Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 513 Agricultural development plan blocked

Later, Ye Zishu inquired about the agricultural production reform plan, and the results obtained were not ideal. Some departments were relatively concerned about this, but they were not in a hurry.

The local government’s estimate of the new agricultural development situation is not sufficient, and they even do not believe in the industrialized grain production of Kirin Industrial Group. The problem is that Kirin Industrial Group has not yet been able to prove it.

The cost of the advanced crop planting technology given to Taiji Group by Leaf Book before is relatively high, and the cost of planting high value-added crops such as medicinal materials is affordable.

But for growing vegetables and other products, the investment scale is a bit high. Although it can improve the production efficiency of agricultural products and reduce the overall cost, the huge initial investment scale is an obstacle that cannot be ignored.

The overall economic level in the country is relatively low, let alone the farmers, even the government finds it difficult to allocate so much money to invest in agricultural modernization, which is also an important reason why this plan is difficult to implement.

Now the vegetable planting model in Shouguang County, Shandong Province is more accepted by farmers. Although the technology is not as advanced as he provided, the initial investment scale is relatively low, which is very suitable for the current level of economic development.

After understanding the situation, Ye Zishu was silent for a long time, and then said: "Since this plan is not very ideal, let's take it easy and talk about it later."

This kind of thing pays attention to the right time, place and people. If you push it hard, not only will it not please you, but it may bring you a lot of trouble. Why bother.

It's good to take it easy, the industrialized grain production of Kirin Industrial Group will not be particularly large in the initial stage, and it will mainly produce high value-added grains.

The key to restricting food production is energy. It will take a certain amount of time for Kirin Industrial Group's energy industry to develop, and all the energy produced cannot be used for food production.

The speed of domestic industrialization is fast, and the increase in residents' income is not low. The demand for electric energy will increase rapidly, and many things will take time to adjust.

Therefore, the initial scale of industrialized grain production will not have an impact on the existing grain industry. Instead, it can solve the problem of domestic grain shortage and is in the stage of beneficial supplementation of the grain industry.

The other is that the cultivation of high-quality crops cannot keep up. At present, he has no plans to do this. This year's time is already full, and he has no energy to do these things at all.

There are no high-quality crops, just ordinary crops, and it is difficult to produce high economic value, so the results of the current promotion of agricultural production reforms are not particularly good.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing is not what he wants to do. In fact, things cannot be dominated by his industries. In the face of difficulties, he can only let nature take its course.

Hearing that Ye Zishu said to delay this matter for a while, Pei Qing was actually relieved in her heart, she was afraid that the boss would be stubborn and insist on promoting it, and it might be unavoidable at that time.

Leaf Book wants to promote this matter. The purpose is actually very simple. One is to enable them to prepare for the transformation in advance of the huge crisis brought about by the transformation of the agricultural industry in the future.

The second is that simply producing food does not make money. If there is no transformation, a large amount of land will inevitably be abandoned in the end. Everyone will go to the city to work, because relying on conventional agricultural production will not make them rich at all.

The third is that he hopes to retain a considerable number of agricultural practitioners so that they can live like urban residents instead of all entering the city.

Now it seems that these ideas may come to nothing. With the current speed of urbanization and industrialization, there will be a wave of migrant workers even more violent than in previous lives.

In fact, the urbanization process has been carried out for decades, and the industrialization process is also the same. The adaptation time is long enough, and many things are relatively easy to deal with.

Now the situation is a bit beyond his expectation, so he can only think of a solution to minimize the problems caused by the influx of a large number of people into the city.

The solution is also very simple, that is to continue to accelerate the development of the industry and create more industrial jobs. In fact, he has been doing this.

Even knowing that the establishment of industrial enterprises is not enough to create jobs, so more funds are invested in Wancheng Jiye, hoping that the real estate industry can absorb more labor force, which is also a requirement for the accelerated development of urbanization.

He always thought that as long as industrialization developed, the service industry would automatically rise, so he didn't make a serious layout or formulate a specific plan in this regard.

Now it seems that he feels that it is necessary to plan to speed up the development of the domestic service industry, because the proportion of jobs created by purely industrial enterprises is actually not high.

The real jobs are in the service industry. When the number of employed people in the service industry accounts for more than half of the total employed population, it means that the development of the service industry is relatively developed.

Given my country's commercial prosperity and education level, only the basic service industry can develop relatively quickly, including wholesale, retail, transportation, accommodation, and catering.

This kind of service industry is also the part with the largest employment population in the service industry, but the added value of this kind of service industry is low, and it cannot provide higher salaries for employees.

