Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 541 Still writing a graduation thesis?


He was stunned when he received this notice. Over the past few years, the school has become his memory. No one asked him for his graduation thesis before. He thought he didn't need to defend his graduation thesis.

Therefore, I didn't ask specifically, and I planned to get away with it, not because the graduation thesis was so difficult, but because I felt that this kind of thing was a waste of time, and I could save as much as I could.

But he still couldn't escape, and he was only given less than 10 days to prepare. I don't know if it was deliberately embarrassing him, or the teachers thought highly of him.

Since he can't escape, he can only write a graduation thesis to deal with it, but there are also many considerations in it, so he has to think clearly.

If you just get a graduation thesis like other students, you don't have to worry about it, but doing so can't reflect his strength at all.

Anyway, I haven't gone to class for such a long time. On the one hand, his achievements have played a role, and on the other hand, his previous software skills have been recognized by the school.

If the graduation thesis can’t come up with dry goods, it seems that there is no problem, but in fact it will be embarrassing. In the future, people will often use his graduation thesis to evaluate.

Although he doesn't care about these false names, he is often taken out to "whip the corpse". This is something he can't bear. As a normal person, he should have at least a sense of shame, right?

Since he intends to produce dry goods, he needs to consider the impact. He has too much software technology, and it may seem like nothing to publish, and it may become information for the enemy.

That is to say, he needs to come up with a certain amount of dry goods to reflect his technical strength, without causing too much influence, which requires a certain degree of control.

The software industry is actually very easy to understand. It only needs some ideas or specific algorithms to make it easy for competitors to learn the tricks.

This is different from industry. Like materials science, you know that the molecular formula may not necessarily be manufactured, and it also involves specific processing techniques. Without this, it will be difficult to achieve industrialization.

The software industry does not have this trouble. It is just a pile of codes piled up. As long as you master the core algorithm, it is not difficult to implement.

Due to the large number of artificial intelligence applications under his banner, the outside world has begun to speculate whether Phoenix Technology has mastered artificial intelligence technology, but it has not received a response from Phoenix Technology.

What Phoenix Technology has announced is an intelligent logic program, that is, through a series of algorithms to achieve an effect that looks very intelligent, and it is not very special.

Because neither he nor Phoenix Technology has published any papers related to artificial intelligence, so it is impossible to verify whether their technology is an intelligent logic algorithm program or an artificial intelligence that can learn by itself.

But this approach can only deceive for a while. When other companies or research units want to realize these intelligent programs through a series of logic algorithms, they will easily find that they have reached a dead end.

Therefore, it is doubtful whether the information provided by Phoenix Technology to the outside world is misleading.

But it will also give the impression of dishonesty to the outside world. Although everyone doesn't say anything, only they know what they think in their hearts, which will also produce some bad results.

The most obvious consequence is that it will affect their scientific research cooperation with the outside world. Although there is not much demand for this now, there will be such a need in the future.

In addition, it will also make the information they disclose to the outside world less authoritative in the future. They are clearly telling the truth, and everyone may have to guess whether it is true or not.

So for this graduation thesis, he plans to write some content on artificial intelligence, which can be regarded as an explanation of the tip of the iceberg for outside speculation.

As mentioned earlier, artificial intelligence is also divided into many levels, and there are also many realization paths, and the development potential of each realization path is also different.

The artificial intelligence technology he really uses will definitely not be shared. He has no doubts that there are smart people in the world. Maybe they only need an introduction, and they can slowly figure out this technical route.

So what he took out was the artificial intelligence technology from his previous life. Although many programs we saw were very intelligent, in fact, in Ye Zishu's eyes, they were not considered intelligent at all.

The most important thing is that with this kind of technical route, it is easy to know where their limits are at a glance. In addition, it is the difficulty of training, which requires a large amount of data support and a large investment in hardware.

From this point of view, he hopes that everyone will study artificial intelligence from this point of view. By then, the advanced hardware equipment of Qinglong Technology Company will be able to sell a lot.

