Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 499 Promoting Development with "Learning"

Ye Zishu ignored the expressions of the leaders, but continued: "The second path is more special, and that is to take the path of promoting development through learning."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone didn't understand what he meant. This "study" did know, but the scope of their understanding was from elementary school to high school, and they didn't think about university.

Because in conventional cognition, although a county like theirs is not considered a horny bump, it does not have the unique conditions to allow colleges and universities to settle in them.

Now there is only one vocational school built by New Oriental Education Group in the county. If it is calculated according to the level, it can only be compared at the level of junior high school, and it is not so legitimate.

"We don't understand, can you explain in detail?"

Not to mention, Ye Zishu is also going to explain this part in detail. After all, the development idea of ​​this part is still very different from the traditional development idea.

"My industry is developing very fast, but it is difficult to cultivate talents to keep up with the needs of development, both in terms of quality and quantity.

In order to keep the industry strong, each company under my umbrella has the idea of ​​building its own colleges and universities, and has already submitted an application to the relevant education department.

As for the permit, it may come down in the next year. At that time, we must choose a place to build a campus. If the county is willing to promote development through learning, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once this opportunity is missed, there may never be this opportunity in the future. After all, apart from the colleges and universities built by myself, no college will choose our county as the place to build a school. "

Ye Zishu paused for a moment when he said this, just to let the other party digest the news, because the relationship involved is more complicated.

On the surface, it is certainly a gratifying thing for a university to choose to build a school here, but compared to direct industrial investment, it seems almost meaningless.

Although college teachers may be a high-income group and can provide some jobs around college services, the number is definitely limited, which is incomparable with the number of jobs provided by industrial enterprises.

Seeing that they had almost digested the news, Ye Zishu continued: "Don't underestimate the value of a university to the local economic development.

The economic value directly created by a university may not be large, and the direct jobs provided may not be many, but the economic value and jobs they indirectly create are immeasurable.

The purpose of our establishment of colleges and universities is not ordinary colleges and universities. If they are just ordinary colleges and universities, there is no need for us to build them ourselves. Domestic public colleges and universities are already competent enough.

Therefore, this university is destined to go in line with the goal of building a top university in the world, and the scale of investment for this purpose is also very large, which may reach tens of billions of yuan every year.

Those who can enter this school as teaching staff are all leaders in the industry, and the students who can enter to study here can be called geniuses. "

Hearing what he said here, everyone present was shocked, even more unexpected than hearing that the university chose to build in the county just now.

The construction of a university does not mean that it can be built into the world's top by talking about it, but that it requires real investment, so the annual investment of tens of billions is really beyond their expectations.

At the same time, they also fully felt the size of Ye Zishu's structure. Ordinary businessmen would definitely not be able to do such a move, even if they had money, they would not do it.

There were so many rich people in the previous life, but very few people really participated in the construction of top universities. At most, they just donated some money to existing universities and did not participate in depth.

On the one hand, it costs a lot of money to do so, and it is very difficult for one person to support the sustainable development of a university. After all, the ability of individuals to take risks is very fragile.

On the other hand, he is unwilling to put in so much energy. If Ye Zishu didn't have a special educational institution to take charge of this matter, and at the same time the specific affairs were also responsible for the specific affairs of a company with specific investment, he would not be willing to do so.

His own time and energy are limited, if he is allowed to spend too much energy and time on this matter, he will feel that it is very worthless, and doing other things by himself is much better than this.

However, this kind of colleges and universities invested and constructed out of the needs of enterprise development is not uncommon in China. Like many electric power colleges and universities in China, in fact, electric power companies and departments participated in the construction initially.

The same is true for petroleum universities. These universities with obvious industry characteristics were originally established for the purpose of cultivating sufficient talents for the industry and enterprises.

So everyone is not surprised that his company personally invests in the construction of specialized colleges and universities to serve the development of the company, but is very surprised by the scale of their investment.

In this era, not to mention the tens of billions of dollars per year, the total investment scale is more than [-] billion yuan, which is a remarkable investment scale and can be called a big deal.


