Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 54 How to Grow Your Advertising Business

On March 3, after dealing with the affairs of the original unit, Wang Changtian finally officially joined Shengshi Advertising Company and became the person in charge of the company.

The registered capital of this company is 20 yuan, but in order to allow the company to carry out related work more quickly, the parent company Shengshi Culture took out 80 yuan from Shengshi Records to supplement the company's funds to 100 million.

In this era, 100 million yuan of capital is not a small figure for private enterprises, and it is definitely enough to start business in the early stage.

Now there is only Wang Changtian in the company, and the most urgent task is to find a bigger office space, and recruit company staff to build the company's shelf.

He hoped that Wang Changtian could complete these two tasks as soon as possible. At least the office location should be satisfied first. As for the employees, it would not be too late to recruit slowly according to the company's business needs.

As for the company's business, it doesn't matter if it doesn't start for the time being. After Wang Changtian settles the office affairs, he will tell Wang Changtian how to start the business.

Back in the dormitory, he still devotes himself to writing code with enthusiasm, and he is getting closer and closer to completing his goal, which makes him more and more motivated to write.

On March 3, it took 10 days for Wang Changtian to find an office in Zhongguancun, which is quite far from Shengshi Records.

Fortunately, it is not very far from Tsinghua University, which saved him a lot of time. He took the time to visit the company, which is still under renovation.

Ye Zishu invites Wang Changtian to a restaurant for dinner. At the dinner table, he tells Wang Changtian how to develop the advertising business, so that he has a clear idea and plan.

"Now that the office location has been found, it's time to start recruiting some staff, but before that, let's discuss how to start the advertising business." Ye Zishu put down his chopsticks and said to Wang Changtian.

"To be honest, I don't have a clear idea yet. If the boss has an idea, please let me know!" Wang Changtian looked at Ye Zishu expectantly and said.

"If you want to start an advertising business, you first need to identify the advertising market, which is the most important issue for companies to think about.

Manager Wang should have been to a bank. Have you noticed that the same bank has different signs in different places? This phenomenon is not only in banks, but also in other large state-owned enterprises in China.

According to business management, it is the lack of unified brand management capabilities, which gives us great business opportunities.

If our company finds these companies and tailors them a unified brand identity and brand image, I believe there should be a market.

Moreover, the initial work is not very difficult. It only needs to uniformly design and replace the signboards of a bank's branches in various places, and does not require much professional skills. "Leaf Book said.

His idea is actually to follow the way of the former Huayi Brothers boss to make a fortune. Facts have proved that this way is absolutely feasible, but no one has realized the market in it yet.

Situations like this are common among large state-owned enterprises in China. If Shengshi Advertising Company takes over these businesses in advance, it will undoubtedly become the largest advertising company in China.

Sure enough, Wang Changtian gave Ye Zishu a thumbs up when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and said, "I'm trying to drive ducks to the shelves, but the boss is the one who has a hole in his chest."

According to his thinking, there are many large banks in China, and there are also many other large enterprises, such as China Post, Sinopec, PetroChina and other companies.

Now that the market has been found, the next step is to see whether Wang Changtian can negotiate these businesses. This is the time to test Wang Changtian's ability.

The reason why Ye Zishu dared to use Wang Changtian, who had not experienced many things, was because of the general direction, he could do well by himself, what was lacking was a person with very good execution ability.

When Wang Changtian is able to take charge of his own affairs, he will completely ignore the company's affairs and leave them to Wang Changtian to handle completely, so that he can take care of his own affairs with peace of mind.

Wang Changtian didn't ask how to carry out advertising cooperation with these companies, because the boss had already mentioned this, and he couldn't handle the rest, so he was really sorry for his salary.

Since Wang Changtian had never done this kind of work before, in order to allow him to adapt as soon as possible, he directly took the Bank of China as an example.

Tell him how to create a unified brand identity for Bank of China, show a unified brand image to the outside world, and explain these details clearly, which has a strong reference value for Wang Changtian.

Because of this kind of business, as long as one is successful, the others can basically be copied, and it becomes easy to do it.

"However, these advertising businesses are only the most basic advertising business. If the company wants to develop, it is only satisfied with this, and it will inevitably become lonely in the future.

In the market, the lower the technical content of the job, the easier it is to be imitated, and the smaller the investment, the more fierce competition it faces.

As for the advertising business mentioned above, both are occupied. We are now taking the lead. When other advertising companies react, it may be a melee.

Our company wants to eat this piece of cake into its own mouth as much as possible, and the only secret is to be fast, and eat the biggest cake into its own mouth before the competitors react. "Leaf Book said.

Wang Changtian agreed with Ye Zishu's statement. This business has small investment, quick results, and low technical content. As long as others discover this market, it is easy for people with connections to obtain such business.

Obviously, Shengshi Advertising Company has no obvious advantages other than the time advantage, and is even at an absolute disadvantage in terms of personal connections.

"The key to the advertising business mentioned above is 'fast', but in the long run, the company's future business development requires careful planning." Ye Shu said.

Seeing Wang Changtian's bewildered expression, Ye Zishu no longer kept the joke, but said directly: "If an advertising company wants to be invincible, it must work hard in two aspects.

The first aspect is to improve the professionalism of advertising business, improve the service quality of advertising companies, and create a comprehensive advertising marketing strategy for users.

As the name suggests, the user entrusts us with the advertising business, and we can help them formulate a series of advertising and marketing planning, so that users do not have to worry about advertising.

To achieve this, the most important thing is professionalism and the effect of advertising planning. Only when users see the real benefits can the cooperation last.

The second aspect is the construction of advertising channels. Advertising channels and platforms are the core resources of an advertising company. The wider the moat built in this area, the more beneficial it is for the development of the advertising company.

At present, there are basically only two types of advertising channels, one is TV broadcast advertisements, the other is outdoor billboards, and there will be Internet advertisements in the future.

Let’s just say that the above two kinds of advertisements, TV broadcast advertisements, are currently in the charge of TV stations in China, mainly waiting for companies to come to buy them, which is inefficient and high in channel costs.

This is obviously not conducive to TV broadcasting units generating more income through advertising, which means that there are very broad prospects for cooperation, and we must seize this area.

The most typical cooperation is to contract the advertising business of a TV station or radio station for a certain period of time, or even a certain channel's full-time advertising business. The TV station and radio station do not need to worry about finding advertisers.

And we can also earn a high price difference in the middle according to the market situation. This is a win-win development method for both parties and solves the problem of contradiction between supply and demand.

There are various forms of outdoor advertising. The simplest is to set up electronic or fixed billboards in places with a large flow of people.

In addition, there are many outdoor advertising models, such as residential area advertising, staircase advertising, shopping mall outdoor advertising, etc., which requires the company to have a keen sense of smell to discover these advertising channels. "

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