If there were any threatening measures and means, Ye Zishu had already received the information, and his companies did not relax in the slightest about the concerns of major competitors.

But I don't know how long the current calm will last. Anyway, they are very active in purchasing Xuanwu Technology's production line, and I don't know if they can hold back their big moves.

Regardless of whether they can come up with shocking products or not, they are not completely unprepared anyway. He has asked Xuanwu Technology to start building the next generation of electronic semiconductor production lines and more advanced parts production lines.

If they are close in product performance, more advanced products will be launched here immediately, and the original products will be sold at a reduced price to clear the inventory.

Although he doesn't think they can tie in such a short period of time, precautionary measures must be taken, so that they don't suddenly explode and this side is unprepared, so it will give them a window to recover.

Ye Zishu planned to end the small chat with Yuko Ogura, and directly entered the formal reporting session, saying: "You are developing there, and I don't have much energy to pay attention to it. You have worked hard during this time!"

"This is what we should do. I am honored to work for Mr. Ye!" Yuko Ogura replied politely.

Ye Shu just nodded without making any comments, thought for a while, and said, "I still trust your ability, and you haven't told me about the difficulties in business for such a long time, which shows that you can independently deal with the problems you encounter.

It's just that the two places are too far apart, and I don't know much about the specific situation of the catering industry you operate. This time you come here in person, I have to listen carefully. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Yuko Ogura, who was already straight, became even straighter, and she didn't see any documents, so she immediately started reporting, and she seemed to know the relevant data like the back of her hand.

"When I returned to Japan, after careful analysis, I felt that we should first develop the high-end Chinese food business, and use 2000 million yuan of your investment of 1000 million yuan for the lease and decoration of the store.

Then we used the remaining 1000 million for publicity and operations. At that time, we started our first venture with the idea of ​​success or success. "Okura Yuko said.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu couldn't help complaining in his heart, what is the meaning of success if you fail, if you fail, you don't have much loss, at most you just lose a job, and what you lose is his money.

However, there is still an expression of appreciation on the surface. After all, the company has not closed down yet, which means that the business is still going well, and we must affirm the achievements of the company.

"Our first high-end catering flagship store has eight floors, and each floor focuses on a Chinese cuisine. For this reason, a large number of senior chefs from the eight major cuisines have been invited to work.

In fact, Chinese food is still very well-known in Japan. After all, many Japanese dishes are learned and improved from Chinese food, but there are obvious differences between the two.

Japanese cuisine is generally delicate, less oily, and has a high proportion of seafood, while major Chinese cuisines are mainly mixed, spicy, oily, and heavy in smoke, which has limited the popularity of authentic Chinese food in Japan.

This time, many chefs were invited. At the beginning, they wanted to improve the special dishes of Chinese food for Japanese tastes, but they were opposed by many chefs, because it would not be called authentic Chinese food.

After discussion, it was decided to change the way of thinking, instead of using ordinary Chinese dishes as the main dishes, but to choose dishes close to Japanese taste from various cuisines as the main operating dishes. "Okura Yuko said.

Ye Zishu nodded when he heard this. The so-called local Chinese food in the previous life is far from the Chinese food we eat, and has nothing to do with Chinese taste at all.

At that time, Ye Zishu only mentioned the need to adjust measures to local conditions and introduce dishes that suit local tastes, but he did not specifically improve Chinese food dishes, because he did not consider this at all at the time.

Fortunately, the past domestic chefs were stubborn and did not do this. Otherwise, this catering brand that focuses on high-end Chinese food may become a joke in the domestic catering industry.

In fact, every cuisine has dishes that are different from the mainstream tastes, such as Sichuan cuisine that is heavily spicy, and there are also dishes like "boiling cabbage", which have nothing to do with spicy.

It’s just that the domestic economic situation was not good before, and ordinary people couldn’t afford such high-end dishes at all. Instead, the spicy taste of Xia Liba people has become synonymous with Sichuan cuisine.

This phenomenon exists in other major cuisines. Not all dishes are in line with the mainstream tastes of this cuisine. The reason why it is not common is generally because of high cost, difficult production and high price.

