Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 437 There Are Not Many Choices for Energy Development

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the heads of various departments of the Kirin Industry Group Company came to the meeting, and Ye Zishu appeared in the meeting room on time at two o'clock.

These people in charge were all transferred from various departments of other companies, and they were relatively familiar with Ye Zishu, especially those transferred from Phoenix Software Company, who were more familiar with him.

Since he was away for a long time, at the beginning of the meeting, Ye Zishu exchanged pleasantries with the heads of various departments to shorten the distance between them.

Although Kirin Industrial Group does not currently involve specific businesses, and the specific businesses are carried out in the following subsidiary group companies, the role of these departments is still not small.

Not to mention the size of the entire Kirin Industrial Group in the future, but the current business, once it develops, the size will not be a small number, and it is also possible that the annual revenue will reach trillions of yuan.

For such a large group to run well, apart from his preparation to use artificial intelligence to participate in management, the supervisory role of these departments should not be underestimated.

"I took a look at the progress of the company's work in the morning, and the situation is basically satisfactory to me. This meeting, first, I may stay here for a while, and everyone get together to get acquainted.

The second is to make some preparations and discussions in advance for the future development plan. I hope everyone can make preparations when they go back, so that they will not be unprepared when the new business really starts. "Leaf Book said.

The first one is automatically ignored by everyone, because it is not particularly important to them, because they have long been accustomed to the company's corporate culture.

That is, as long as you do your job well, you don’t need to mess around with relationships, because it’s useless to do so. This is different from other companies.

Although Ye Shu is the president of the group, when he really wants to be promoted, he will be subject to certain constraints, and he doesn't really want to do whatever he wants.

As mentioned earlier, the promotion needs to be determined according to the evaluation scores. As the president of the group, he can only choose among the top few.

It is impossible to be like other private companies, as long as the boss is happy, he can promote a cronies at will, which will break the corporate rules and regulations established by himself, and will cause the internal employees of the company to be alienated from him.

Therefore, the heads of these departments don't need to deliberately seek relationships with the boss, because even if they seek relationships and have a good personal relationship, they can only be "staff" and cannot obtain high actual positions.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can have a bad relationship with the boss. Although under the rules, it seems that it doesn't matter, there is no need to offend the boss.

Everyone's focus is still on the second item. It seems that Kirin Industrial Group is going to start a new business. Some people have happy faces, while others have worried expressions.

It is understandable to be happy, after all, the new business will inevitably lead to new development of Kirin Industrial Group's industry, and the overall revenue and personnel scale may be larger.

If an enterprise wants to continue to develop, it is constantly looking for new business development directions. If it just sticks to its existing business, it will encounter a development bottleneck one day.

It is also reasonable to worry. At present, Kirin Industrial Group is still in the initial stage, and no actual product has entered the market yet, and the entire group has no revenue.

In the absence of revenue, if you want to develop new business, you can only continue to invest in the boss, which has high requirements on the boss's own capital chain.

Once the current business is unsatisfactory, the situation will become very bad. In addition, the development of new business requires continuous investment, and the operation of the entire group may face great difficulties.

The safe way is to do it one by one, and it will not be too late to develop new businesses until the existing business has produced results and can continue to bring stable income to the company.

In this way, even if the new business does not develop smoothly, it will not affect the overall development of the group, and it will not lead to the situation that if the new business does not develop smoothly, it may face premature death.

Of course, these are people who don't know much about Ye Zishu, but anyone who knows Ye Zishu knows that he wants to develop new business, and it is not aimless.

We will definitely make preparations in terms of capital and technology, so that the new business development will not encounter too many twists and turns in the early stage. The only thing that may cause accidents is market development.

The market is sometimes elusive. Some products are obviously very good, but the price cannot be sold, or the market is difficult to open.

It's just that this kind of situation will not appear in the enterprises under Ye Zishu for the time being, because the emergence of this kind of situation shows that they have not achieved enough excellence, and the gap has not widened a certain distance.

For example, the bioactive liquid he provided to Taiji Group has a huge effect on maintaining the vitality of human skin, which belongs to the level of black technology.

With such advanced technical support, he is not afraid of competitors who have existed for an unknown number of years. No matter how powerful the brand is, it is still not enough in the face of the effect of black technology.

Although consumers can be misled by advertisements for a while, not all consumers are fools. There are always people who know the goods for good things, so he doesn't have to worry about market development.

If there is really a cosmetic that can completely eliminate facial wrinkles after use, and even rejuvenate old skin, he does not believe that anyone will be indifferent to it.

