Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 53 Situation Comedy

After dinner, he separated from Wang Changtian. He needed to go back to deal with the affairs of the unit. It would take a while, and he would come to report after he was done.

Ye Zishu, who returned to school, was thinking about the matter of the film and television company. After all, the real problem lies there, and now he has given up the idea of ​​making a lot of money.

But the company's shelf still needs to be built, as long as the company can maintain no loss, it will be even better if it can make a slight profit.

Therefore, the type of TV series that the film and television company chooses to shoot is very important. He doesn't have to think about large-scale TV series. He doesn't have the strength to invest tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

And his eyes are aimed at sitcoms. Compared with other types of TV series, this type of TV series should be regarded as the type with the smallest investment and very good returns.

"I Love My Family", "The Story of the Editorial Department", "Family with Children", and "Wulin Biography" in the previous life are all sitcoms.

Among them, "The Story of the Editorial Department" will start filming this year, and it will be broadcast in the Spring Festival of 92. He has no idea about it, don't crash the car, it will be very embarrassing.

What he is considering now is whether to continue to plagiarize the TV series from his previous life, or to write a sitcom by himself.

In fact, there is not much difference between the two for him. Writing sitcoms is actually not that difficult. Most of them follow hot spots and show them with humorous language.

You don't even have to follow hot spots, but just rely on excellent character settings, humorous language style, and interesting interactions between people to make the audience like to watch.

However, he glanced at the programming work that he hadn't finished, and he had an idea in an instant. In order to save himself the time spent on it, it is more appropriate to use the doctrine.

So he put the writing of the script of "I Love My Family" into his schedule management, and used it to write the script of this sitcom in his spare time programming.

To be honest, although he has watched this drama, he can't say how clear his memory is, but as long as he has a rough setting, he can complete other parts by himself.

To be honest, in this era of lack of entertainment programs, as long as the TV series are a little passable, the ratings will not be low, and the competition in the TV series market is not very fierce.

The sitcom "I Love My Family" is not particularly outstanding among the many sitcoms in the previous life, at least he thinks so.

The script he wrote himself only borrowed a name and character setting, and the rest of the plot was basically based on his own ideas.

There are many stalks that are popular now, as well as some interesting stalks from previous lives.

The addition of these stalks made the originally dull sitcom more interesting, and with the addition of interesting plot events, the effect should be much better than the previous works.

He has 20 hours of working time a day, 2 hours of which are allocated to writing the script, hoping to write the script of this sitcom after Zhang Guoli finishes filming the mv.

When Zhang Guoli agrees to his invitation, he can start filming immediately. If he doesn't agree, he can only find someone else to film. At least he has a script, and it is easy to convince people.

On February 2, the tenth day of the first lunar month, Ye Zishu's latest album "Red Ling" began to be sold to the outside world, and the first batch of releases was only 24 boxes.

It's not that they don't want to invest more, but that the Capital Record Factory simply can't make it. Their production capacity is limited. It's their limit to be able to produce so much in the past few days.

But the album was released on the market on the same day, and it was sold out on the same day. The sales speed exceeded the expectations of the record company and Ye Zishu.

It’s a good thing that it hasn’t been sold in the market before. Anyway, no one can buy it. Now that someone has bought it, some consumers keep asking the merchants if they have the goods, which makes the merchants exhausted.

The capital record factory has only so much production capacity, and they can no longer be counted on to solve the problem, so Shengshi record company can only find other production companies to help with the production.

In just two days, Shengshi Records found three production factories with a certain production capacity in other cities across the country, and handed over some orders to them to complete.

In fact, the production capacity of the Capital Record Factory has long been unable to meet the needs of Shengshi Records, but at that time, it was not as urgent as it is now, so they didn't find two more.

As for the other three production factories that are now looking for, Shengshi Records intends to cooperate for a long time to speed up the introduction and distribution of agent albums and increase more income for the company.

On February 2, the title song "Looking at Flowers in the Mist" he wrote for Na Ying was finally made into an album, but seeing how popular his album was, he postponed the release and avoided releasing it during this period.

And after the production of Na Ying's album was completed, he gave Na Ying a song "Let's Go With a Smile" as the title song of her next album. As for when the album will actually come out, he doesn't care.

As of March 3, Ye Zishu's "Red Ling" album has been on sale for a week, and the sales results are very gratifying, reaching 3 million copies.

This is still only so much production capacity of the four production factories, otherwise it is possible to go up. According to this sales speed, the sales volume of this album will be very scary.

This is still the sales performance in the mainland. Rolling Stone Records released this album in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea almost simultaneously, and the sales performance is even better than that in the mainland.

In just one week, 200 million copies were sold, and the sales in rb were surprisingly good, with 50 copies sold, which he did not expect.

When he saw these data, he felt that this album was stable, and the sales volume of 1000 million would never escape. This was of great significance to both Shengshi Records and himself.

The sales volume of this record will definitely push him to the ranks of superstars, and the record company has completely established its position in the field of domestic record distribution with such achievements.

Naturally, such a good result should be revealed to the media, so that everyone can know the production strength and distribution strength of Shengshi Records, which is of great positive significance for recruiting talents and business cooperation.

Just when the outside media was buzzing about this matter, Tu Honggang finally came to Shengshi Records, and Ye Zishu took the time to visit and signed a cooperation agreement.

After the agreement was signed, he wrote "Farewell My Concubine" on the spot, and handed it over to the company and Tu Honggang as the title song of the collaboration album.

Tu Honggang saw with his own eyes that he wrote a song in less than an hour, and finally felt his terrifying creative ability.

Writing a song is not just about writing lyrics. The part that takes the most time is the composition part. It takes a lot of thought to make the perfect harmonious combination of various instruments and sounds.

As for the songs written by Ye Zi, the lyrics part is basically written in one go, while the arrangement part basically writes out the music scores for each instrument, and then there is a score.

Just follow the arrangement he wrote and produce it step by step, without spending too much thought and thinking, it is much more complicated than the songs we usually see.

Cooperating with such a person with super creative ability, not to mention other things, at least there will be no shortage of songs in the future, which makes Tu Honggang feel that this cooperation is right, and he will seek more cooperation in the future.

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