Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 542 Save 500 Billion Yuan

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm going on a long trip tomorrow." Ye Zishu said to his parents while having dinner.

"How long are you going to be out?" his mother asked.

"I don't know, maybe I won't come back until the end of the year." Ye Shu said.

"You really should go out and walk around. You have been at home for half a year." His father said.

"You man, isn't it okay for the child to be at home?" His mother disagreed when she heard this, and choked.

Hearing what his wife said, his father hurriedly said: "That's not what I mean, he is not an ordinary person now, such a big business, he must go and see."

He did understand what his father meant. Tens of millions of families like him were tied together. If there was an accident in his career, many families would also suffer.

"Okay, there's no need to quarrel over such a trivial matter. I'll go out after breakfast tomorrow, and you don't need to prepare anything." Ye Shu said.

After dinner, it was rare for Ye Zishu to sit in the living room with his parents and watch TV for a while, but for someone like him who doesn't watch TV very much, he doesn't understand the plot very well.

After sitting for an hour, Ye Zishu returned to his study. It is already June 6th, and he has just finished sorting out the related technologies of the satellite positioning and navigation system.

After decomposing all the technologies, they will be handed over to each subsidiary company to be responsible for R&D and production, and Baihu Technology will be responsible for assembly and integration at that time.

R & D and production are handed over to other companies, but the intellectual property rights still belong to Baihu Technology Company, but compared with the general civil property rights relying on patent maintenance, these technologies will not be publicly applied for patent technology.

In other words, only a small number of technologies are applied for patent technology, and most advanced technologies either apply for confidential patents, or do not apply for patents at all, but will be registered with relevant state departments.

This approach is to prevent the technology from flowing out of the country, but in the domestic circle, if you want to use the relevant technology, you still have to pay the relevant authorization fee, and you must abide by certain rules.

Otherwise, everyone will be strictly guarded, and domestic high-tech will not be able to develop. He doesn't need to worry about these tasks, and Baihu Technology will naturally arrange them properly.

Baihu Technology has asked him several times when he will go there to have a look. This time, he plans to go to Xi'an to check the situation, and it is also his first time to visit Xi'an.

In fact, he also has a lot of industries in Xi'an. For example, Phoenix Technology has a subsidiary headquarters there, with the purpose of taking advantage of the university resources there.

In addition, Xuanwu Technology Company also has some subsidiaries or sub-companies there, and it also wants to use the scientific research resources there, but these industries are not very large.

At present, the economy in the northwestern part of the country is still relatively backward, and it is still too far away from the domestic economic center. Any industry that needs to rely on large-scale transportation is not suitable for deployment there.

So the industry over there is either the software industry, or products with a particularly high unit price, such as special coatings on CNC machine tools, which are produced there.

He really didn't know what industries should be located in the northwest. Considering the operating costs, the geographical location there was a serious disadvantage.

Fortunately, Xi'an is much better. At least the scientific research resources are relatively strong, there are many universities, and it is not particularly remote. Some industries can still take root here.

Further west, such as Ningxia, Gansu, or even Shanxi next to Shaanxi, he doesn't know what kind of industry is more suitable, and the so-called mineral resources have nothing to do with him.

Although everyone in Baihu Technology Company is eagerly looking forward to his early visit, but even if he goes out now, he will not be able to visit until July.

Just as his father said, at least one year must go to see the properties under his banner. Even if he can't see anything, he can still feel his presence, so that everyone will not forget that they still have a boss.

Don't underestimate these practical tasks. The higher the position, the more you care about these practical things. He is also changing to this aspect now, because he doesn't have the energy to do many practical things.

The technical information related to the satellite positioning and navigation system has been handed over to Baihu Technology Company, which finally allows them to get down to business, and the time node required by Ye Zishu is still relatively urgent.

According to his request, by the end of this year, all kinds of satellites required by the system will need to be produced, and by the end of the year or a year later, arrangements will be made to launch them into space.

The entire satellite positioning and navigation system includes 55 satellites, five geostationary orbit satellites, five high orbit satellites, and 45 medium and low orbit satellites. In fact, only 32 satellites are needed to meet the requirements of military and civilian use.

The reason for the addition of 23 satellites is that there are spare satellites in it. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the system, a certain amount of redundancy is required to avoid the worst case.

