Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 511 We must actively promote the construction of the medical insurance system

At the beginning of March, Pei Qing asked to have a video connection with him. He thought he had something important to tell him, but in the end he just attended a meeting, which made her very excited.

That is the National Poverty Alleviation Conference. Since the Taiji Group spent a lot of funds on education and charity in the past year, 35 billion yuan was invested every penny.

They were also invited to participate in this meeting, and they were commended as models, because Tai Chi Group is quite representative and worthy of special mention.

At present, most private enterprises are still in the stage of desperately making money, and they are not enthusiastic about charity. Many charitable donations in China are supported by rich people in Hong Kong.

Not to mention that no one in the country donates to charity, but the scale will not be very large, because even the richest people in China are still like little brothers in front of Ye Zishu and the richest people in Hong Kong.

Taiji Group is a domestic private enterprise with a large industrial scale. The most important thing is that the scale of funds invested in charity is very large, and it is difficult to ignore it if you want to ignore it.

The 35 billion yuan invested in charitable funds last year is not the end. According to the agreement between Ye Zishu and Pei Qing, about 35 billion yuan will be invested in education and poverty alleviation every year in the future.

This kind of work will last for at least 5 years. In the future, the amount of support funds that need to be allocated will be determined based on the domestic economic development and the number of people who need educational support for poverty alleviation.

However, Ye Zishu believes that even if the domestic economy has been greatly developed with his participation, there are still certain difficulties in achieving nationwide economic improvement within five years.

Especially in remote areas, where Ye Zishu's industry has not been able to reach, and more policy support is needed to get rid of poverty. Entrepreneurs like him can only follow behind and give support.

The reason why Pei Qing was invited to participate instead of Ye Zishu was mainly because the donation was in the name of Taiji Group, not in his own name.

Because he doesn't have much money personally, the remaining funds from before, plus the last few albums newly released some time ago, and previous copyright income, the total funds in his hands are less than 2 million yuan.

This amount of money is a huge amount of money for individuals, but charitable donations are not very effective. Ye Zishu still follows the previous plan, charitable donations are only a supplement, and the most important thing is to develop a good industry.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of industrial development to provide more jobs in the country is the only way to fundamentally change the poverty situation of many families.

As for false fame, Ye Zishu didn't care about it, and he didn't have huge ambitions. What's the use of having such a great reputation, he already disliked his own reputation for being a bit big.

He used to be in the music circle, but he hoped to be more famous, so that he could make more of his first pot of gold. Now that he has left that stage, too much fame will bring him trouble.

On behalf of Taiji Group, Pei Qing won the title of National Private Charity Benchmarking Unit, which belongs to the collective honor of Taiji Group, and Pei Qing was only accepting the award as a representative.

In addition, Pei Qing has already been invited and may serve as a deputy to the National People's Congress. This phenomenon was relatively common in her previous life, but I don't know if it is a special treatment now.

However, with this status, one has the qualification to participate in and discuss state affairs. It just so happens that Taiji Group has many plans for the domestic medical field, and hopes to play some role.

Taiji Group has established thousands of hospitals across the country, which can be described as a huge effort, and it can even be said to be unprecedented. Up to now, no medical institution has such a large medical system.

Naturally, there are many reasons for this. First, the scale of the funds invested in this way is really too large. The investment of hundreds of billions of dollars is not something that anyone can take out casually.

The Taiji Group is also because the construction of these hospitals takes one or two years, and if they are all completed in one year, they cannot afford it.

The second is the limitation of medical personnel. Hospital hardware facilities can be quickly built with money, but the training of medical personnel is quite time-consuming.

Many public hospitals in China have been developed for decades, and few hospitals that have been established for one or two years can be recognized by patients. After all, medical treatment is different from other services, so it is understandable to be cautious.

It would have been very difficult to operate so many hospitals if it wasn't for Taiji Group's advanced technical support from Leaf Book, which minimized the barriers to medical entry.

Even so, Ye Zishu still needs to come up with a trump card so that Tai Chi Group can gain the recognition of the people across the country in a short time, and this trump card is the treatment technology for intractable diseases.

Although the hospital needs time to accumulate, in the final analysis, it still needs to be able to solve the actual problems of patients. As long as it does a good job in this area, the time background is of no importance.

