Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 514 Accepting an Interview

After the video with Pei Qing, Ye Zishu immediately sent an email to Shengshi Media, asking their financial magazine to come and interview him.

It seems that things are bigger than I imagined, and I don't really feel deeply here. People around me know that he has made money, but they don't know how much he has earned.

In addition, he only goes out for big things, and usually stays at home to work, and there are not many opportunities to contact the outside world. Even when he is busy with work, he doesn't even bother to read online news.

Unexpectedly, everyone was so interested in him as the new richest man. He thought it might be that his wealth was too much, which exceeded many people's expectations.

The financial magazine announced that his wealth is 1998 billion yuan. Let alone the current figure, even decades later, it will still be a huge figure, enough to be ranked among the top ten in China.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that a businessman as rich as him has been born in the past ten years since my country's reform and opening up, which will inevitably cause some people to worry.

Those who know his situation are lucky to say that his wealth basically belongs to technological innovation, which is obtained by expanding the social and economic volume.

In general, the contribution to society is far greater than the actual income, but ordinary people are not very clear, especially because most of the income sources of his companies are from overseas markets, and they are relatively unfamiliar with his business.

He expressed understanding for the concerns of many people. If he was in their position, he would be worried, which is human nature.

Under normal circumstances, the total amount of social wealth is certain, and it is difficult to increase rapidly in a short period of time. It is difficult for a person like him who has acquired such a huge wealth in just a few years not to arouse the imagination of others.

So far, he has not received any official information, indicating that the government is well aware of his situation and will not take any action because of his huge wealth.

This is where he is more assured. At least his industrial development will not be greatly affected. As for the concerns of ordinary people, he needs to give some responses and answer some of their concerns.

If you are only involved in the high-tech field, you don't need to do this, because if you respond or not, it will not have a great impact on him.

But his current business is not only in the pure high-tech field, but also in many traditional fields, which are just added high-tech elements, and are still traditional fields in essence.

And his entry into the traditional field will naturally bring huge changes to the existing traditional industrial structure, and the interests involved are relatively complicated, so it is very important to appease people's hearts.

For example, some businesses of Kirin Industrial Group involve traditional grain production, which is the most involved, and it is also the place where he has always wanted to solve the contradiction, but the effect is not satisfactory.

There is also the field of energy, which does not seem to involve too much interest, but is actually a difficult area to deal with, depending on the government's attitude towards this area.

The reason why there is no problem now is that the influence is still limited. He only said to the outside world that he will enter the field of new energy, and the outside world does not know much about the specific technical indicators.

If it is pure power generation, the contradiction is not too big. my country's electricity demand has been growing at a high speed, and the overall supply is in short supply.

He invested a huge amount of money into the power generation industry, which is very important to solve the contradiction in my country's electricity demand, not to mention the new energy industry, which is a weak link in our country's technology.

No matter from which point of view, the government should support it, and because of this, he was not hindered in any way when he applied for the new energy power generation business.

Even in order to allow them to invest money into the new energy field with peace of mind, they are also allowed to build their own main transmission lines, which is a treatment that other companies do not have.

Although it is restricted, it can save huge costs for Kirin Industrial Group. Regardless of the huge cost of building transmission lines, in the long run, it is a very cost-effective deal.

Grain production cannot be stopped for a moment, and the construction of a grain production base may continue to operate. The initial investment will be diluted to the extreme, making food production cheaper.

There shouldn't be many problems up to here, but there will be big problems in the subsequent planning. The disadvantage of solar energy is obvious, that is, the energy distribution is uneven, and day and night cannot be reconciled.

This problem has always been the weakness of new energy, and the way he chose to solve it is to turn electricity into fossil energy, and then turn it back into electricity at night.

Compared with battery energy storage, although this method has higher technical content, the cost of energy storage is very low, and unlike other physical energy storage methods, it has higher stability and does not require high geographical environment.

It can be said that this is the best solution he can think of to solve the uneven distribution of new energy, and it will not have a huge impact on the existing energy usage.

Of course, this is just incidental. He doesn’t really care about changing the way energy is used. It’s just that he has limited energy and needs to take it step by step.

The utilization efficiency of traditional fossil energy is very low, and there is a certain amount of energy loss in the process of this back and forth conversion. Naturally, the best way is to use electricity directly.

