Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 483 Preparing for Global Expansion

The idea of ​​Ye Zishu seems a bit greedy, no matter how you do it, it is impossible to make customers choose their restaurant to eat all the time.

He actually didn't want to do this, he was not stupid, he knew it couldn't be done, if someone really did it, he would directly become a global super giant.

Rather, he feels that the value of these data has not been fully explored. Due to the limited operating area of ​​fast food restaurants, there are not many types of meals, and the number of meals in the regular meal pool selected from thousands of choices is limited.

In fact, there are still many food products with very good market value. He wondered if he could open two or three Chinese fast food and use different brands to realize the interoperability and utilization of data resources.

On the one hand, this is to give consumers more choices, just like McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King. Western food can accommodate so many brand chain stores, and Chinese food should also be able to accommodate them.

Moreover, the western food brand chain stores basically sell the same products, with serious homogeneity, but the homogeneity of Chinese fast food is not so serious. It should be more advantageous to share the market with dislocation competition.

What's more, the interoperability of data and the reuse of research and development results can greatly reduce back-end costs, and even the central kitchen can be put together, but the operating stores are separated.

The most important thing is that once everyone thinks that the chain of Chinese fast food brands is profitable, other capital will also want to come in to get a piece of the pie, and then the market competition will become more intense.

Instead of this, it is better to open two or three Chinese fast food chain brands by yourself, and occupy the market in advance, so that other capital will feel that it is no longer profitable to enter.

If you insist on coming in and trying it out, these Chinese fast food chain brands can also cooperate with each other to drive competitors out of the market and realize group combat advantages.

Ye Zishu has never been polite in the mall. Others are doing business for real. He feels like doing business is like playing a game. Everyone should understand the mentality of playing games.

He put forward his own idea, asked Yuko Ogura to consider whether it was feasible, and suggested that he could raise it. Whether it is feasible and how to implement it is what the professional managers below should consider.

Yuko Ogura was really shocked after hearing Ye Zishu's thoughts. Generally, companies don't have so many brands, and these brands are of the same type, and there are very few of them. It feels like she is fighting with herself.

But when you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense. If Chinese fast food develops well, the market size will be huge, and one restaurant chain brand is simply not enough.

What's more, the value potential of data utilization mentioned by Ye Zishu has also brought a new way of thinking to Yuko Ogura. It turns out that the potential of data can still be tapped in this way.

In fact, one or two more Chinese-style chain catering brands can also carry out misplaced competition, and there are obvious gaps in the main products, which can meet the needs of different consumers.

For example, as mentioned above, fried rice is the main dish, and other meals are auxiliary meals. Then, is it possible to open a brand chain store that mainly focuses on Chinese pastries and Chinese drinks as auxiliary meals.

In fact, there are many similar situations. For example, the chain brand mainly focuses on Chinese cold food, which is closer to the Western fast food model and has certain development potential.

Yuko Ogura may not have a good understanding of Chinese food before, but after collecting more than 1000 dishes, she has a deep understanding of Chinese food.

Among so many meals, many of them are actually in line with the fast food business model, but some of them seem to be more in line, but in fact the cost is relatively high, and the requirements for the craftsmanship of the masters are relatively high.

In developed countries, the labor cost is the highest, which is why fried rice is chosen as the opening meal of fast food, because it can be produced on a large scale and mechanized, and requires less labor and production skills, which can effectively reduce labor costs.

Yuko Ogura said: "We will consider the boss's suggestion and conduct related experiments."

Hearing her cautious answer, Ye Zishu not only didn't get angry, but felt more at ease. Business management should have such a cautious attitude, make preparations in advance, and consider various factors.

Of course, sometimes there will be unexpected results if you make a proper venture. It depends on the character of the manager. Ye Zishu does not force it. There is no perfect manager in the world.

"In fact, the operation cost of Chinese fast food is still slightly higher than that of Western fast food. The meals we currently operate are simple, which leads to high operating profits. With the gradual enrichment of food products, the back-end costs will become higher and higher." Xiao Xiao Cang Yuko said.

He understood what she meant. Fried rice is the simplest Chinese meal. If it involves cooking, the preparation is more complicated. Even if there is a central kitchen, the labor cost is still not low.

If you want to do well in this area, the best solution is fully mechanized production, which can save labor costs, achieve consistent standards, and ensure hygiene and safety.

In addition, the cost of the supply chain is relatively high. There are only a few types of Western food, which can be ordered on a large scale, and the price of a single product can be kept very low.