The second is that these redundant satellites can also play a role. It is these 23 satellites that reduce the positioning and navigation accuracy to the millimeter level, or even to a lower unit level.

It’s just that such a high precision is not used at all at ordinary times. These redundant satellites will be in a semi-silent state, and their service life will be greatly extended, up to 50 years.

The service life of these all-weather satellites is only 30 years at most, which is much longer than the 20 years or so of ordinary satellites.

According to his thinking, if he spends such a large price on building a satellite navigation system, if he wants to generate enough economic value, he can only prolong its service life.

And such a high accuracy, even after 30 or [-] years, it is still not outdated. This is a conclusion based on the development of the satellite navigation system in the previous life.

Now Baihu Technology Company has a limited amount of funds. In order to maximize the value of the limited funds, the first phase of the satellite navigation system will only launch 35 satellites, and 3 spare satellites can also guarantee basic safety.

Calculated according to this requirement, it will cost more than 320 billion yuan to build a satellite navigation system that covers the world and is available. If launch is included, the total construction cost will reach more than 350 billion yuan.

According to this cost calculation, the average cost of each satellite is 10 billion yuan, which seems a lot, but it also depends on how it compares with others. At least this price is the lowest among many satellite positioning and navigation systems.

And in terms of technical content, it is also the highest. The low cost is mainly because the research stage does not cost a lot of money. Leaf Book provides ready-made mature technical data support.

Moreover, the manufacture of these satellites is also his industry, and there is no need to build a satellite production chain, which also saves a lot of cost and time.

His industrial chain is very complete. For the manufacture of satellite parts, many of them can be completed with off-the-shelf equipment and production processes.

There are not many places where they need to invest additional funds to establish production plants and production lines. This kind of integrated business development model is of great significance to the development of aerospace.

Aerospace is very expensive, and how to reduce costs will always be a topic that cannot be avoided. All he can think of is to use the existing industrial base to reduce costs as much as possible.

Of course, the reusable spacecraft in the previous life can also be regarded as an idea to reduce costs, and he may also work hard in this area in the future, but they do not have this qualification now.

Of the remaining 150 billion yuan of funds, 100 billion yuan is planned to be invested in the construction of the earth remote sensing satellite system, and the remaining 50 billion yuan is to maintain the basic operation of the company.

Because these systems do not know when they will be able to generate profits, there are two main sources of profit for satellite positioning and navigation systems, one is the needs of the military, and the other is the needs of civilian equipment.

The former is not yet sure what kind of cooperation method to adopt and how much income it can bring them, while the latter mainly relies on the development of the smart device industry to drive the increase in operating income.

He holds the high-end electronic semiconductor industry in his hands, and the software industry is also powerful, so there is no need to worry about the lack of customers or the situation that customers are unwilling to use it.

For the remote sensing satellite system, satellites have higher technical content, and the cost of a single satellite is also higher. He estimates that the average R&D and manufacturing cost of each satellite will reach about 20 billion yuan.

In fact, the entire remote sensing satellite system requires 66 satellites, which is a bit like the Iridium system in the previous life, but with so many satellites, the cost cannot be afforded by Baihu Technology.

After the construction is completed, there will naturally be great benefits. The advantage is that the earth can be photographed once per second, and the highest accuracy can still be below the centimeter level.

If the entire remote sensing satellite system is completed, many things on the ground will hardly escape the monitoring of this system, which has extremely high application value.

If combined with artificial intelligence technology to process these captured images, it can provide real-time early warning for special events around the clock, and the usefulness can be imagined.

Now, due to insufficient funds, and there is no need for such a demanding system, he plans to launch 5 remote sensing satellites to form a simpler remote sensing satellite system.

The profit method of this system is also very simple, that is, selling remote sensing data. He is really not sure how much money he can make, so he can only take one step at a time.

No matter how much money it can make, it can at least meet the needs of other industries under his umbrella. This reason is enough, because the value directly generated by these satellite systems will not be very high, but the value generated indirectly is very high.

As for the remaining global communication satellite system, it can only be postponed until the money is made. Anyway, he does not intend to take money from other industries for capital injection.

He hopes that the remote sensing satellite system can be launched in the middle of next year and completed. If it is delayed, it may affect Phoenix Technology's electronic map production.

Because the next year may be the year when the 3G mobile communication network explodes, and smart devices such as smartphones will be on the market, so the relevant infrastructure must be prepared in advance.

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