Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 432 First Arrival at Kirin Industrial Group Headquarters

When the headquarters in Wuhan was first built, the use of this headquarters was not in a hurry, and at that time Phoenix Technology needed a large amount of funds to support the development of Xuanwu Technology.

Therefore, during the construction, the completion time was scheduled to be one and a half years, and the priority was given to the construction of office space, and the supporting facilities such as residences were slightly behind.

Ye Zishu's establishment of Kirin Industrial Group was considered a temporary decision. Who told him to talk about it in the show, and made a big deal of it.

Now that the word has been spoken, it must be fulfilled. In addition, he really feels that the agriculture that has existed for thousands of years needs to be changed and cannot be carried out in the original way.

Because with the original agricultural development method, it is simply impossible to feed such a large population.

The establishment of Kirin Industrial Group, if not now, will be established in the next two or three years, because the construction of such a complex industrial system cannot be completed overnight, and early benefits can be gained.

As a result of his temporary decision, the Wuhan headquarters rushed to complete the construction of the office space, but the residence has not yet been completed.

The result is that the recruited R&D personnel and headquarters staff either rent a house from a nearby place to live, or the company arranges a place to live.

Such a large headquarters covers an area of ​​about 6 square kilometers. It is impossible to find such a large area of ​​land in the city center. Only in the suburbs can such a complete large piece of land be found.

In addition to farmland, the population density in the suburbs is very low. Even if there are villages nearby, the living environment in the countryside is not decades away, and every household has a large population, so there are not many places to rent out.

So I saw the current scene, some employees were arranged to live in a hotel, and some employees were arranged to live in a dormitory built on the office site.

Even so, it is actually much more comfortable than living in rural houses, and people who can live in hotels feel even more comfortable than living in residential buildings.

However, since Kirin Industrial Group was established and planned to put its headquarters in Wuhan, the construction speed here has been significantly accelerated, and the employee community should be delivered before the end of this year.

Since the residential building is indeed under construction, the employees of Kirin Industrial Group did not complain too much about the accommodation conditions. First, they are quite satisfied with the current arrangement.

The second is that they can really feel that the company is really helping them solve their problems. At that time, it will not be a big problem to allocate a house to each of the people in their headquarters.

The building area of ​​these employee communities is relatively large, generally more than 100 square meters, because Ye Zishu believes that the buildings are too small to live in, and it is too comfortable to live in more than 100 square meters.

What's more, it's not a few decades later, and they are doing well outside. Most of them will take their parents to live with them. The house is too small, and these employees can't take their parents to be filial.

Of course, employees don't care about how to do Yeshu, but it is the company's business to provide enough necessary conditions. If you want to attract enough talents to join in this era, you must be willing to spend money.

Ye Zishu opened the door to understand the situation, and then returned to his room. This was his first time here, and these ordinary employees basically didn't know him.

He is not so high-profile, he has to promote himself in the company, especially in the initial stage of the company, everyone's energy is completely focused on the company's business development, and it is not so formalized.

At present, the goal of Kirin Industrial Group is to develop the scheduled business, and to develop it, it must build a complete set of industrial chain, and a lot of research and development work is inexhaustible.

He can still understand that the handling of some details is not very good. After everything is straightened out, it is still very important to let the employees know who the boss of the company is.

Although letting employees know that the boss will not bring obvious benefit commissions, it can let employees know the management structure of the company, so don't be misled by managers with ulterior motives.

Although this kind of thing is very rare, some problems also need to be guarded against. In other companies, the first lesson of new employee training is the management structure and who the boss is.

Like the Huanyu Group security guard in front, when he heard his own name, he was only dubious, and he didn't deny that the boss's name was not Ye Zishu, but he had never met the boss himself, so he couldn't tell whether it was true or not.

Because during the induction training, Gu Rong's photo of Ye Shu would not be released easily, and generally only his name was published, this was to protect his safety.

In addition, he used to be a star, and although he hasn't appeared in public for a long time, the music albums he released are still four albums that were rushed out at the beginning of the year.

But he is still quite well-known in China, and many of his albums still sell well in the mainland, and people don't think about it because of the same name.

After all, with such a large population in the country, it is not surprising that there are no people with the same name and surname, but after the photos are released, it is completely different, and it is estimated that it will spread all over the city.

Although this approach seems a bit deceptive, but in this age when communication is not very developed, it has a very good effect. In addition, his usual image is very different from the image of the previous star, and ordinary people really can't tell it apart.

It was another night of studying, and the next day's breakfast was eaten at the hotel. In fact, there is a cafeteria here, but eating the meals in the cafeteria requires an employee card, which he obviously does not have.

Eating in the hotel is not so troublesome, you just need to pay, but since most employees will go to the canteen to eat, the hotel's breakfast is also very simple, and it will be wasted if you make too much.

He thought he was the only one eating alone, but he didn't expect that there were quite a few people eating breakfast in the hotel. Judging by their clothes, they should be here on a business trip, and they should be people who have cooperated with or are looking for cooperation with Kirin Industrial Group.

Although Kirin Industrial Group is said to be a whole industry chain, they still cannot do many basic tasks by themselves. For example, it is impossible to do the common materials needed for the construction of large-scale carbon purification industrial facilities by themselves.

These things will still be purchased from domestic metal smelting companies, as well as basic chemical products. At present, they have no plans to do it themselves, and they will also purchase from outside.

This is the plan formulated at the beginning. They first straighten out the entire industrial chain, let the products be produced as soon as possible, and then gradually improve the weak links.

In the process of improvement, these suppliers will not be eliminated all at once, because this will cause a great blow to suppliers, and will be carried out in the process of expanding production capacity.

In this way, some raw materials will be produced by ourselves, and some raw materials will be purchased from outside. Even if these suppliers are to be eliminated, it needs to be carried out without affecting the supplier's operation.

The domestic market is destined to grow rapidly. When deciding to terminate the cooperation, we will discuss the process with suppliers in advance, and gradually transfer the production capacity previously supplied to them to other markets, allowing the domestic incremental market to absorb this part of production capacity.

Although it is not a good thing for these suppliers to eliminate the original suppliers, the group's development strategy cannot be shaken.

After eating a simple breakfast, Ye Zishu took his briefcase and headed for the headquarters office building. There is his own office here, and he knows the location, but this is only the first time he has come here.

When his figure appeared in the headquarters office building, it caused a panic. The boss and president, who hadn't been here for so long, suddenly came over, which made many people unprepared.

Fortunately, Ye Shu took a look at their work and found that they were doing well. They were not lazy because of his absence. They were more surprised by his appearance.

Because these staff members are managed by each subsidiary group company and various departments of the headquarters, Kirin Industrial Group, as the head office, only set up auxiliary departments, such as finance, legal affairs, and personnel.

There are only two people in the administrative department, both of whom are ordinary administrative staff. They usually have nothing to do, so he will be responsible for assisting him when he comes over.

So the two administrators who stayed here saw their boss finally appear, and immediately had a strong sense of belonging.

Although they were employees of the head office here before, their ranks seemed to be higher, but in fact they felt like they were exiled, and they felt like they had nothing to do every day.

They really want to find something to do, but they can't get involved in the work of the sub-group company and other departments, and they are not allowed to interfere casually. They don't have that right yet.

Ye Zishu entrusted them with very few things to do. For technical matters, they would directly contact the technical departments of each subsidiary group company, and would not deal with technical problems through their hands.

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