Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 482 Chinese fast food starts with fried rice

It is very difficult to make Chinese fast food well. Ye Zishu has put forward so many suggestions. If he is really asked to cook it himself, he will not have much confidence in his heart.

Fast food pays attention to universal taste, fewer varieties, and unified standards. Correspondingly, the cost should be low, the waiting time for meals should be shortened, and the flop rate should be high.

Only when the above points are achieved, can fast food be managed well. However, it is very difficult for Chinese food to fully meet the above characteristics.

If it's Ye Shu himself, it doesn't mean that he can't do it at all, at least he must spend a lot of energy. He is still very good at pragmatic work, but he may not be better than others when it comes to pragmatic work.

At present, the country is not very proficient in the standardized and popularized industrial development model. It is impossible for him to participate in the battle himself. He can only use Japanese people like Ogura Yuko, hoping to meet all the above requirements.

Perhaps in the future, as the domestic economy rises and the people's vision becomes higher, and they have a deeper understanding of economic and market operations, there may be many such talents.

He has never doubted the learning ability of domestic talents, but this requires a process, not to mention a pioneering industrial development model, which requires even higher requirements.

"Actually, before we start the Chinese fast food business, we also want to find peers and see how they operate Chinese fast food, so that we can learn from it."

When Yuko Ogura said this, Ye Zishu thought of Panda Express, a Chinese fast food chain brand in Laomei. This company was founded in 1983, and later developed to have more than 2000 stores around the world.

It can be said that it is the most successful brand in the field of Chinese fast food. Although Ye Zishu does not know how they operate, because he has not tried it, it is still completely fine to learn from it.

"It's a pity that there are not many Chinese fast food chain companies, and most of them are small family-based restaurants, and the dishes they operate have also been improved, which is no longer authentic Chinese food.

However, there is a panda fast food company that caught our attention. After investigation, we feel that although their development model is worth learning, it cannot be copied. "Okura Yuko said.

Ye Zishu nodded, expressing his agreement. If it is just a complete copy, it will be very difficult to surpass others. In fact, this is the case with everything, you must have something that belongs to you.

"Then how did you do it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Our approach is actually very simple. The first is to minimize the variety of fast food, which can greatly increase the profitability of single products.

The second is the generalization of the taste. Anyone can come and eat it, and it will not feel bad after eating. If the taste is very good, it will be even better.

The third is that the production should be very convenient, it is easy to carry out standardized production, and the taste can last for a long time, which can greatly reduce the cost and enable large-scale expansion.

For these three items, the measures we have come up with are also very simple. At present, we only have one category of fast food, and that is fried rice. "

Hearing this, Ye Zishu felt inconceivable, and even suspected that he had heard it wrong. Unexpectedly, among thousands of choices, fried rice stood out.

Ye Zishu didn't speak, Yuko Ogura continued: "Don't underestimate fried rice, it is a very versatile fast food type, which can be derived from many flavors.

The most important thing is that the taste of fried rice is universal, no matter where people eat it, they will not find it unpalatable. It is very suitable for the fast food industry aimed at filling the stomach.

Moreover, the production process of fried rice is not complicated and can be produced by machines. For this reason, we have set up our own central kitchen, which can be produced on a large scale by machines, and the cost can be reduced to the extreme.

The reprocessing process of fried rice is very simple, as long as it is heated, some fried rice can be heated directly by using an induction cooker, and some only need to be cooked in a frying pan.

Moreover, the taste of fried rice lasts for a long time, and it is stored in a sealed package for a whole day without much problem, which can greatly reduce the waste. "

After listening to Yuko Ogura's words, Ye Zishu felt that it made sense. There are many kinds of fried rice in my country, and Japan is also a country that mainly eats rice, and its acceptance is very high.

If it is changed to a country or region that does not mainly eat rice, it will not work to use fried rice as the main product, which again reflects the idea of ​​"adapting measures to local conditions".

There has never been a one-size-fits-all model in the catering industry, because it is an industry closely related to cultural customs and living habits. If measures are not adapted to local conditions, its development will inevitably be greatly restricted.

"Fried rice certainly has the advantages you mentioned, but the taste is relatively simple. After eating it a few times, you probably don't want to eat it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There is indeed such a problem. In fact, not only fried rice, but any Chinese food has such characteristics, and the taste needs to be constantly changed.

