Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 557 Prepare to Let the Brother and Sister Transfer to Each Other

"By the way, how is your brother's situation? I haven't seen your brother for a while." Ye Zishu said.

"What else can I do, isn't it just busier than before? When I discussed some issues with him, it would last until 10 o'clock in the evening, which made me have to move to a room farther away from my mother's bedroom to sleep. .

I don't know how you are so busy with work, how you keep your body in good shape. Anyway, during this period of time, my brother's body has lost a lot of weight, which made me feel a little distressed. " Guo Dongmei said.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he didn't know how to respond. In the final analysis, this result was caused by him. In fact, he didn't expect Wancheng Foundation to expand rapidly to this point.

If the company grows like a conventional company, there is actually no such great pressure. Guo Dongsheng can also gradually adapt to how to manage the company well in the process.

He was in good shape last year. Although he had a lot of problems at that time, he was not too thin, which shows that he had enough rest time.

Since he made money last year, Wancheng Foundation has obtained a huge amount of funds, and he has formulated so many development plans, the difficulty in this can be imagined.

In addition, the level of education is not particularly high, and they don't have much management experience. If Ye Zishu hadn't helped them formulate the company structure and the advanced intelligent management system, there might be big troubles.

"I don't mean to blame you, but I just think it might be dangerous if it goes on like this. You also know that my brother is relatively strong, not to mention having such a good opportunity, he will definitely not spare his life." Guo Dongmei said.

Ye Zishu realized that the silence just now might have been misunderstood by Guo Dongmei, so he quickly said, "I didn't misunderstand you, I was just thinking about how to solve this problem."

"Then have you figured it out?" Guo Dongmei asked.

Ye Zishu didn't answer her directly, but asked, "You are graduating soon, are you willing to only manage a record company?"

"Why, you want to entrust me with more important tasks? It's a pity that I can't even think about it. After all, my mother is so lonely here alone. At least she needs someone to accompany her." Guo Dongmei said.

"What I mean is, you and your brother have conducted research on Wancheng Jiye for such a long time, and you should also know the basic situation of Wancheng Jiye.

If you are asked to temporarily take over your brother's position, let your brother come over to take over your current position, and switch positions, what do you think? "Leaf Book asked.

This kind of practice can only be done between their brothers and sisters. If the two of them have nothing to do with each other, Ye Zishu would not mention this, because there will definitely be problems.

Since Guo Dongsheng's body is showing some signs of being unhealthy, he will be transferred to Shengshi Records for a period of recuperation. At the same time, there are many beauties here, and it is possible to solve lifelong events.

Seeing Guo Dongmei hesitate to speak, Ye Zishu said: "Don't rush to talk, let me analyze the benefits of doing so.

First of all, you are brothers and sisters. Although there is a gap between the two positions, you should both be acceptable. Moreover, after the transfer, your brother's salary will not change, and it will still be based on the original standard.

And because you hold such an important position, your remuneration can be raised, and it will be implemented according to the standards of the president of the group company, and there is no problem of losing money.

The second is to allow you to have better opportunities for experience. Long-term stay at Shengshi Records is not a good choice. There should be many talents in China who can take up this position.

You are also one of the earliest veterans who followed me, and you are still young, so you can't spend time in such a position for a long time, so you need a more important position to train yourself.

Among so many companies under my umbrella, I searched and found two suitable positions. The first one is your brother's current position, and the second one is the president of Kirin Industrial Group, which I hold.

I would rather let you take up the position that I hold, but Kirin Industrial Group may not be able to do a good job if you are suddenly mentioned in this position despite its small capital size and complexity.

Although Wancheng Foundation is also very complicated, you have been involved in it anyway, and you are not a complete novice. It is relatively easy to get started.

After you have experience in managing a giant enterprise and many businesses of Kirin Industrial Group are on the right track, I plan to transfer you to serve as the president of Kirin Industrial Group.

Again, because your brother is so tired of managing Wancheng Foundation, there must be something wrong. After you go over, just see if you can find a better way to optimize the current management status.

When you really solve this problem, then your brother will not have to work so hard after being transferred, and the work will become easier.

As a high-achieving student majoring in management at Tsinghua University, you should have the confidence to do this job well. If even you lack confidence, then I can only handle it.

The last thing is to think about your mother. Before, your mother urged your brother to find a wife to marry. At that time, I also thought that your brother was still young and hadn’t reached the point where he had to find a wife.

