Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 433 The Importance of Artificial Intelligence Assistance

As for administrative matters, they do have some daily work to do, that is, to summarize the following work reports and enter them into the system.

Ye Zishu has not been here for a long time, and there are not many administrative orders. The major sub-groups under the company are completely in a state of stocking, but they simply arranged the plan at the beginning.

The person in charge of each subgroup can arrange R&D and production construction according to his requirements, as long as it is completed within the time node required by him, there will be no problem.

Just like the original plan for Xuanwu Technology Company, Wu Chaoqiang was completely responsible for it. His job was to provide technical information. As for other aspects of work, he rarely intervened.

The heads of these sub-groups and the heads of the key companies below were all transferred from Xuanwu Technology Company, and they are all familiar with the boss's working methods.

Although this completely hands-off approach gave them the freedom to give full play to their abilities, it also put a lot of pressure on them.

If they can't do a good job according to the plan, they may face punishment. The reduction of bonuses is secondary, but it will mainly affect their assessment, which will have a great impact on promotion and salary increase.

As long as there is a punishment record, it will not be so easy to eliminate it. At least for the next three years, you must work hard and satisfy the boss in all aspects, so that the original bad record will be eliminated.

Of course, punishments can vary from mild to severe. If there are more serious punishment records in a row, there is a high probability that they will pack up and leave. In this regard, the rules formulated by Ye Zishu are still very strict.

Freedom without restraint and punishment is indulgence. What he wants is to find a balance between the two, so that capable people have the space to give full play to their talents.

At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the indulgence of the management because of freedom, and even serious consequences. Then he will never condone this. If it is necessary to punish internally, it will be punished, and if it should be transferred to the judiciary, it will be transferred to the judicial authority.

He has clearly told all the managers about these things from the very beginning, so that they can understand where their red line is. Once they dare to cross the red line, don't blame him for being rude.

Of course, if they complete the task conscientiously, even beautifully, they will be able to get high rewards, and they will be given generous bonuses.

In addition, their achievements will also be recorded in their records, and a score will be given, which can play a very important role at critical moments.

These evaluation scores are public at the same level, and everyone can see other people's records and how they obtained these scores.

He didn't make a fuss about talent promotion and selection like other bosses did, but let them see his current position clearly. If he wants to get more opportunities, he must work hard on his own.

Of course, the people below can also raise objections. As long as they say it reasonably, it is not impossible to change it, but so far, no one has raised objections.

It shows that this evaluation system basically embodies objectivity and fairness, and it also makes many people dare not make small moves. Once they are caught by competitors, the situation will not be very good.

He has always emphasized that one must be upright, that the credit that should belong to them will not be discounted at all, and that the mistakes that should belong to them will not be touched lightly.

This system was relatively difficult to establish before, but now with more and more intelligent enterprise management systems being put into use, full digital management allows them to follow every job.

And this system also extends down layer by layer, so that everyone in the entire group knows their work situation, and when the position is promoted, they will choose from the top few.

Generally, if there is no special reason, the one ranked first will be selected first, but in special cases, when their job content and the skills and experience requirements of the selected position are seriously mismatched, they will be postponed later.

This is mainly to avoid laymen leading experts, especially middle and high-level positions with high professional requirements, which are more emphasized in terms of professional background, unless you can prove that you have the ability to take up this position.

Specifically, at the level of Ye Zishu, the amount of data that needs to be managed is very small, so the two employees of the administrative department of Kirin Industrial Group basically do not have much work.

Originally, this was a good thing, but in terms of the company's performance appraisal, this state is very unfavorable, because none of them has become the boss of the administrative department, and both of them are employees.

For example, the finance department and personnel department of Kirin Industrial Group have their own department bosses, because these two departments are not idle, but very busy.

With such a large amount of funds, coupled with the current work being carried out, there are a lot of fund exchanges. The Ministry of Finance needs to monitor the use of each fund so that the funds can be spent in real terms.

And the personnel department is even more busy. The entire structure of Kirin Industrial Group, at the beginning, only has the management team. As for the employees below, there are no employees, and all of them have to be recruited from outside.

As the HR department of the head office, it needs to cooperate with the HR departments of the various sub-groups below to carry out crazy talent recruitment, and at the same time coordinate the flow of personnel between the various sub-groups.

If each HR department does its own work, many talents will be ignored in the middle, because the needs of each sub-group for talents are not exactly the same.

Some people are suitable for this sub-group, but not necessarily suitable for another one. This is where the HR department of the head office should play a role, try not to miss talents, and reduce the time and money spent on overall recruitment.

This experience was summed up from Phoenix Technology Company, and the head of the personnel department of Kirin Industrial Group is the person in charge of the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company.

When he was the personnel manager of Phoenix Software Company before, he was actually in charge of the recruitment of the entire Phoenix Technology Company, and he had a very strong working ability.

Not only that, he also has a strong ability to make the best use of everything, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Zishu transferred him to the Qilin Industrial Group, which is basically empty.

In addition, there is a legal department. The legal department usually has a weak sense of presence, because this department is more professional, and they generally only need to be responsible for the legal risk review of the following various official documents.

As long as they have completed this task, they basically don't need to worry about other things. At least so far, there has been no case where they need their help in litigation.

In order to strengthen the legal risk management and control in the process of business operation, all the companies under him are required to store their official documents in the management system.

The legal department needs to review and check these official documents one by one. If there are no problems, it will enter the next execution process.

As a result, although the work of the legal department does not need to run around, the work content is very intense, especially for large groups. There are too many official documents within the group, and it is not easy to just read them.

In order to solve this problem, since the introduction of artificial intelligence technology, Phoenix Technology Company was immediately asked to strengthen the technical construction of intelligent legal affairs.

With the assistance of artificial intelligence capable of legal affairs, many official documents with obvious legal issues can be scanned out in an instant, and those without problems can be passed directly.

Screening in this way will filter out at least 90% of the official documents read. If the artificial intelligence is trained for a while, it may filter out more than 99% of the official documents again.

Artificial intelligence will be used in various companies under his banner, not only to reduce workload and the possibility of work mistakes, but also to standardize management so that no one can take advantage of loopholes.

Especially in overseas business, if employees with ulterior motives do something, it may bring great trouble to overseas business, which must be guarded against.

The domestic capital market has just developed, and commercial espionage has not yet become popular, but in various economically developed countries, this situation is very common.

Although he will not release important information overseas, it is still very easy for these commercial spies to destroy it. They don't even need professional commercial spies, they just need to buy ordinary employees to do some tricks.

Therefore, it cannot be overemphasized on the standardization of the process, and avoid any decision by one or two people. Let me give a very simple example.

That is advertising. If you do something small and have a certain disrespect for the local culture and folk customs, it is likely to have a great negative impact on the company.

But some small businesses really don’t need too many people, and only a few people can complete them, so artificial intelligence supervision will play a role.

Moreover, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, it is also of great significance to many high-level officials who have just been dispatched from China. At the beginning, they must not be familiar with the specific local conditions.

If you really want to make them look ugly, or make some small moves to crowd out, it is very easy, but with the assistance of artificial intelligence, it is more difficult to make some small moves.

Many of his companies have not been established for a long time, have not suffered from the disease of large enterprises, and have no difficult problems that cannot be cured, but the future is not certain.

The artificial intelligence-assisted management of his companies has a great effect on effectively preventing the disease of large companies and preventing the formation of cliques below.

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