Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 500 Other than Shock or Shock

We are having dinner now, so many details cannot be discussed, but the leader said that as long as they can help, they will never refuse, and they can ask for anything.

From the moment he chose the county seat as the school site, Ye Zishu understood that it would be difficult to get the full support of the government. After all, the administrative level is here, and many things cannot be done even if one tries.

So he didn't care much about the request. The only request was to do a good job in land planning. In this regard, it would be much more convenient for the government to cooperate or take the lead.

Although the enrollment scale of each college may not be very large, the floor area will certainly not be very low. In addition to the necessary teaching facilities and residential areas, there is also a large amount of land to build laboratories.

Now it is relatively certain that the medical school established by the Taiji Group will definitely fall here, because Pei Qing will basically not contradict Ye Zishu's suggestions.

However, Ye Zishu is not sure whether the colleges built by other companies will settle here, but he still hopes to gather together as much as possible.

The purpose of doing this is mainly for his own convenience. In the future, when many industries are on the right track, he may return to his hometown for a long-term stay.

In addition, the private laboratory he plans to build is also here, and the distance is relatively close, so he can have more energy to pay attention to these colleges, and it is also beneficial for him to use human resources.

Moreover, doing so is also beneficial to the development of these schools. As long as he pays a little attention to these colleges, he can make these colleges develop rapidly.

"Actually, the reason why we want to find a small place to build a university is to do research with peace of mind and minimize outside interference.

In terms of support, we don't ask much. The only big request is land. We hope that the government can actively support and try our best to settle this matter. "

Hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Land demand is what it should be, and it is also a matter of the government. There is nothing to say.

What they were afraid of was Yeshu's request beyond their ability. After all, they were just a county-level administrative unit, and many things were beyond their ability.

It is also based on this consideration that Ye Zishu did not ask them to cooperate with Taiji Group and New Oriental Education Group to actively apply to the relevant education departments.

"How much land do you need?"

Ye Zishu thought for a while. There was no clear conclusion on the construction of other colleges. It stands to reason that the location of the college should be closer to the industrial layout.

For example, colleges related to microelectronics and semiconductors are best established in Shenzhen, because that is currently the most advanced place in the domestic semiconductor and microelectronics industry.

It is very beneficial for students to go to school there and get a job nearby, and it does not require a long time to adapt. The same is true for the location of other colleges.

Compared with these highly competitive industries, the development and update speed of the medical industry is relatively slow, and it is a small place that is more suitable for this slow pace.

So Ye Zishu heard this and said: "It is certain that a medical school will be settled here, and the school may cover an area of ​​about 5000 mu."

Hearing what he said, there was still a trace of disappointment on the faces of the leaders, mainly because the medical school did not bring much additional effect to the local area.

Most of the students who come out of medical school will work as doctors. Compared with other industries, the possibility of starting a business is very low, and their role in promoting the development of local industries is limited.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu couldn't help explaining: "Don't underestimate this medical school, the industry scale in the field of medicine and medical related technologies will be huge in the future.

If a breakthrough is made in the field of medicine, an output value of hundreds of billions of yuan may be born, and the field of medical equipment is also a high-tech field, which also has a good output value.

What's more, Taiji Group is entering the field of medicine and medical equipment. There is no doubt that their technical strength in these areas is in a leading position in the world.

If you are in contact with Taiji Group, if you can let them properly arrange some medicine or medical equipment industries in the local area, it will be very easy for the industry scale to be hundreds of billions of yuan. "

Hearing his explanation, the people who were rather disappointed at first were shocked. They didn't expect the medical and pharmaceutical field to be so profitable.

At present, the output value of the medical and medical field in China is not large. First, the strength of my country's innovative drugs is not strong. Many diseases cannot be treated. If you get it, you can only wait for death. The common people cannot afford expensive imported drugs.

The second is that my country's medical and medical field has not yet been marketized, and the medical services provided should still meet the needs of the people as much as possible. The income of the people is not high, and the medical and medical industry is naturally unlikely to be large.

If Taiji Group's business is only limited to the domestic market, it will be difficult to make a difference in the field of medicine and medical treatment in a short period of time. After all, the level of economic development limits their development scale.

However, Taiji Group's market is worldwide. With its advanced medical and medical technology, it is not difficult to open up the world market, and the risk it faces is much smaller than that of semiconductor and other industries.

Medical care and medicine belong to the rigid needs of human beings. The more developed the economic level, the greater the demand for high-quality medical services, which is very beneficial to Taiji Group.

Although everyone was shocked by Ye Zishu's remarks, they were not very sure. This was based on domestic facts, but they didn't show it on their faces.