But just now, when I saw these potted plants that your mother played with, I suddenly realized that she must be alone and needs someone to be by her side all the time.

It is definitely impossible for you to do this. I think it is better to let your brother get married and have children early, and then let your mother help take care of the children. After the addition of children, the family will be more lively.

This is also the main reason why I want to transfer your brother to Shengshi Records. I know that your company has many beauties, so there should be better girls who are suitable for your brother.

You have also served as the CEO for so long, so you should know the character and character of who in the company, and you can give your brother a pertinent reference in advance, so as not to be confused by the appearance of a woman. "

The amount of information in these words is very large. The most important thing is that Ye Zishu revealed that she wants to promote her, but she is not sure whether her ability can control a giant enterprise, so she will practice with a familiar enterprise first.

In fact, many people in Kirin Industrial Group don't know the specific situation, let alone Guo Dongmei has been in charge of the music field, even the bosses of several other groups who are relatively close to each other may not fully understand it.

But a company that allows Ye Zishu to be the president of the group in person is certainly unusual, at least in his mind, this position cannot be handed over to others casually.

Otherwise, he would not have taken up this position himself. There are not many people in his industry, and there are many talents. This has already explained the problem.

Kirin Industrial Group either has extremely important strategic value, or will have a very large scale in the future, or even both.

In addition to the matter involving the interests of their siblings, Ye Zishu's words also reflected the care for their family, and even took her mother's feelings into consideration.

This moved Guo Dongmei very much. The reason why the brothers and sisters were loyal to Ye Zishu was mainly because Ye Zishu helped their family back then, making their lives full of hope.

Ye Zishu's words made Guo Dongmei feel that she really did not follow the wrong person. Coupled with some information she usually learned, she felt that Ye Zishu was someone worth following.

"Thank you!" Guo Dongmei said while looking at Ye Zishu.

"You don't need to thank me. Don't rush to agree to this matter. You can discuss it with your brother later, and it won't be too late to tell me the result." Ye Zishu said.

At first I wanted to say a few more provocative words, but in the end I forgot it. As long as the other party has the heart, they can understand without talking so much. If they don’t have the heart, it’s useless to talk too much.

As he said before, such a huge property under his banner always has to be handed over to others to take care of it. In contrast, he must be handed over to someone he trusts more.

At least for now, the two brothers and sisters are worthy of his trust. Although their abilities may not be the strongest, he is willing to give them more opportunities to exercise.

"We will seriously consider it." Guo Dongmei said.

Ye Zishu nodded, glanced at the kitchen just in time, and found that her mother had just come out, so she stood up and said, "Auntie should have finished the meal."

As soon as he finished speaking, her mother said with a smile: "The meal is ready, and the weather is nice now, why don't you move the table outside to eat?"

"Just follow what my aunt wants." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

During the meal, unexpectedly, her mother mentioned Guo Dongsheng's marriage, so Guo Dongmei couldn't help but glance at Ye Zishu, and felt that what he just said was very reasonable.

After the meal, her mother asked Guo Dongmei to send him out, Ye Zishu did not refuse, went outside, looked at the narrow alley, said with a smile: "If your brother is transferred, let him help me to transfer the courtyard house in my hand. Tidy up."

"The courtyard house in your hand can't be occupied by people, so why bother?" Guo Dongmei reminded.

"Your words reminded me that with so many houses in my hands, it would be a waste not to rent them out. It just so happened that this matter was left to your brother." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Guo Dongmei was immediately speechless by his words, and suddenly felt that what he said just now was just for the convenience of building these broken houses for herself.

"By the way, how many courtyard houses do you have?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I don't know very well. My brother has been doing this. There are probably more than 60 sets." Guo Dongmei said.

"Don't rush to sell these houses. There will be huge room for appreciation in the future. If you still have money and nowhere to invest, you can buy more." Ye Zishu said.

As mentioned earlier about the housing reform, more and more large courtyards will be vacated in the future, and this is the right time to make a move.

Before, due to too many people, it was very troublesome to buy. Although the vacated courtyard is definitely not as complete as the one with a single family, it is still good to spend energy on repairing it.

Moreover, large courtyards are generally relatively large, and single-family courtyards are actually relatively small. This is what he thinks has investment value.

It just so happens that he still has some money in his hand, and he will also hand it over to Guo Dongsheng at that time, and ask him to help continue to buy courtyard houses. Anyway, it is much better than storing it in a bank.

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