The biologically active liquid has such an effect. Using the skin care products developed by the biologically active liquid, long-term use can keep youth on their faces forever.

Not to mention those women who love beauty, but Ye Zishu herself. Thinking about it, I feel a little bit moved. No matter whether it is a man or a woman, no one wants to make himself look old.

It’s just that there was no way before but to accept the changes in the laws of nature. Now we have the opportunity to change this law. As long as the economic conditions permit, everyone doesn’t mind spending more money for it.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he paused for a while, and continued: "Everyone knows that our current business requires a lot of energy.

But these products are all basic products, such as our dairy products, which are the daily products of the people. I definitely don't want them to be expensive, and I hope that the people in China can afford them.

However, due to the high cost of electric energy, it is difficult to achieve this, so huge and cheap electric energy is the problem we need to solve next.

So our next business is the energy industry, specifically the research and development of solar power generation technology, the production of equipment and the construction of solar power plants.

Now the main source of electric energy is thermal power generation, which is seriously polluted and highly dependent on petrochemical resources. Fortunately, domestic coal resources are relatively abundant, but pollution is a fact that has to be considered.

Therefore, finding new durable and clean energy is a problem we need to solve, and I think there is great potential in the field of solar power generation, which is the energy field that we will focus on developing next. "

When he said this, he thought that no one would raise any objections, because the people in charge here did not understand technology, but he did not expect that some people actually knew something about it.

The person in charge of the legal department said: "I also agree with Mr. Ye's idea. The prospect of solar power generation is worth looking forward to, but it is still difficult to say that it is cheap.

The current solar power generation technology is generally divided into two types: photovoltaic power generation and solar thermal power generation. No matter which one is used, the power generation efficiency is only more than 10%, not more than 20%.

Regardless of whether it is manufacturing solar photovoltaic power generation panels or photothermal power generation devices, the cost is not low, at least in my impression, there is no basis for industrialization. "

Ye Zishu did not expect that a person in charge of the legal department, a person who specializes in legal studies, would know something about solar power generation. Although it is not very advanced, it is still much better than others.

Our country is relatively backward in industry and scientific research. Generally, it is only after developing abroad for a period of time that we realize that these industries have a certain development prospect, and few of us are at the forefront.

Solar power generation is not a new concept, but there are not many discussions about it in China, and it is only limited to the relevant academic circles, and it is enough to publish a paper.

No one has ever tried to industrialize solar power generation, because the current power generation efficiency is very low, and industrialization investment is not cost-effective at all, and we do not have a large amount of money to invest in research and development to improve the efficiency of solar power generation.

So about solar power generation, which is a relatively unpopular field in China, it is already very good for a legal worker to know something about it.

"You are very reasonable, which means that you have understood the knowledge content in this area before. I appreciate this. In addition to doing your job well, try to expand your horizons.

This is very useful for your career development career, especially for a fast-growing enterprise like ours, and new business development will be our feature for a long time. "Leaf Book exclaimed.

The person in charge of the legal department said: "Mr. Ye is overrated. I just saw that many of the company's businesses deal with energy, especially after watching Mr. Ye's interview with the "Oriental Time and Space" program, I realized the importance of energy.

Although it is not clear how Mr. Ye turns energy into various real products, the importance of energy is unquestionable. According to Mr. Ye's habits, this important link should not be ignored.

So I learned about energy information. As the global population continues to grow, the negative problems caused by traditional energy are becoming more and more prominent. Clean energy will be the next outlet for energy development.

I think hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, and solar energy all have the possibility of development. At present, I think hydropower is the most promising, but I didn't expect Mr. Ye to develop solar energy first.

At present, the solar energy industrialization technology is immature, but since Mr. Ye intends to develop in the direction of solar energy, he must have his own considerations and plans, and I am just continuing to talk about it. "

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu nodded with satisfaction and said, "I appreciate that you can think about problems from the perspective of the entire group's industrial development, and the direction of thinking is also right.

If our group wants to develop rapidly, energy is a problem that has to be solved, otherwise the cost of our products will remain high, and our development will be constrained by others.

At present, hydropower is the most suitable, but it is not suitable for us. It is difficult for private enterprises to participate in the development of the hydropower industry, and it is still a state monopoly.

As for nuclear power, it is even more impossible. At least in the short term, it is difficult for us to obtain a business license. For the time being, we cannot get involved. There are not many options left. Compared with wind energy, solar energy has more obvious advantages. "

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