Business services are more complex, including information services, finance and insurance, real estate and leasing, business and professional services.

It may be relatively easy to do in the real estate and leasing industries. Other industries are highly professional business service industries that require high professional knowledge and skills.


In fact, decades later, in the field of commercial services, our country is not doing very well. Although it seems to have everything, the overall level is generally low, and it is far behind developed countries.

Don't even think about vigorously developing the commercial service industry now. You can only focus on the basic service industry, but even so, it is not so easy to do.

Because the development of the basic service industry relies on the development of urbanization, and the current level of urbanization in our country is relatively low, even if we want to promote it, there are certain difficulties.

Fortunately, the existence of Wancheng Jiye will speed up the pace of urbanization and help promote the development of urban basic service industries. As for the effect, it remains to be seen.

Keep this matter in mind, and prepare to study how to better develop the service industry, especially the development of the basic service industry.

As for the development of the commercial service industry, there is actually no way out, that is to strengthen talent training and improve the professionalism of talents, which is much better than letting them develop freely.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. The society is very adaptable, and the boat will always go straight when it reaches the bridge." Pei Qing comforted him.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "I'm not as fragile as you imagined, I'm actually mentally prepared for this, I just want to try it.

Now that this is the situation, we can only let it go, you can continue to grow Chinese medicinal materials, and leave the rest alone for the time being, and this matter has nothing to do with your main business. "

Originally, Ye Zishu wanted Taiji Group to form a plant breeding team, but after thinking about it now, it is better to forget it. On the one hand, the traditional method is too time-consuming, and on the other hand, it has little relevance to their main business.

When I find time to work on this aspect, and then hand over this business to Kirin Industrial Group, the relationship between them will be much greater.

"If you can think that way, I don't have to worry about it. Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. You should relax your mind in everything." Pei Qing said with a smile.

The reason why she is worried is that he has not encountered any obvious setbacks until now, and his development can be said to be smooth, and his mentality may not be as strong as those who persevere and succeed.

Coupled with the fact that they are young and have not yet graduated from a bachelor's degree, it is inevitable that some young people are arrogant and difficult to adjust when encountering setbacks.

His arrogance is something that Pei Qing deeply understands. Although he doesn't say it like ordinary people, it can be seen from his behavior that his arrogance is engraved in his bones.

It's just that she didn't know that Ye Zishu's actual age was not young. He also came from a poor family in this life. He also experienced various setbacks in his previous life, and his heart was not as fragile as she imagined.

In this life, he is indeed a bit arrogant, but it is different from the arrogance of ordinary people. One is that he has the capital, and the other is that he is not arrogant to everyone, but just looks down on some things and people.

But even if he looks down on them, he won't criticize them by name, but he won't participate in it, and he doesn't want to have any contact with them. In his opinion, it doesn't make any sense to fight with them.

He is more willing to respond to people and things he is not used to with practical actions, which is why he has done a lot of work that should not have been undertaken by him or his companies.

"At this meeting, many people asked me for your information, and some even wanted to meet you." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu was not surprised by this, and it was precisely because of this that he stayed at home and did not leave for Wuhan or the capital to avoid trouble.

"You say that?" Ye Zishu asked.

"What else can I say, I can only say that you are studying in retreat in your hometown." When Pei Qing said this, she couldn't help laughing.

Ye Zishu is indeed a genius, and Pei Qing agrees with this very much. In fact, she has never seen the scene of him reading a book, as if he was born with so many things.

Whether it is his home in the capital or his office, there are not many books at all, not even those entrepreneurs pretending to be cultured.

"That's a good answer. If you really have something to do, you can just ask the specific people in charge. There is no need to talk to me. They didn't say anything specific, right?" Ye Zishu said.

Seeing that Pei Qing shook her head, Ye Zishu put the matter aside. If there was an urgent matter and he had to come forward, he wouldn't say nothing, which meant that there was nothing serious about it.

"However, you are on the top of the rich list this time, and the combined strength of all the others is not as good as you alone, which has attracted the attention of many people.

In addition to the envy of some people, there are also many remarks that are not good for you. I think it is necessary for you to respond to the concerns of the outside world. "Pei Qing said.

Although Pei Qing said it very implicitly, Ye Zishu could also guess what these remarks were. According to what he meant, they were not worth responding at all, and he thought he had a clear conscience.

However, Pei Qing specifically mentioned this point, and Ye Zishu also had to consider this matter, so he said with a smile: "I will consider making some appropriate responses."

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