A technical paper certainly cannot explain all the technologies of artificial intelligence clearly, and even a technical detail in a module may not be able to explain all clearly.

Although he believes that his paper may open the door to artificial intelligence research, it will take at least ten or twenty years to get started.

Artificial intelligence includes many core technologies, such as computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, speech recognition and so on.

In fact, it can be summed up in two aspects, that is, to allow the machine to have the ability to perceive, and at the same time to allow the machine to respond to the perceived content and visualize it.

Yeshu originally planned to choose a small problem from machine learning as the content of the thesis, but after thinking about it, he still planned to choose a technology from the aspect of computer vision as the content of the thesis.

As mentioned earlier, Baihe Software Company has developed the Skynet system, and it has also been approved by relevant departments, and even won many intentional purchase orders.

He felt that it was necessary to help Baihe Software Company, so that their Skynet system could be recognized by the market faster, and the market scale could be expanded as soon as possible.

Because his paper may attract more people to be interested in computer vision, and then make this topic hot, and it is possible to break the circle from the academic circle to the general public.

As the world's leading provider of video surveillance technology, their technical foundation is very strong, and the Skynet system is nothing more than a system with a higher degree of technical integration.

If the basic technology inside is separated, there are also many wide-ranging uses, such as face recognition, image recognition, etc., which also have a wide range of commercial application value.

After figuring this out, Ye Zishu didn't hesitate anymore, and started writing the thesis directly on the computer. He knew the format of the thesis very well and didn't need other people's guidance.

Once the goal is determined, his mind is full of knowledge, and he writes naturally as if he is a god, and he will finish the content of the thesis in one morning.

Then it took half an hour to read the entire paper, and to modify some places in it to make it easier for outsiders to understand.

After finishing writing, he sent it directly to the instructor, because he didn't have a thesis advisor at all, so he didn't have to send it to the teacher for them to see.

The instructor only needs to hand in his thesis. When the thesis is defending, he can go directly to defend it. He doesn't worry about the defense at all.

His thesis mainly discusses image recognition. He originally wanted to write about image recognition, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. With image recognition technology, image recognition technology is not so difficult.

After all, the image is also composed of many pictures, but it has changed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional. Although it is technically difficult, it is not impossible to complete.

In fact, the picture recognition technology has already been implemented in the search engine of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, the purpose is to help users search for the picture information they want.

Now that they use artificial intelligence technology, image recognition technology will become less difficult. Their search engine should be upgraded recently to provide image recognition services for users.

In addition, image recognition technology has also been widely used in companies under Phoenix Technology, such as their image text recognition tools, and image element extraction in their image editing tools.

In fact, everyone is no stranger to image recognition, and many people have even used it in their work, but few people have systematically explained this area.

It's not completely absent. There were many technical documents in this area before, but he thought about image recognition technology from the perspective of artificial intelligence.

Some problems may also be solved, but the solution methods are different, and the potential for development is also different, especially when faced with a large number of pictures, how to identify them and the technical difficulty are different.

In the past, image recognition still required human assistance. From the perspective of artificial intelligence, image recognition needs to be completely handed over to the program to reduce human intervention.

After Ye Zishu sent the thesis to the instructor, the instructor read it privately. Although he couldn't fully understand it, he felt that the thesis was very valuable.

Especially when I saw the word "artificial intelligence", I even felt as if I had found a treasure. In fact, artificial intelligence has been mentioned a long time ago, and there are also speculations, but it has not been confirmed.

Now it has finally been confirmed by the founder of Phoenix Technology. For the software industry, it will cause a huge sensation. Many companies may invest in the vigorous research and development of artificial intelligence technology.

The instructor directly copied a copy, kept it on his computer, and then sent the original copy to the relevant departments of the school, which also aroused great concern.

Everyone is actually looking forward to Ye Zishu's thesis, and they all want to see what level of graduation thesis he wrote, which will allow him to develop domestic software technology to this level in such a short period of time.

Ye Zishu didn't know that his thesis attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as he arrived at the school. He himself was very busy with the satellite technical materials, because the time left for him was getting less and less.

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