Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 550 The boss has already played a game of chess?

After hearing this, the person in charge quickly nodded in agreement, because if it really became popular, there would definitely be countless pairs of eyes staring at it, and being debunked may lead to a decline in the reputation of the entire company.

They also want to do global business, and the company's reputation is very important. This is something that all companies interested in expanding their business to the world must pay attention to.

"Do you think there is room for improvement in this matter?" Ye Zishu asked.

This question is a bit embarrassing for him. If he puts forward suggestions for improvement, it will appear that the boss is not thinking carefully. If he says that he has no suggestions for improvement, it will appear that he is incompetent.

It depends on what the person in charge thinks Ye Zishu's intention is, and at the same time, he has to find out Ye Zishu's character, so he doesn't know how to answer the question for a while.

Ye Zishu didn't continue to wait for him, but said directly: "If you just stay at this level, it's almost meaningless, and it doesn't necessarily become a hit.

So I think it is necessary to let ordinary people around the world have a way to participate in depth, so that they are both driven by interests and emotionally invested, and the results obtained in this way can be cherished even more.

In fact, making money through this is secondary. The most important reason why I make this suggestion is to promote your avatars, so that when these avatars participate in role-playing, they will have a certain degree of global recognition.

Through such hype, he has become well-known to many people around the world before he plays any film and television roles. When the film and television roles he plays are released, people will naturally have more expectations.

And what we have to do is to further advance this expectation. How to make people expect more?I think it's about making them more emotionally invested in the characters.

And how to invest more emotion?I don't know if you have seen the singer talent show produced by Shengshi Records. Supporters can vote for the contestants they support by phone.

Now it has been changed that the participants can also vote for the players they support through the Internet, so that the victories of the players will be substituted into their own victories, and this sense of participation will become unmatched.

So I suggest that this publicity should be carried out not only through traditional media, but also through new media, just as we also have abundant resources.

For example, on the social platforms of Qingluan Information Technology Company, supporters can log in to the accounts of these social platforms and vote for their favorite avatars.

A high vote rate naturally has additional benefits, such as providing a unique display animation video for this avatar to meet more expectations of supporters.

In addition, better resources can also be given in film and television dramas, virtual characters can be treated as real characters, and the original two-dimensional characters can be turned into flesh and blood 'real' characters.

I believe that for such a widely watched role, the film and television drama played will definitely attract more audiences' attention. If the content of the film and television drama is not bad, this sense of satisfaction will be even stronger.

Those supporters only think that they have a good eye and know the pearl, and that this virtual image is more likely to succeed. Over time, they will no longer regard this virtual image as a virtual one, but as a real existence.

As long as an avatar reaches this level, it can start more commercialization, such as image authorization, online virtual commercial performances, shooting advertisements, image endorsements, etc.

After our holographic imaging technology has made a breakthrough, it is no longer limited to online commercial performances, and offline commercial performances can be held.

Moreover, these avatars will not be affected by their own qualifications, and can be created in all directions. For example, you can play film and television dramas here, and Shengshi Records can also use them to release records.

The most important thing is that such avatars will not age due to the years, and will always accompany the audience who love them in the best state until they grow old. This kind of long-term companionship is not available to real people.

And because he will always remain young, he will not be easily abandoned by the times. At that time, he may be the idol of many generations of a family, and his commercial value will not be added. "

Hearing the words of Ye Zishu's arrival, the person in charge felt that the boss had already played a game of chess for this, otherwise he would not have come up with such a system suddenly.

You must know that he only agreed to use artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of content creation, and did not say that it is so intelligent that all work can be realized by relying on virtual data.

The Phoenix Special Effects Company was also worried about this before, that is, besides playing film and television roles, many avatars do not have many other sources of income, and the income seems to be very simple.

Although they have also considered the commercialization of virtual images, and even authorized Shengshi Culture Company to operate, but the effect is not very good, and everyone still has a difference between virtual images and real-life images.

But after Ye Shu's analysis, the possibility of successful operation is even higher. If you want others to recognize the avatars, you need Phoenix Special Effects Company to create these avatars as real people.

Even if I subconsciously distinguish myself, how can I do a good job in this area of ​​operation? After thinking about this, the person in charge is actually a qualified enterprise manager.

