Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 479 Mu Qiang's Psychology

I thought that Yuko Ogura would come on January 1th, and if it was earlier, it would be on the 20th, but I didn't expect to come here on the 19th.

Ye Zishu didn't have time to go to the airport to pick her up, so he directly arranged for people from the administration department to pick her up, and didn't ask her to come and report immediately, but arranged for a place to stay first.

Since the time was set on the 20th, Ye Zishu didn't plan to change the time, but just asked Ogura Yuko to stroll around Wuhan, treating it as a trip.

However, during this period of time, the climate in Wuhan is not very good. If the sun is not out, it is still relatively cold outside. If you stay at home without heating, you will feel the attack of magical cold.

So Ye Zishu specially arranged for Ogura Yuko to settle in the hotel near the headquarters. The ordinary hotels outside do not have central air conditioning, so it is not a good experience to live in.

As for five-star hotels, Ye Zishu didn't know if there were any in Wuhan, and even if there were, it wouldn't be as cost-effective as staying in his own hotel, which would save him a lot of money.

Taking care that she is very unfamiliar with this place, Ye Zishu specially arranged for a colleague from the administrative department who was born in the local area to act as a tour guide to take her around.

She came here early, maybe she really wanted to ^_^ She didn't have any comments on such an arrangement, and she didn't propose an idea of ​​reporting in advance.

Two days passed in a flash. On January 1th, Ye Zishu met Yuko Ogura in his office. The first time he saw her, Ye Zishu felt that she was much more mature and capable than last time.

When I saw her last time, although there was a shrewd look on her face, she actually still retained the vitality of a student, and she didn't have any majestic temperament on her body.

It can be seen that in the past two years, she has undergone a transformation. I don't know what she has experienced during this period of time, which can make people have such a big change in just two years.

Pei Qing is also a corporate executive. Although there have been some changes, he feels that it is not so obvious. It may also have something to do with seeing each other every now and then. Of course, it may also have a lot to do with the experiences of both parties.

Although Taiji Group has a large revenue, it can be regarded as a giant company from the perspective of revenue, but because of his care, the development has been smooth and has not encountered major setbacks.

Ye Zishu gave very little help to the "Chinese Little Master" catering managed by Yuko Ogura, and even reached the point of not asking any questions. Yuko Ogura had to face all problems by himself.

In addition, the atmosphere over there is different from that in China. In China, there is not much difference between men and women in running a business. As long as they are capable, women can also get the same respect as men.

"Mr. Ye, what's my disrespect?" Ogura Yuko asked strangely.

Hearing Yuko Ogura's words, Ye Zishu smiled embarrassedly and said, "Maybe it's been a long time since I saw you. Seeing how you've changed so much, I'm a little fascinated. I'm sorry!"

Hearing his explanation, Ogura Yuko was finally relieved, and said, "I see that Mr. Ye has also changed a lot, and he is more like a big boss than before."

When Ye Zishu heard what he said, a smile appeared on his face, not because her words hit his heart, but because the way she said it was very different from his impression.

For example, in the meeting scenes of many film and television dramas in the previous life, the polite address was "Ye Sang", but Yuko Ogura did not use it, but replaced it with the respectful name "Mr. Ye".

There is also the title of "boss", which is very popular here. Obviously Yuko Ogura has worked hard in this area and is willing to make changes for this.

"Maybe it's the distance that produces beauty, but in fact I'm still the same as before." Ye Shu said.

These words are not modest, but the truth, at least in his view, the fact that his industry is getting bigger and bigger, in fact, the changes in his life and work have not changed much.

I am still busy with the same things every day, and my mentality is similar to before. The only difference is that I have been worrying about not having enough money before, but now I am worrying about how to spend it faster and better.

"That's different, you are much more famous now than before!" Yuko Ogura said with a smile.

"Oh, tell me!" Ye Zishu said curiously.

He thinks that not much has changed, and he has not deliberately paid attention to the overseas situation. If it is a small matter, the overseas agencies can handle it by themselves, and someone will naturally report it to him.

"Mr. Ye was very famous in Japan before, but that was because many people liked Mr. Ye's songs, and many people were your fans.

When I learned that Mr. Ye did not intend to continue singing and writing songs in the future, many fans felt lost, and I was one of them. "

Speaking of this, Yuko Ogura laughed unconsciously, as if thinking of the interesting memories back then, Ye Zishu she read also smiled, although she didn't know what was funny.

