your three-day delivery time is still a bit slow. Is there a faster way to deliver it to consumers?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's very difficult to do at present, although three days is a long time, this is already the result of our optimization, unless our warehouse bases are available in every city, but the cost is too high.

In the early stage of business development, it is not cost-effective to blindly expand infrastructure investment. 500 warehousing and logistics centers have already been built in advance. "Lei Jun replied.

Lei Jun's meaning is very clear, that is, it is not possible at present, even if it can be done, it is not a cost-effective decision to combine costs and benefits, so there is no need to pursue faster.

Ye Zishu just wanted to put pressure on them, and he also knew that it was not cost-effective to achieve what he said. After Lei Jun explained, he stopped discussing this issue.

He just said: "It's understandable in the early stage of development, but our goal is to continuously provide consumers with better services, and you should not be satisfied with the status quo, just feel that you are ahead of others."

"In fact, we have been building relevant data models and optimizing relevant solutions. If we have 2000 logistics and storage centers around the world, we can achieve delivery every other day.

It’s just that the cost of doing so is too high. If you want to spread the cost, you need to have an annual order volume of more than 100 billion. I think it will take many years to achieve this goal. "Lei Jun said.

Hearing Lei Jun's words, Ye Zishu was very surprised. 2000 logistics and storage centers are really too many. Basically, every city with a global population of about 100 million will have one.

According to this density, it is indeed easy to achieve same-day or next-day delivery, but the storage base is too scattered, and the related costs will inevitably increase rapidly.

"Then follow your business plan. In fact, in the PC Internet era, it is more difficult for consumers to shop online because it is more troublesome.

But in the era of mobile Internet, the online shopping market will increase rapidly, you need to pay attention to this, and you can't miss this rare development opportunity.

At present, the 3G network has begun to be tested in several cities in China. If it goes well, it may be constructed on a large scale next year. "Ye Zishu said directly.

It was the same in the previous life. The development of Internet shopping in the PC era was actually not very fast, and the capacity was limited. Not everyone has a personal computer, but everyone will definitely have a mobile phone.

Lei Jun has long heard about his gameplay in the mobile Internet era, and his companies have made corresponding arrangements, so he said: "We will always pay attention to the development of the mobile Internet, and will make some necessary arrangements in advance."

Hearing what Lei Jun said, Ye Zishu nodded, as long as they realized the importance of the mobile Internet, as for how to do it, he didn't have to worry about it.

The speed of technological development in recent years has been so fast that many companies have not yet adapted to the changes brought about by technology. This can be seen from the development of Phoenix Technology.

There are no strong challengers for the many Internet businesses they have launched. It is not that they are really seeking defeat alone, but that many people have not yet reacted.

The development of the Internet industry is actually a gradual process. In the previous life, the pc Internet has been developed for so many years before it looks a bit like it.

Now that the global Internet has only been vigorously developed for a year or two, Phoenix Technology has already occupied the main Internet platform, making it difficult for latecomers to compete.

They do not necessarily have an advantage when it comes to capital, they are far behind when it comes to technology, and they are not necessarily advanced when it comes to ideas, and they do not have an advantage in almost all aspects.

Now they don't even fully understand the PC Internet, and they are about to enter the era of mobile Internet. This pace is too fast, which makes people overwhelmed.

Although not many countries have indicated that they will introduce Lingtong Technology's 3G mobile communication, it is only a matter of time. He predicts that it will take as short as 3 years and as long as 5 years. Countries around the world will invest in 3G mobile Internet construction.

Now we are all looking at how our country does it. If the effect is good, we will definitely introduce it without hesitation. Only those countries that already have their own mobile communication technology will be entangled.

"Huanyu Group is an enterprise under my company that specializes in the manufacture of transportation vehicles. Your logistics network construction will definitely require a large number of logistics vehicles.

Huanyu Group has been researching related technologies from me since last year. I hope you can purchase a batch of their logistics vehicles.

You also know that it is difficult for new brands to open up the market. If even brother companies do not support them, their development will be even slower. "Leaf Book said.

"You don't need to order this matter from Mr. Ye himself. As long as they contact us, we will definitely purchase as much as we can, not to mention the technology is provided by Mr. Ye, so we don't have to worry about technical issues.

Later, I will arrange for people to contact Huanyu Group, hoping that their logistics and transportation vehicles can catch up with our demand time node. "Lei Jun said with a smile.

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