At this point, even if this topic is over, they still need to explore more commercial and operational means. Ye Zishu's opinions are just to attract ideas.

"I suggest that you set up a special commercial operation department, not only to commercialize these avatars, but also other avatars.

For example, I see that you have designed a lot of exquisite costumes. If these costumes have no copyright disputes, they will have great recognition through film and television dramas.

So is it possible to use these originally virtual clothing for real production, just as Kirin Industrial Group is building its own textile and clothing industry, and they originally wanted to design their own clothing.

You can license these virtual clothes to them, you get a lot of licensing fees, and they can also take advantage of social influence to get more benefits.

There are many others, such as whether virtual buildings can be authorized to Wancheng Foundation, and they may use these virtual building designs in reality.

Another example is the virtual furniture you designed, etc. Although these are virtual data, they exist in the real world, even if they do not exist in the real world, they are of extremely high value.

So you not only need to work hard in this area, but also need to do the necessary copyright protection, so that your interests can be protected.

If you do a good job in this aspect, among your sources of income in the future, the proportion of income from film and television dramas may become lower and lower, and most of them may come from the copyright income of these virtual designs.

For example, the most typical application is games. Your film and television scripts are virtual scenes, so similar to games, and even the entire scene can be moved into the game.

Even further, if a certain film and television drama is particularly popular with the audience, should the entire film and television drama be turned into a game, or let the game player follow the perspective of the protagonist to experience the wonderful plot.

Either intervene in the plot of the film and television drama from a third-party perspective, or even change the direction of the entire plot, making up for the regrets in the film and television drama.

I think it is not difficult to do this, but we have artificial intelligence technology, which can ensure that every character in it is a flesh and blood existence, rather than an npc that simply performs tasks.

For such a game, I think it is easier to attract players than a brand new game, because they have a broad mass base before that. "Leaf Book said.

I thought this topic was over, but I didn't expect the boss to have such a wild idea, which opened the eyes of the person in charge of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

Not to mention how feasible these blueprints are, even this prospect is worthy of the Phoenix Special Effects Company's efforts to realize it, because the wealth of money seems to be floating in front of your eyes, and if you don't get it, it feels like a huge loss.

Moreover, these cooperations are easier to carry out, and they are basically cooperation between brother companies. The person in charge is still very relieved about the technical strength of the brother companies.

Compared with selling the copyright to an unknown company, and then making junk products to discredit your company's virtual image and design, at least it is not a big problem to maintain the value of goodwill.

At present, the total number of employees of Phoenix Special Effects Company is less than 1 people. If it develops to the ideal state according to Ye Zishu's opinion, it is possible to have more than 5 employees.

So building such a large headquarters is considered appropriate, otherwise it feels a bit weird, and it is estimated that the Kirin Industrial Group will be here permanently.

Of course, Ye Zishu hopes to increase the number of employees under his banner, but he hopes that the increase in the number is required by the increase in business needs, rather than purely out of social responsibility.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu went to inspect their other departments. Although they are a virtual film and television company, they also have many departmental configurations in traditional film and television companies.

For example, the screenwriting department’s main job is to select story templates in advance for the creation of artificial intelligence film and television. If this work is done well, the content created by artificial intelligence will be more abundant.

In addition, they will also write some scripts themselves, but there is no mandatory requirement in this regard. If they submit to the company, they can get additional script labor rewards.

There is also the director department, which also needs to choose the characters of the script in advance, but these are all selected from the data database, so the work is naturally much easier, and there are not so many interests involved.

In addition, it is also necessary to propose amendments to the content of the film and television drama produced by artificial intelligence, and is mainly responsible for the quality of the entire drama.

There is also the production department. This department is mainly to formulate the main direction of the company's next creation works. For example, urban dramas are very popular at a certain period of time. They need to grasp the market and increase the number of urban drama productions.

In addition to being mainly responsible for the market direction of film and television dramas, it is also necessary to make a final review of film and television dramas to avoid sensitive images and things in them, and eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

After walking around, Phoenix Special Effects Company is transforming into a formal film and television company, and it seems to be doing well. The future is very worth looking forward to.

The virtual world project team they established before is still retained, and the number has reached 500 people, but it has not yet been commercialized.

According to the person in charge, the project team has already achieved a lot of results, and they are ready to start commercialization. It is expected to see some results in the second half of the year or early next year.

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