Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 549 Turning Money-Spending Things into Money-making Things

This kind of agreement is actually not very lucrative for people who hope to become superstars, and they generally do not ruin their careers for this fee.

Therefore, Phoenix Special Effects will not go to art schools to find the image providers it needs, but from the private sector, so that the success rate will be higher and the cost will be lower.

For ordinary people, they don't have much chance to become superstars, neither rich circle resources nor professional knowledge reserves.

For them, being able to sell the right to use their image is the most cost-effective deal. Not only can they get a large licensing fee at one time, but they can immediately get rid of the predicament of life.

Moreover, being able to obtain image maintenance fees for a long time can guarantee their long-term interests. Even if the one-time authorization fee is used up, they will not immediately fall into life difficulties.

If Phoenix Special Effects gave up the right to use the image they acquired, it would be more beneficial to these ordinary people, because Phoenix Special Effects had used their image before and accumulated a wealth of screen images.

In the later period, relying on these influences, some commercial activities can also earn some income, but the uncertainty is very high. If the operation is good, the income will be more lucrative, and if the operation is not good, it will not make much money.

Generally speaking, once the right to use the image is purchased by the Phoenix Special Effects Company, it will be kept forever, because the purchased avatar will not be changed by the years.

Unless the Phoenix Special Effects Company cannot maintain a huge image library after a few years, it will choose to give up the right to use part of the image. As for when this time will come, no one knows.

If you want to give up the right to use the images of some people, you will generally choose the images of retired personnel, because doing so will not affect their survival.

Among the maintenance fees for the right to use imagination paid by Phoenix Special Effects, the company will automatically pay them social security, just to ensure their life in their later years.

If there is a choice for other age groups, the right to use the image of the younger licensors will be given up first, because this will not cause too much trouble to the licensors.

In addition to these principled standards, it also depends on the commercial value of the images obtained. The higher the commercial value, the less likely it will be abandoned. This is easy to understand.

Ye Zishu listened carefully to their arrangements and was very satisfied, which meant that the management of his enterprises had begun to operate according to his ideas, taking care of business interests while also taking care of human sophistication.

He doesn't want his company to become a mercenary. While ensuring his own interests, he must also ensure the interests of his partners, even if they are ordinary people.

"Then how do you ensure that the avatar you create won't clash with others? You must know that there are billions of people in the world, and there are people who look very similar among them.

The character image you created is also made up of five sense organs, so it will inevitably collide with the image of someone in the world. When that person comes to defend their rights, you have nothing to say. "Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

Although this is a bit unfounded, it is also possible. The two people who naturally exist look alike, but there is no dispute.

However, if the image designed by Phoenix Special Effects collides with the real image, unless there is obvious evidence that this is completely original by them, rather than stealing someone else's image.

In other cases, it's really hard to say clearly, people insisted that Phoenix Special Effects Company used his image without his knowledge, and also made a lot of commercial profits, and there will be lawsuits at that time.

If the lawsuit is lost, it means that a large amount of compensation has to be paid. Don’t think it is small, it is possible to reach hundreds of millions of dollars, especially if it happens abroad, the probability of high compensation will be even greater.

Sure enough, what he said directly made the person in charge a little confused. There is no such a coincidence in the world. There may be similarities in parts of the body, but the whole body cannot be the same.

Although the person in charge thinks that this probability is too low, but after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a huge loophole, which may bring a lot of trouble to the company in the future.

Now their business is mainly concentrated in China, because they have not had much time to get the intelligent film and television content creation system, and many things have not been explored clearly.

They are currently hoping to find out a feasible model in China, and then directly copy it abroad, so as not to mess up their positions.

Of course, they also have some virtual film and television works mainly for overseas markets, which are played on the long video streaming media of Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

However, the images used are all well-founded, and the images of the artists under Shengshi Film and Television Company and Shengshi Records Company are directly used. The purpose is not entirely to save money, but to increase the popularity of the artists under these two companies.

The current business of Phoenix Special Effects has had a certain impact on the business of these two companies, especially the business of Shengshi Film and Television Company, although this impact is not aimed at their two companies.

As compensation, Phoenix Special Effects Company actively requested to use the images of these artists in their virtual film and television works, which is very helpful to enhance the commercial value of their artists.