And Yuko Ogura's goal is to focus on high-end Chinese food. She is not afraid of the high price, but she is afraid that it does not meet the tastes of consumers. Anyone who can come here to eat is not bad for the price of the meal.

"Your idea is very good. It not only ensures the authenticity of Chinese food, but also realizes adapting measures to local conditions. It also gives the outside world a new understanding of Chinese food, which is of great benefit to the promotion of Chinese food and our brand." Ye Zishu commented.

"After having this idea, we asked the past chefs here to sort out all the dishes of the major cuisines, and gave them high rewards to encourage them to dig out more dishes."


Speaking of this, Ye Zishu interrupted her, and asked with a smile: "Oh, how did you reward them?"

"The reward is actually very simple, as long as they can collect dishes that we have not mastered, a reward of 1 yuan will be given for each dish, with no upper limit.

As long as they collect dishes that we have not mastered and use them in the daily operation of catering, they will be rewarded with a one-time reward of 2 yuan. At the same time, they will be rewarded with a 2% commission for each dish sold. "Okura Yuko said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu couldn't help admiring her, and gave her a thumbs up. It seems that 1 yuan is very high, but these chefs must bring out dishes that have not been mastered, which is actually very difficult.

Most of the dishes can be seen every day. Such dishes cannot get these rewards. To get rewards, these chefs have to rack their brains to find uncommon dishes.

The people who can be invited by Yuko Ogura to serve as high-end catering chefs in Japan are not ordinary chefs themselves, but are usually people who have been trained by famous teachers.

Such chefs still have a wide relationship in the domestic catering industry. For the sake of profit, they will definitely try their best to contact the domestic relationship and collect as much uncommon dishes as possible.

Not to mention whether these dishes will be selected into the daily operation dish pool, but the recipe and production method are worth the price, even a little low.

After these dishes are collected, they are not available in Japan, which does not mean that they are not available in other countries and regions. As long as the base is large, there will always be one that suits the taste of the locals.

That's what he meant by adapting measures to local conditions, but he didn't explain it clearly at the time. I didn't expect Yuko Ogura to get it right by mistake.

The last one even binds the interests of these chefs with the interests of the catering group. As long as they still hold positions in the catering group, they can continuously obtain additional income.

The more important point is that there will not be so many dishes collected in the future. In order to obtain more income, these chefs must develop new dishes, which is very important for increasing the vitality of the catering group.

There are three magic weapons for a catering company to survive. The first is the taste and quality of the dishes, the second is whether the service is in place, and the third is the price.

Among them, the dishes themselves and the service are more important. As for the price, it can only be said that the target consumer group is different. No matter what the price is, there will always be people who can adapt to this price.

"What was the result?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The result is naturally good. Up to now, we have collected a total of 1080 dishes, some of which are newly created dishes." Yuko Ogura said.

Although Ye Zishu lamented that there are so many dishes, but thinking about it carefully, it is not too many. Chinese food can be cooked with everything, only unimaginable, and there is nothing impossible.

"Then you spent a lot of money!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If he hadn't said this with a smile, and thought he was blaming the expense, Yuko Ogura still explained: "I think it's worth it. These dishes are the foundation of our catering group."

"I'm not blaming the extravagant money, I'm just feeling sorry!" Ye Zishu explained.

"Mr. Ye must be able to see it clearly. With Mr. Ye's ambition, such a small expense will definitely not be taken to heart." Yuko Ogura inadvertently flattered him.

"With such a large cost, your operating funds should not be enough?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We know that we don't have a lot of money. At the beginning, we mainly collected dishes that fit Japanese tastes. At the same time, we delayed the rewards for other dishes collected. We will honor our reward promises when we make a profit." Yuko Ogura said.

"They still trust you," Ye Zishu said.

"Thanks to these chefs for their trust in us, of course it is also inseparable from the success of our business at the beginning." Yuko Ogura said.

"Then how is your business going?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

After talking for so long, it's only now that I officially enter the topic. I haven't looked for him for so long, which means that there should be no problem with survival. He doesn't know whether he is just barely surviving or a hot business.

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