Our country has a vast land area, and there are too many places where solar energy can be built. Just relying on solar power generation can meet our country's energy problems for a long time.

At that time, except for the areas south of Guangdong that do not need heating, other parts of the country can enjoy the comfortable life brought by heating in winter.

His request is an early layout, to avoid that many things are not planned in advance, and it will be very difficult to do. Even if the difficulties are overcome, the cost will be higher.

In fact, my country's current electricity production can no longer keep up with the demand for electricity. When he was in his hometown, he had already experienced several power outages.

If the power outages were not very long each time, it would seriously affect his work. In fact, there are still many places in our country without electricity. Without electricity, it is impossible to enjoy the fruits of modernization, let alone economic development.

Ye Zishu inspected the main work progress and various key documents of the entire Kirin Industrial Group in the office in the morning, and gained a better understanding of the group's affairs.

After eating at noon, he returned to the office to continue working. At present, there are two main things on his hands, one is the technical information of precision experimental instruments.

If our country wants to catch up with advanced developed countries in scientific research, in addition to personnel training, the most important thing is to have more advanced experimental equipment.

Modern scientific research relies more and more on experimental equipment, which is no longer relying on simple ones, or even manual customization by the experimenters themselves.

The research and development and production of precision experimental instruments will become more and more specialized, and researchers who are not specialized in this field can understand the details.

The other is to equip Taiji Group with technical information on advanced medical equipment, which is very important for lowering the entry barrier for doctors.

Taiji Group has entered the medical field for too short a time, and without enough experienced doctors, it is already the limit to be able to support the operation of a hospital.

According to the current situation, it is obviously impossible to expand the medical industry in a short period of time. Although he really wants to expand, the hospital is not an ordinary industry. Without sufficient treatment level, he cannot open a hospital casually.

How to solve the current situation can only be solved from two aspects. The first is to use a large number of advanced medical diagnostic equipment, and the price should be so low that ordinary people can afford it.

If the research and development of these advanced medical equipment is carried out according to the conventional research and development investment, it will inevitably lead to a rapid increase in cost, and the terminal use fee of these equipment will naturally remain high.

He can ask the companies under him to make less money, but he can't stop them from making money. If that happens for a long time, the company won't be able to operate at all.

Therefore, he must provide enough detailed technical information such as medical equipment to shorten the research and development time, reduce research and development costs, and reduce the cost of using these advanced equipment.

If these advanced medical equipment are combined with advanced artificial intelligence diagnostic technology, it will not only greatly improve the accuracy of diagnosis, but also reduce the workload of hospital staff.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, the medical equipment he organized are all highly automated and intelligent equipment, rather than just emphasizing the accuracy of diagnosis.

In order to make these medical equipment come out as soon as possible, he provides not only medical equipment hardware technology, but also supporting advanced software technology.

Only he can realize that the hardware has not yet been produced, but the software has been developed first, because these technical materials will be tested in the virtual laboratory and will be produced only when they meet the requirements.

If these fully automated and intelligent medical devices come out, the self-service medical services he described before will become possible, which will have a subversive impact on my country's medical industry.

The most important set of equipment is fully automatic surgery equipment, the purpose of which is to solve the problem that there is still a clear shortage of surgeons in our country.

At present, it is relatively difficult to perform an operation in county-level hospitals. The number of surgeons is very small, and the workload is heavy, which belongs to the category of high-load doctors.

This set of fully automatic surgical equipment is the most technically difficult among all the equipment in his opinion, even more difficult than those advanced diagnostic equipment.

Surgery is not a child's play and requires a high degree of precision. This requires the control system of this equipment to be very advanced, even advanced to a harsh level, so that no accidents can happen.

For this reason, he also needs to be equipped with an advanced self-inspection system, but any hidden troubles must be checked out in time, because no troubles can occur during the operation, and once they occur, it will be a big deal.

