Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 510 Using Artificial Intelligence for Content Creation

After finishing the smart education system, his next task is to complete the smart content creation system, which is mainly divided into three systems.

The first one is the intelligent music creation system. This is a project that has been promised a long time ago, but it has not been able to spare time to get it done. If it is delayed, although it will not be rushed, it will have an impact on related businesses.

The reason why it has been procrastinating before is not only the lack of time arrangement, but also the lack of technical preparation. The previous artificial intelligence engaged in work in these fields is still not satisfactory.

The biggest change in this upgrade of artificial intelligence is that it has excellent comprehension ability. Although it does not have the same innovation as human beings, it is sufficient for some creative work.

The previous intelligent music production system has already deconstructed and combined the music elements, so the work in this area does not need to be started from scratch, but can be used directly.

So it only took two days to develop the fully intelligent music creation system. Ye Zishu tried it, and the effect was very satisfactory.

Some of the randomly created music, even from a professional point of view, can't find any major problems, and it is almost impossible to tell that it is music created by artificial intelligence.

Although with his ability, he can still find a lot of traces of other music, but this kind of trace is very faint, even from the perspective of a professional, it cannot be said to be plagiarism.

Originally, the basic elements of culture are the same, especially in music, which is just an organic combination of various notes. As long as the two goals are fulfilled, it can be regarded as a good piece of music.

The first goal is to sound good, which is the most basic requirement for a piece of music. If it doesn’t sound good, no matter how good it is in other aspects, it can’t be called a good piece of music.

The second goal is to generate emotional resonance and be able to express some emotions and feelings. This is to give connotation to a piece of music, and it is also an important foundation for music to be called a cultural product.

From these two aspects, the intelligent music creation system developed by Ye Zishu has met the requirements, and the songs created are even better than the music created by many so-called creators.

It just so happens that his younger sister Ye Ziqin likes the so-called music star idol, which shows that she still loves music very much. Ye Zishu asked the intelligent music creation system to create 100 songs randomly.

Then he called Ye Ziqin over and asked her to listen to these songs. After the audition, although she was not satisfied with all 100 songs, there were more than 40 songs, which successfully attracted Ye Ziqin.

This ratio is already very high, everyone has their own music preferences, and Ye Ziqin thinks these songs are not bad, but some styles are not her favorite.

With Ye Ziqin's affirmation, Ye Zishu thinks that the requirements for going online have been met, and he will not continue to waste time and energy on it.

After the deployment on the intelligent supercomputer, Ye Zishu considered who would be the best operator of this system, and it is logical that it can be directly operated by Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Anyway, the music platform is theirs, and it's easy and trouble-free to hand it over to them for management, and there is no middleman to make the difference. Ye Zishu thought so before.

But now that he thinks about it, he still plans to hand it over to Shengshi Records. In the past year, they have been too miserable, and their performance has fallen off a cliff.

This is not the most critical point. The rise and fall of a company is a very normal thing, and Ye Zishu will not be very sentimental about it. This is the natural law. There are times of prosperity and times of depression.

The reason why he handed it over to Shengshi Records was mentioned earlier, that is to maintain the original music system and avoid being overwhelmed by the intelligent music creation system.

In terms of music creation efficiency, human beings simply cannot compare with machines. It is not difficult for an intelligent creation system deployed on a supercomputer to create millions of songs every day.

At that time, no one will carry out music original work, then the human music creation potential will be greatly reduced, which is to stifle the human music innovation ability.

The purpose of scientific and technological development is to improve efficiency and provide human beings with richer material and spiritual products, and it is by no means at the expense of stifling human development potential.

This system is handed over to Shengshi Records. On the one hand, it can support their current offline music market development, so that their artists have more abundant copyright works to commercialize.

On the other hand, it is to allow them to have enough strength to maintain a huge creative team. At that time, these creative teams will no longer be the main contributors to economic benefits, but creators of original elements.

In order to promote the enthusiasm of original music creators, Ye Zishu is going to make some improvements to the Kunpeng music platform to give more incentives to original music creators.

At present, the main income of music creators comes from platform users’ on-demand and download income. Once a large number of music created by artificial intelligence comes out, the works of these creators may be submerged in the vast music library.