Huanyu Group is now mainly entering into traditional energy vehicles. If the sales volume is good, it may delay the launch of new energy vehicles appropriately.

Gu Yu

If the promotion is not smooth and everyone is not interested in this new brand car, Huanyu Group may launch a mature new energy vehicle in order to break the situation.

Once the petrochemical energy industry is involved, the game of interests is very fierce. my country's oil exploration is carried out by state-owned enterprises, and private enterprises can only engage in the oil refining industry at most, which is subject to more restrictions.

If he can really use technology to continuously convert electricity into fuel, if it is a perfectly competitive market, he may really monopolize the domestic energy market.

Compared with the oil extracted, this method has a cost advantage. Even compared with the oil majors in the Middle East, it still has a huge cost advantage.

Kirin Industrial Group advertises that the cost of new energy power generation is 0.2 yuan per kWh, and the cost of producing 1 liter of gasoline will reach about 2 yuan.

In fact, the cost per kilowatt-hour of electricity is only 0.02 yuan. As long as the final price of 1 liter of gasoline reaches more than 0.3 yuan, Kirin Industrial Group will make money.

In fact, even at a price of 3 yuan per liter, it has an unparalleled competitive advantage both domestically and internationally, and it is a completely green fossil energy.

The use of fuel products from Kirin Industrial Group will not affect the composition of the atmosphere, and it is much greener and cleaner than oil extracted from the ground.

Even he cannot make an accurate estimate of the impact of this energy product, which has advantages in terms of environmental protection and price, on the existing energy structure.

Now he is just taking one step at a time, and he has to do so, unless he comes up with a more black-tech energy storage method, otherwise he can only follow the current path.

It didn't take long to get a reply after sending the email. Shengshi Media's financial magazine had long wanted to interview him, and also sent an interview email, but was rejected by Ye Zishu.

Originally, the financial magazine wanted to publish his exclusive interview during the Spring Festival, taking advantage of the popularity of the wealth list, to further expand the influence of the financial magazine.

However, if the boss refused to agree, they had nothing to do. Now that they suddenly wanted to be interviewed again, they naturally responded immediately.

The interview date set by the two sides is March 3th, and the financial magazine will send an interview team here to interview, and Ye Zishu can't waste time going to them.

After dealing with this matter, Ye Zishu returned to work. The three smart content creation systems and the music creation system have been delivered to Shengshi Records for use.

Although this system is very efficient in creating music, Shengshi Records did not go all out, but limited the creation of [-] songs per day.

This number seems to be a lot, but it is not a lot when it comes to various languages. If it is less, it will be difficult to compete with many record companies around the world.

If there are more, the marginal income will gradually decrease. According to their estimation, such a creative speed is relatively appropriate.

Since the launch of the intelligent music creation system, the situation of Shengshi Records has been greatly improved. On the one hand, their income from the music platform has increased rapidly, and the income situation has been improved.

On the other hand, their music copyright library has increased rapidly, and more song content is available for their artists, which plays an important role in promoting artists.

It's just that the time in this area is still short. Although there has been a lot of improvement, it will take some time to really see significant results.

However, their sudden release of such a huge amount of music has attracted widespread attention, and many record companies have been confused by their actions.

A large number of music is released every day, so that music lovers can hear different songs every day, making the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. more popular.

Since Qinglong Technology's music player was launched and cooperated with the music playback platform, the two complement each other and have earned a lot of profits. Many companies are actually jealous.

In addition, Xuanwu Technology Company has not banned the sale of electronic components, and many technology companies are eager to get in and get a share.

Although their overall technical strength cannot be compared with that of Qinglong Technology Company, it is not difficult to develop a usable music player, but the quality may be worse.

It doesn't matter, the big deal is that it will be cheaper to sell, and you can still earn a lot of money by doing so, so many technology companies are actually secretly researching and developing.

In addition to hardware matters, powerful technology companies are also secretly inviting traditional music record companies to join their plans to form an electronic music alliance.

In the past, record companies might still have room for bargaining, but with changes in the form of the record market, other record companies have to find new ways out.

It can be said that the two hit it off, and all aspects of the work are under secret preparation. After the completion, the music business of Kunpeng Information Technology Company and the music business of Qinglong Technology Company will be dealt a fatal blow.

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