Although I am not sure, but this statement comes from Ye Zishu, the richest man in the country and even the world's richest man. It is definitely not unfounded, and there is no need to lie to them. There is not so much interest here for Ye Shu to covet.

"Tai Chi Group is an international medical service-oriented company, and their current revenue is contributed by more than 90% from foreign markets.

If only relying on the domestic market, it is indeed difficult to achieve such a high output value, but the international market is very broad, and the demand for high-quality medical services is also very strong.

For example, if the Tai Chi Group possesses specific medicines for the complete treatment of various cancers, such special medicines will naturally become hard currency internationally.

The scale of this pharmaceutical industry alone can easily exceed one trillion yuan. It is important to know that the number of cancer patients worldwide reaches tens of millions every year. "Ye Zishu explained casually.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, some people couldn't help asking: "Could it be that Taiji Group really solved the problem of cancer treatment?"

Originally, this kind of matter should not be announced to the outside world. After all, the medical materials are still in his hands and have not been handed over to Taiji Group, but Ye Zishu did not deny it, but nodded slightly.

In fact, there are many intractable diseases for human beings, many of which are much more difficult than cancer treatment, but in comparison, cancer is not only intractable, but also very numerous.

From the perspective of economic interests, the market for specific drugs for the treatment of cancer is very large, which cannot be compared with other rare and intractable diseases.

Most of the medicines that Ye Zishu brought out this time are aimed at this kind of disease that has a large patient population and is very difficult to treat at the same time.

There are also a considerable number of medicines for chronic diseases in the past, which is also a difficult problem in the medical field. Although the mortality rate is low, the pain index is not low at all.

In short, with the first batch of medical technologies provided by him, Taiji Group has the ability to treat most of the current human diseases almost instantly, and most of them are difficult to treat in the past.

Needless to say other words, as Ye Zishu nodded slightly, everyone understood that what he said before was definitely not bragging, but a strong self-confidence.

Being able to develop a special treatment drug for cancer is already a proof of strength. Even if there are thousands of words, it is not as true as this news.

"However, it takes a long time for medicines to go from research and development to marketing, and some medicines may take more than ten years to be launched, which means that they cannot quench thirst at a distance.

If you really want to boost the county's economy in a short period of time, I don't suggest you talk to Taiji Group about the localization of the pharmaceutical industry, but set your goal on their medical equipment business.

They also have made remarkable achievements in medical equipment technology, and compared with medicine, the audit requirements are not very high, and it is basically clear at a glance whether it is good or bad.

Here I would like to share with you a piece of news. Although they have a lot of expensive medical equipment, the unit price is too high, and the quantity is destined to be limited, which is not very obvious for improving employment.

In addition to high-value advanced medical equipment, there are also many affordable medical equipment, one of which is worth fighting for, and that is personal diagnostic equipment.

This kind of device is very small, basically similar to a watch, and the way of use is not much different from that of a watch. It can be worn directly on the wrist.

But the function is very powerful, it can monitor the user's physical health at any time, and it will become an indispensable personal health device in the future.

However, the price of this kind of equipment is not cheap. The price in foreign countries may be as high as 2000 US dollars, and it may be cheaper in China. However, compared with the domestic economic level, it is still a high-value product.

According to our estimates, the total global demand for this set of equipment will exceed 5 million yuan. After calculation, the industrial scale of this set of equipment alone can easily exceed one trillion yuan.

You just need to strive for the establishment of the Tai Chi Group industry here, the economic development speed here is even more exaggerated than taking a rocket. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu's words certainly have the meaning of taking care of his hometown, but this is also an established plan. He originally planned to put the medical equipment industry here to further strengthen the economic development foundation here.

But the people here are not clear, they will only think that he made the decision to take care of his hometown specially, and their favor towards him will naturally increase several times in an instant.

In addition, there is still shock at the news. They feel that it is extremely difficult to make money. In order to develop the local economy, it can be said that they have racked their brains and have not achieved much.

But in Ye Zishukou, there is no difference between making money and drinking water. Any industry is measured in trillions of yuan. It's no surprise that you are not shocked.

Of course, with such a huge scale of output value, it is impossible to only settle here. A county still cannot eat such a huge cake alone. In other places, production bases will definitely be built.

According to Ye Zishu's assessment, the annual demand for this kind of personal health equipment will be around 1 million units in the future. If the domestic economy recovers, this demand will further increase.

In addition to the service fees due to the huge amount of equipment, it will also bring a lot of income to Taiji Group every year. In any case, a county cannot completely eat all of this industry.

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