Gu Yang

If they don't get enough attention at that time, their income will drop sharply, so the incentives he is going to offer are no longer pure music on demand and download income.

Instead, rewards are given based on their music originality evaluation. If it is a work with very high original elements, even if their platform commercial income is very low, the incentives will be very high.

In addition, it is necessary to provide proper support for original music in the music exhibition, so that more people can pay attention to their music, and at the same time evaluate the popularity of their music.

Because artificial intelligence wants to create popular music nowadays, it must pay attention to consumers' preferences at any time, carefully analyze the popularity of various music, and find popular music elements from it.

Therefore, it is necessary to connect the intelligent music creation system with the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company to avoid becoming isolated islands.

Fortunately, the work in this area is relatively simple. It only took one day to complete the relevant work, and then called the two companies to hold a meeting to explain the ideas and ideas about the music field.

In addition, it is a matter of profit distribution. In the end, Yeshu asked the two companies to take 5% of the revenue from the revenue to support the production incentives of original music.

Maybe this ratio will be increased to 10% in the early stage because the total income is relatively low, and the ratio will be reduced in the later period because the total income is large, but the minimum cannot be lower than 5% of the respective income.

The second is the intelligent film and television production system, which mainly upgrades the special effects system of Phoenix Special Effects Company to make it more intelligent, and even achieve the ability to independently create film and television dramas.

Compared with the intelligent music creation system, the intelligent film and television production system is more difficult. The same script can be shot by different people with completely different effects.

Not to mention artificial intelligence. There are thousands of variations in a script, and no one knows which one the audience likes. This is the difficulty.

Despite this, Ye Zishu still wants to try in this regard, the purpose is to enrich the streaming media content of Kunpeng Information Technology Company as soon as possible, so as to achieve the ability to compete with global film and television companies.

According to Kunpeng Information Technology Company, although the global film and television giants have not yet shown signs of joint confrontation, they have all formulated plans to enter the streaming media field.

At that time, it will inevitably be a situation where the heroes compete for the throne. At present, the output of Shengshi Film and Television Company and Phoenix Special Effects Company is too small, and the quality is in vain.

Relying on their rich historical background, other film and television giants are not at a disadvantage in the field of streaming media content. The only disadvantage is that it is still difficult to reach the level of Kunpeng Information Technology Company in terms of technology.

But this is not a fundamental weakness. It is not unacceptable in this era that it cannot provide high-definition videos to the audience, and it can also provide videos with relatively poor quality.

If you want to gain an absolute advantage in this field, you need to be in place in two aspects. The first is richer film and television content, and you must gain an absolute advantage in both quantity and quality.

The second is cost control. In the previous life, so many long videos ran for many years and lost money every year, because the cost was difficult to control and the copyright fee was too high.

The reason why the copyright fee is too high is that the production cost is too high. If the production cost is very low, the copyright will naturally be relatively low, and the video website may be able to make a profit.

The only way to solve the above two problems is to use artificial intelligence. If it is artificial intelligence before the upgrade, it is not very suitable for these tasks, and it is difficult to produce the desired effect.

The upgraded artificial intelligence has the characteristics of understanding content, and has reached the conditions for independent creation of film and television content. Ye Zishu only needs to upgrade the relevant supporting systems.

Although these supporting systems are still not simple, for Ye Zishu, it is relatively easy. The key is the deconstruction of film and television elements and the digital interpretation of film and television creation theory.

Therefore, when Ye Zishu wrote the intelligent film and television creation system, he had to learn the theoretical knowledge of film and television creation and watch a lot of film and television content to solve the problem of deconstructing film and television elements.

The third is the text content creation system, which is mainly based on novel creation, which can help solve the source of content for film and television creation, and is also the basis of film and television creation.

Of course, in addition to novel creation, this system can actually create almost all types of literary works, but it does not have the ability to innovate and can only recreate existing theories and concepts.

He believes that it is enough to reach such a level. As for innovation, it should be the work that social science workers and philosophers should do, and artificial intelligence cannot take on this important task.

Therefore, the two systems are almost running in parallel. At the same time, the two systems also have a strong correlation, realizing data interoperability, and even forming a system to jointly provide creative services.

Ye Zishu plans to spend a month or two to develop these two systems, and complete the medical tasks in the middle, which can be said to be quite busy.

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