However, we are not unprepared for this problem. Although they are all fried rice, we have as many as 10 flavors of fried rice, and each taste has its own characteristics.


More importantly, we have done a lot of experiments on each kind of fried rice, and we have made every taste to the extreme. There is still a big difference from the fried rice made by ordinary families.

Take the most common fried rice with eggs. Through vigorous research and development and standardized production processes, the fried rice with eggs can be guaranteed to be golden in color, and every grain of rice has the fragrance of fried rice with eggs.

I remember that after our egg fried rice was developed, I ate it for 10 days in a row, and it still felt very delicious. It was a pleasure to pair it with the side dishes and soup we made. "Okura Yuko said.

He didn't know whether Yuko Ogura's words were exaggerated. If it was true, it meant that they had indeed reached a very high level in fried rice research.

Anyway, Yuko Ogura is also from a family of catering merchants. She has never eaten anything, but she still feels good after eating it for 10 days. She has the desire to continue eating and has no rebellious psychology. This has proved her excellence.

However, she herself said that delicious food is useless, and she still needs to speak with data, which will not deceive people, so Ye Zishu asked, "How about the business data?"

"Since we opened our first fast food restaurant, it has become very popular as expected. The daily turnover of a single store has reached 3 yuan, and the gross profit margin has reached 70%. It is not inferior to those Western-style fast food giants." Yu Ogura Zi said.

When Ye Zishu heard this data, he quickly calculated it in his mind. According to the operating conditions of this single store, the annual revenue of the single store reached 200 million US dollars, and the gross profit reached 140 million US dollars.

No matter which country you are in, the tax rate of the catering industry will not be very high, and the net profit rate can reach about 60%. This kind of business situation is already very strong.

In fact, the profitability of such a single store has surpassed those Western-style fast food giants. Although the revenue of a single store may decline with the increase of stores in the future, it still surprises him.

Could it be that the fried rice they make is the fried rice with eggs in "The God of Cookery"?Then he put this idea aside, if it is really the case, the cost will definitely not be very low.

In any case, the fast food business of "China Little Master" has made a good start, and has also explored a business model suitable for their localization.

"Then how many stores have you opened now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The advantage of fast food is that it can be copied quickly. One month after our first store achieved great success, we are sure to be able to maintain a relatively stable operating income.

So we started the stage of expansion and development. At present, we have opened 500 fast food restaurants in the Tokyo area, and the minimum operating income of a single store has reached 150 million US dollars based on annualized calculation.

This year, we plan to expand to regions outside of Tokyo and open up to 2000 stores. By then, the fast food business in Japan will basically be stable. "Okura Yuko said.

After hearing this, he felt that although the situation was very good, he didn't quite agree with them expanding the number of stores to 2000 at once.

If they are all successful, even based on the minimum annual operating income of 150 million US dollars, the annual revenue of these fast food restaurants will reach 30 billion US dollars, and the net profit will be about 12 billion US dollars.

This income is already very large in the catering industry, but Ye Zishu didn't raise any doubts, let them try it for the time being, and don't point fingers if he doesn't understand the situation.

"If you only manage fried rice, you will definitely get tired after a long time. Do you have any countermeasures?" Ye Zishu asked.

What he wants to see the most is that all customers will not get tired of eating in his fast food restaurant all the time, so as to maintain customer relationship for a long time and ensure the stability of operation.

"Fried rice will be our regular meal in Japan, but the types of fried rice will not always be so many, and the types will be reduced to 3 according to the actual business situation.

In the future, we plan to follow the business strategy mentioned by the boss and use the rapid iterative meal model to explore meals that meet the local taste. When we have enough data, we will choose 10 kinds of meals as our regular meals.

Other meals will also exist as mobile meals, which can give consumers a sense of freshness and change their tastes frequently. "Okura Yuko said.

When Ye Zishu heard her words, he thought about another problem, that is, although this model is correct, the collected data did not play its fullest role.

Data is capital to a certain extent. How to maximize the value of data is a question that needs to be carefully considered by all walks of life, otherwise it will be a waste of due benefits.

According to their business model, as long as it takes a year or so, they can know the tastes of the locals well. Just running a catering brand is a huge waste.

People love the new and dislike the old, which is one of the reasons for human progress. No matter how good their fast food is, it is difficult to attract the same consumers to their stores all the time.

He thinks this is a question worth thinking about.

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