"I'm sorry, I was rude just now, you also know that I am your fan, and seeing my idol retire from the music scene, it is inevitable that I feel a little disappointed.


I can only put more energy into my work. I didn't expect that in the second half of last year, there would be more news about Mr. Ye, but the news pages logged in were different. "

When Yuko Ogura said this, Ye Zishu already guessed what happened next. The biggest thing in the second half of the year was the explosion of his industries, which had a great impact on the world economic structure.

As a relatively advanced semiconductor industry, Japan will definitely be greatly impacted. Fortunately, after 1985, their chip industry gradually went downhill.

The most affected industries were South Korea and old m's related industries. Of course, Japan's game industry was also hit hard, and some of the remaining chip industries were also hit hard.

"There shouldn't be anything good to say, right?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He didn't expect that there would be reports about his business in Japan. Despite the booming development of his industry some time ago, there were actually almost no reports about him personally.

The news that appeared basically reported on the companies under him, and the interviews were also aimed at the leaders of these companies, and basically no one wanted to interview him himself.

Apart from his reluctance to accept interviews, it seems that everyone has formed a tacit understanding to downplay his presence as much as possible and attribute the development to the company itself.

In addition, he has now resigned from all positions in these enterprises, and only serves as the president of Kirin Industrial Group, and Kirin Industrial Group is still in an unknown state.

Only the local government invested by Kirin Industrial Group has some information. The outside world knows little about Kirin Industrial Group, and the sense of existence is very weak.

This is really "blossom inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall". I didn't expect so many reports on him. Since Yuko Ogura said that he is well-known, it means that it is not a sporadic report in one or two newspapers. It must be reported on a large scale. Effect.

"On the contrary, the Japanese business and economic circles have a very high evaluation of Mr. Ye, and even arranged for you the title of 'genius entrepreneur'." Yuko Ogura said.

When she said this, Ogura Yuko's eyes were also shining, which made Ye Zishu believe her words a little bit, at least it wouldn't be mostly negative reports.

This is also more in line with their personalities. As long as they show strength that is much stronger than them, not only do they not hate, but they will develop a mentality of worship.

But no matter what, Ye Zishu will not be greatly affected, no matter whether others praise him or criticize him, he will still not change much.

"You have also given birth to a lot of powerful business operators. It is a bit exaggerated to give me such a title!" Ye Zishu said modestly.

What he said is not a compliment. During the period of Japan's economic take-off, many powerful entrepreneurs were indeed born, and their management ideas even influenced a large number of entrepreneurs in our country.

I don't know what our entrepreneurs have learned from them, but this influence is not small, he still knows, but he has not read the works of these people.

Ye Zishu always believes that learning from other people's experience is not the key to running a good business. The reasons for business failure may be similar, but the reasons for success are definitely different.

If the success model can be learned and copied, then the business world will be full of successful people. It is because success cannot be copied that life is full of surprises and surprises.

In addition, he also has his own way of thinking about the management of his own enterprises. With the use of advanced management technology, it will have a huge difference from the management mode of previous enterprises.

The advanced technology here refers to artificial intelligence technology. This is a technology that has never appeared before. It brings changes in all aspects, and the management structure and model must be adjusted accordingly.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your praise, but successful entrepreneurs like them are not as successful in running businesses at your age." Yuko Ogura said.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu didn't intend to continue to dwell on this topic. In his opinion, complimenting each other is meaningless and a waste of time. Just point it out and just say something to each other.

He was silent for a moment, looked at Yuko Ogura and said, "Some of the business of my company must have affected many companies. Do they have any countermeasures in the face of this situation?"

These words sounded like spying on the military situation, but it was actually not that serious. This information can be seen from their public announcements.

As a listed company, in the face of the difficulties encountered in the main business, it must explain to the outside world, and if necessary, it will disclose the next step to the outside world, so as to restore the confidence of shareholders.

After hearing this, Yuko Ogura shook her head and said, "I don't know about this aspect, it seems that they didn't explain too much about it."

If it is the first half of the sentence, it can also be explained that Yuko Ogura does not care about these things, and the second half of the sentence shows that she still cares, but the relevant information is rarely disclosed publicly.

The emergence of this situation has only one result, that is, companies like them that have been hit have no good way to recover their disadvantages, so they simply don't explain it to the outside world.

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