This money is invested in a small county, not to mention that the entire investment can be distributed, and it will benefit a lot if it is leaked from it.

What's more, the local colleges and universities also have certain advantages in local enrollment. Although they also need to compete with the top talents in the country, there are still some differences.

This difference depends on the degree of support from the local government. If they get along very well, universities don’t mind giving proper support to local talents.

Public colleges and universities can do this, not to mention private colleges and universities. After local talents are cultivated, there is a high probability that they will serve the local area, which is also very important for the development of all aspects of the local area.

Students from such top universities, even if they do odd jobs, can add humanistic literacy to the local area. If they can start a business, they can also increase economic vitality for the local area.

If it can serve the local government, then the governing ability of the local government will also be significantly improved. No matter from which aspect, it is very beneficial, and there is no disadvantage at all.

This is different from industrial enterprises. Although they can directly create economic value and provide jobs, there will be more or less environmental pollution. If it is serious, it will also cause serious livelihood problems.

"Although the existence of colleges and universities will not immediately create a large number of jobs like industrial enterprises, the consumption of these teachers and students can promote the prosperity and development of the local tertiary industry.

The number of jobs created by the tertiary industry cannot be ignored, and the many ancillary facilities built for this purpose cannot be ignored for the improvement of the local economic and cultural environment.

And as a university determined to become a top university in the world, it not only conducts daily teaching work, but also has a large number of research projects.

Once these research projects can actually be implemented, the biggest beneficiary is the local area, unless other places have more obvious advantages, or are considered for national industrial development.

In addition, as long as the local area can provide a superior investment environment, there is no reason to look far away. Generally, investment and construction will be made locally, and most of these projects have high technological content.

And high-tech industries not only have very high industrial profits, but also are not easy to be easily replaced, and have the possibility of developing into giants.

It's just that there are certain uncertainties in this aspect, but the potential is definitely much higher than simply introducing some industrial enterprises, just need some patience and time.

Moreover, compared with ordinary people, talents trained by colleges and universities have more entrepreneurial impulses and a much higher success rate in entrepreneurship. These can also promote the development of the local economy and enhance the development potential of the local economy. "

Ye Zishu talked about these benefits. Judging from the time spent, everyone can clearly feel that he is more inclined to the second development route.

On the one hand, the second development route has greater potential, and it does not need to compete strongly with other counties and cities, which gives the county a unique competitive advantage, and it is still an advantage that is difficult to be snatched away.

If it weren't for taking care of the hometown, it would definitely be better to place the construction site of the university in the city than in the county. Everyone here knows this very well.

On the other hand, Ye Shu wanted to build his own top-notch private laboratory out of his own consideration, and this address was obviously more appropriate in his hometown.

However, if the local conditions are not available at the beginning, the construction of this top private laboratory may encounter some twists and turns, and it will be much more troublesome than the construction in a big city.

If this place itself is a place where top universities gather, both the hardware foundation and the software foundation will be much stronger, and your own private laboratory will not appear so obtrusive.

Even some auxiliary research in one's own private laboratory can be handed over to these university laboratories, and the results produced can also be handed over to universities for secondary research transformation.

Once this situation is as successful as he hopes, it will be equivalent to building a set of advanced industry-university-research development routes for the local area, and the potential is not even lower than that of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

At that time, there may be a lot of industrial enterprises in the county, because with such a large area, it is impossible to use all of them to build industrial enterprises, and a large amount of actual production will definitely be transferred outside.

However, a large number of large enterprise headquarters will be born here. Around the headquarters economy, the county's economy can still develop at a high speed, and it is a green and clean development model.

If you don't have any ability, you can't achieve this position. After Ye Zishu mentioned this, the leaders understood the benefits of the second development route after a little thought, and it is also a unique advantage unique to this county.

If Ye Shu was not from this county, as a small county, he would definitely not have such an opportunity. This kind of opportunity only belongs to cities above the provincial capital.

They didn't say they would go back to the meeting to discuss, but they slapped the table on the spot, saying that as long as his company is willing to invest, the county government will support it unconditionally.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised that they were so decisive, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was only natural. In the face of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, hesitantly seemed very courageous.

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