The many medical technologies he is going to use this time are not just medical technologies, but also a whole set of treatment methods for various diseases. The combination of the two can exert real power.

As for the charity projects led by Qinglong Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company, they just started this year, so naturally they won't receive the same treatment as Tai Chi Group.

Grain goods

"Don't be happy for a long time just because you have won these honors. Doing charity comes from our heart. The purpose is not for these honors, but to solve the contradictions in society that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Charity is like patching the rules of the society. It is not a long-term solution, nor can it solve fundamental problems. It is only a temporary means. "Leaf Book said.

"Of course I know, it's just that we can't decide many things. As an enterprise, we can only do two things well.

The first is to develop a good industry. This is the top priority of an enterprise, and it is also something that can fundamentally lead everyone to live a good life. We have been working hard.

The second is to do charity properly. Our current educational charity is of great significance. Because of our investment of these funds, the drop-out rate in China has been greatly reduced last year. "Pei Qing said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu was finally relieved, explaining that she still listened to some of what he said before, instead of indulging in charity.

Pei Qing is very clear about which is more important. If the enterprise cannot be done well, everything else will be ignored, and the subsequent charity actions will be a tree without roots and a source of water.

"Since you are likely to become a representative of the National People's Congress, you should promote the establishment of a domestic medical security system. On the one hand, it involves your interests, and on the other hand, it also improves domestic medical conditions.

Now most people hardly enjoy any medical insurance. Once a serious illness occurs, it will be a catastrophe for a family. It is very important to establish a complete and suitable medical insurance system. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing nodded unconsciously. As for how to do it, Ye Zishu also gave a lot of suggestions before, which are actually relatively complete.

It's just that there has been no good way to promote it. I can only think of using the huge medical system that I will have in the future and use the membership model to replace the responsibilities that should be borne by social critical illness insurance.

If it can really promote the rapid development of medical insurance, the medical system under the Taiji Group will not need to launch memberships so that most of them can enjoy advanced medical services.

Of course, the premise is that the service system of Taiji Group, a private medical institution, can be included in the medical insurance payment system, otherwise it will be very detrimental to Taiji Group's medical system.

Ye Zishu's ideal is to form a medical insurance system covering all the people in the country, but he knows that it is difficult to achieve this at present, and this is what he regrets.

First, there is still a serious lack of insurance awareness in China. Everyone only sees that they keep taking money to pay insurance funds, but they don't see the price that they need to bear in case of accidents.

People are short-sighted. They place great emphasis on short-term benefits, but lack the sense of long-term urgency. In fact, medical insurance is a risk-sharing model, and every sum of money can play its due role.

Second, it is difficult to popularize medical insurance, especially among urban workers, but it is very difficult to get people in rural areas and freelancers to pay for insurance.

Especially in this period, everyone is not well-off, and they are not willing to pay for medical insurance. Ye Zishu has no good solution to this.

Unless there is financial support from the state, it cannot be solved at the current stage. In the eyes of an idealist like him, this is a very regrettable thing.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu inquired about the progress of Taiji Group's various projects. They now have a lot of projects in hand.

The first is the gene sequencing project, including the gene sequencing equipment technology that Ye Zishu gave them. In line with the idea of ​​sharpening their knives and cutting firewood, their main energy is currently focused on the research and development of equipment.

According to Pei Qing, it will take May to complete the research and development of gene sequencing-related instruments, and it may take until June to put them on the market.

With these gene sequencing instruments, the sequencing work will be completed soon, and Taiji Group will give the whole world a huge surprise, and by the way, these devices can be sold at a high price.

The second is medical instruments and equipment, which will be their new major business, and the industrial scale will be higher than that of the health care products industry. Taiji Group also attaches great importance to it.

According to Pei Qing, the research and development of various medical instruments and equipment will be completed in August this year, and almost all the instruments and equipment he provided will be developed by the end of this year.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly because the foundations of several companies under him have been laid well. Many parts and components can be purchased directly from these companies. There is no need to start from scratch at all, and the production capacity is formed faster.

For the remaining few projects, the time will not be determined. The pharmaceutical business, vaccine business, biological business, etc. all need external support. If the external conditions are not met, they have nothing to do.

Speaking of this, although Pei Qing didn't complain, her sparkling eyes revealed her thoughts, and Ye Zishu could only promise to deal with it as soon as possible.

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