Moreover, this system is also equipped with an advanced life support system, which can ensure that the patient can survive as much as possible in the event of an unpredictable accident during the operation.

This is not to say that the surgical equipment is faulty. Even if the surgical equipment is not faulty, accidents may occur during the operation, which cannot guarantee 100% success.

Therefore, the life-support equipment system is particularly important. This is also a set of advanced medical equipment, and it also needs to be linked with fully automatic surgical equipment and fully automatic health testing equipment.

Before, he needed to sort out the technical data of Huanyu Group's cars, but now he has to complete this data when he has time, and hopes to provide it to Taiji Group as soon as possible.

But sorting out these technical materials is very troublesome. He can't simply take out the materials from the virtual library, but needs to go through experiments in the virtual laboratory before he dares to take them out.

However, it is foreseeable that as long as these advanced medical equipment come out, not to mention that the national medical situation will be completely different, it will be a subversive feat for the global medical industry.

The second way to solve the plight of the medical industry is to develop advanced medical products. Advanced diagnostic technology without advanced treatment technology is still useless.

It's just that compared with advanced medical equipment, medicine is not particularly urgent at present. Modern medicine has been developed for so many years, and most diseases have therapeutic drugs.

Even if there is no specific drug for a certain disease, there are some delay drugs that can prevent the deterioration of the disease, but the cost is different.

Ye Zishu plans to wait until the information related to medical equipment is sorted out, and then gradually focus on the pharmaceutical industry, mainly to solve the current medicine and medical technology that cannot make breakthroughs in a short period of time.

For example, the threat that each of us may face is cancer. Whether you have good living habits or not, cancer has a certain probability of incidence.

Analyzing the causes of cancer is very complicated, and many of them are not caused by a single factor. Current research mainly uses statistics to analyze the causes of cancer.

In fact, there is no technology that can analyze what causes cancer, because there is no research at all. Sometimes people do nothing, and it may cause body cells to mutate, thus forming cancer cells.

In fact, cancer cells are more or less born in each of us, but under normal circumstances, some cancer cells will be eliminated in advance by the immune cells in the body.

This is why some people get cancer, but exercise can gradually reduce the spread of cancer cells, and even recover.

It is because exercise can improve human immunity, and a good mood can also improve human immunity, and the improvement of immunity has a very important role in promoting the elimination of cancer cells.

As for the intelligent medical research and development system that needs to be written for Taiji Group, it needs to be considered in the long run, and it is impossible to complete the research and development in a short time.

As I said before, to do a good job of this system requires a wealth of knowledge in medicine, medical treatment, and human biology, and there is no ready-made technology to come up with.

Therefore, a considerable part of his study time is spent on the study of these knowledge, and one day he feels that the knowledge reserve has met the requirements, and he will start to develop this system.

Of course, in the process of learning this knowledge, he has a better understanding of the entire biological knowledge system, which is of great significance for him to enter the biological field in the future.

In addition to these two main tasks, there are also some tasks that are more important, but not as urgent as these two tasks, such as gene sequencing technology equipment, gene interpretation technology and related supporting systems.

He has found ready-made technical information on gene sequencing technology equipment, because this is basic information, and he only needs to verify it in the virtual laboratory before he can take it out.

But gene interpretation is more difficult. There is no ready-made technical information to tell him which genes have which functions, because genes are ever-changing and there is no fixed number.

In the process of adapting to the environment, any organism needs to adjust its gene series to make it easier to adapt to the current environment, so the information on gene interpretation is simply innumerable.

In order to understand the function of each gene, it is necessary to come up with a set of feasible technical solutions and conduct simulation tests to obtain relatively reliable information.

Then take the results of these simulation tests and carry out relevant experimental verification. Only when the interpretation meets expectations can it be regarded as a successful interpretation, which is very troublesome.

Of course, it's not that there is no gene interpretation data, and there is still relevant theoretical knowledge, otherwise he would not be confident that he can develop a gene interpretation simulation system in a short time.

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