Seeing the bewildered expression of the person in charge, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Generally, it is not easy to ignore big things, but the more impossible things are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

In the future, in enterprise management, we must pay enough attention to the improvement of details to avoid such loopholes. "

Hearing the boss's lecture, the person in charge quickly said: "What Mr. Ye said is that this is indeed something we didn't expect. Fortunately, Mr. Ye saw the problem and saved us from this trouble."

Hearing his compliments, Ye Zishu didn't give face, but asked: "Then how do you think about it, so as to prove that you are not stealing other people's image?"

As soon as these words came out, the person in charge became even more confused, and the thoughts in his mind turned sharply, but the more he thought about it, the more confused his mind became, and he felt that it was difficult to explain which method to use, and it was not easy to operate.

Ye Zishu waited for a while, and seeing that the person in charge still didn't answer his question, he knew that there were indeed certain difficulties. To be honest, he didn't come up with a 100% proof method.

After thinking for a while, the person in charge finally gave up, and said very simply: "I haven't come up with a good solution to this problem yet. If Mr. Ye has a trick, please let me know!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu didn't hold back, and said directly: "If there is a perfect way, I don't have it, but we can take some preventive measures that are beneficial to us in advance.

And this measure is also very simple, that is to advertise widely. Every time you design a batch of character images, you can advertise and publish these avatars on mainstream media around the world.

If someone feels that their imagination has collided with your avatar, they can raise an objection, and if we think it is necessary, we can pay a fee to buy the right to use their image.

If we think it is unnecessary, or the other party puts forward unrealistic demands, we can completely withdraw the objectionable avatar and abolish it.

But remember, if someone raises an objection, their image must be natural. If it is the image after plastic surgery, we don't have to approve it. When advertising it, we must explain it clearly.

The period we advertise is one week, and the complaints of dissenters can be extended to one month. During this period, if no one makes a proposal, it will be deemed to be completely legal to use. "

This method actually fulfills the obligation of disclosure, and it is also very helpful in legal proceedings, but there may be accidents, especially when other capital is involved, and the situation will be very complicated.

But there are some benefits, but the person in charge has some doubts about it, and he said: "The one proposed by Mr. Ye is indeed helpful to a certain extent, but the cost is too high.

The cost of doing such an advertisement on mainstream media in various countries around the world is not low, and it takes a week, which will increase our film and television production costs. "

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "You only see the cost of doing this, but you don't see the benefits of this kind of publicity.

It is a very interesting thing to advertise this kind of avatar, and many people, especially ordinary people, will definitely stare at it.

There are even a lot of people who would expect their own image to compete with the virtual image you designed, so that they can get a good image licensing fee, which is very helpful to improve their lives.

And once their images appear frequently in film and television dramas, the sense of participation is particularly strong. Although they cannot obtain commercial benefits from this, it can make their lives more exciting.

In the early stage, you may need to pay for your advertisements. When this activity becomes more and more popular with consumers, these media may in turn pay you.

This kind of conversion depends on whether your segment has attracted the attention of the whole world. If everyone likes to watch it, the sales volume of the media will definitely increase greatly. "

"But the probability of this happening is still very low, we do this just in case." The person in charge said.

"You, you need to be more active. Under normal circumstances, the probability is really very low. It may not be possible to encounter a shirt collision incident in a year.

But you can hype, for example, when releasing an avatar, deliberately arrange a real case in it, and then jointly hype it with the participants.

When participants earn a lot of money from it, more people will naturally flock to it, and the influence will naturally be greater. Don't underestimate people's pursuit of interests.

From time to time, someone benefits from it, just like winning a lottery ticket. Everyone must pay attention to each issue, hoping that they can win a big prize, and they don’t need to spend money to buy lottery tickets. "Leaf Book explained.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the person in charge felt like a novice in the business world. The problem was that such an approach had a great success rate and was completely operable.

In the past, Ye Zishu gave them the impression that he was a master of technology, and he didn't necessarily agree with his business ability, but now he has no such idea at all. Once such a business case is successful, it must be at the level of a business textbook.

Seeing the excitement of the person in charge, Ye Zishu couldn't help but add: "When making hype, don't contact the parties in advance, you just need to record their images.

Although it's a deliberate hype, it can't be fooled. Everything should be more natural. If you contact the person in advance, it will be easy to be exposed. "

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