As for Chinese fast food, even if there are fewer products, it is much more complicated than Western fast food. It is more difficult to build a supply chain and the cost is relatively high.


Therefore, if they want to continue to develop Chinese fast food, the optimization of food production methods and supply chain construction is a problem they have to face.

Unless they only sell fried rice all the time, then they don’t need to care about the supply chain. This is one of the reasons why they choose fried rice as a start with limited funds and energy, because the dependence on the supply chain is not very strong, at least not Very complicated.

Moreover, although his business method tailored to local conditions can make it easier for Chinese fast food to survive, the supply chain will also be impacted relatively fragmented, further increasing the cost of the supply chain.

Leaf Book sat there and thought about these issues carefully. If there is no low production cost, and relatively cheap and efficient supply chain support, if you want to expand Chinese fast food to the world, you will encounter more and more problems.

"Is your current fast food order price higher than Western fast food?" Ye Shu asked.

Yuko Ogura nodded and said, "At present, it is not as high as western fast food. After all, the cost of fried rice is relatively low in all aspects, and it is still price-competitive. Other meals are not necessarily so."

"For the issue of the supply chain, you can cooperate with Taiji Group to make the supply chain well. They still have many advanced planting technologies. You can talk about the details.

As for the production cost, I can give you some technical support. The use of fully automatic mechanized production is an inevitable choice to gain a competitive advantage in the future.

When you are researching food products, a brand chain store can consider operating food products with similar production methods, so that a set of automated equipment can be used to solve a class of problems. "Leaf Book said.

Technically, he definitely has no problem. Even the most complicated automatic surgery equipment can be developed, not to mention the equipment used for cooking, which is much less difficult.

Just considering the cost of building such a central kitchen, try to use a set of general-purpose mechanical equipment to solve all problems. If a meal requires a set of equipment, the cost may be much higher than labor.

If you want to solve all similar problems with one set of equipment, you have to use artificial intelligence technology and advanced automation technology. It is difficult for ordinary automation technology to do this.

Hearing what he said, Ogura Yuko was very happy, but she had no idea whether she could do it or not. She didn't know much about Ye Zishu.

She was naturally skeptical about whether the mechanical equipment provided by Ye Zishu could realize fully automatic production, but it was not easy to show it in front of the boss.

Ye Zishu naturally didn't understand her inner thoughts. Seeing that she had no objection to this, this matter was skipped. The matter of the supply chain had to be discussed with Tai Chi Group, and he did not intend to intervene in it.

Then Ye Zishu asked again: "Your business performance last year was quite remarkable. What plans and plans do you have for the new year?"

"We feel that we can no longer stay in the Japanese market and not go out. After nearly two years of exploration, we already have a certain foundation and feel that we can expand appropriately.

In the initial stage, there will be no large-scale expansion, and experimental stores will be opened in different food culture areas first, and large-scale expansion will only be achieved after success and experience summed up. "Okura Yuko said.

Although there is no specific plan, but the meaning is very clear, that is, to make preparations for global expansion this year, maybe at the end of this year, maybe next year, there will be a large-scale expansion.

"Can your existing capital scale support your plan?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing this, Yuko Ogura thought for a moment, and said, "Originally, I came this time because I hoped to get more support from Mr. Ye, so as to lay a solid foundation for rapid expansion in the future.

Our capital can still afford to open a trial store, but we not only open fast food restaurants, but also want to expand high-end Chinese restaurant to the world at the same time, the investment cost is still very high. "

After hearing this, Ye Zishu didn't want to be fussy. Anyway, they still need to go out, and the initial investment can't be saved either.

Now that he is not short of money, he might as well give them more investment, so that they will not be as timid as they are now.

What's more, the purchase price of fully automatic intelligent kitchen equipment is definitely not cheap, and they probably can't buy a few sets with their own funds.

"I still have some money, and this time I plan to lend you 100 billion yuan at zero interest rate. I hope you can make greater achievements." Ye Zishu said.

Before Yuko Ogura was happy, Ye Zishu continued: "If you encounter a store with a good location, you can consider buying it. In the future, the rent cost will occupy a large part of the catering cost. It is good to prepare in advance."

Only fixed investment needs so much money. If it is only for renting a store, it will not cost so much money at all, and it can only eat interest on the bank account.

Hearing what he said, Yuko Ogura was surprised and said: "Even if it is like this, you can't spend so much money!"

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