Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 403 Leaf Book's Personal Investment

When I came to the Postal Savings Office again, the same staff member who handled the withdrawal procedures for him just now, saw that he was about to withdraw another 10,000+ yuan, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

This is how things are done now, and Ye Zishu just pretended not to see it, and just took the passbook to withdraw the money.

Now the bank's one-year fixed deposit interest rate has exceeded 10%, reaching 10.98 percentage points, which is also the highest bank interest rate since 1990.

Since Ye Zishu didn't have many opportunities to invest his personal funds, he focused all his energy on the company's operations, and he didn't have time to take care of his personal wealth at all.

Therefore, his income is always deposited in the bank, usually for one year, and if he does not withdraw it after one year, it will automatically enter the fixed deposit for the next year.

Although he basically doesn't release albums now, his previous music albums still brought him huge income, and the music album he gave last time is still selling well.

As a result, his personal wealth has also risen, and the funds in his personal account have exceeded the 1 million yuan mark.

This is because he does not receive remuneration for many jobs. For example, he provides scripts and acts as director for many films of Shengshi Film and Television Company.

It's just that he feels that there is enough money in his current personal account, and he can't spend it all. If he gets these rewards, he will have to pay huge taxes.

It's better to put funds in these companies and let them invest. The effect of increasing wealth will be more obvious. Your own funds can only earn interest in the bank.

As for investing in fixed assets like before, it has become more and more difficult. Like ordinary houses, he is actually unwilling to invest on a large scale. What is the difference between that and real estate speculation.

As for the courtyard houses, he has already bought almost all of them. He didn't even calculate how many courtyard houses he bought. The total estimated number has exceeded 1000, and the funds consumed have also exceeded 1 million yuan.

Although he did not count the number of courtyard houses in the capital, some data can confirm that there were more than 80 in the 6000s, and more than 3000 were relatively well preserved.

Although some courtyard houses were demolished and high-rise buildings were built later due to the needs of economic development, most of them should still be preserved, because during this period of time, the speed of urban construction development was not very fast.

Part of Ye Zishu's personal funds was used to purchase the courtyard house. Guo Dongsheng was in charge of it before, but now he has assigned an employee to take charge of it.

Now the price of a courtyard house has increased a bit compared to the previous two years. The price of a 300-square-meter courtyard house has risen to about 15 yuan, and the increase should be even greater in the future.

Although Ye Shu's personal funds still haven't stopped buying courtyard houses, they now have high requirements for the location of the courtyard houses. If the location is not good, they may still face the fate of being demolished in the future.

The reason why he invests in courtyard houses is because in the future, courtyard houses will no longer be a consumer product for ordinary people, and they will not be regarded as competing for profit with the people, but an investment that only the rich can afford.

For making money from these rich people, Ye Zishu has never been polite, so the courtyard house in his hand may be held for a long time, and will not be sold until the price reaches his expected value.

Now the valuable courtyard houses are basically all in his pocket, and some of them are bought by Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei. They have a total of more than 50 courtyard houses.

The remaining courtyard houses do not have much investment value. Firstly, the location is not good; secondly, there are many people living in the courtyard;

This kind of courtyard house will basically be demolished in the future, so buying it now is not very meaningful, the most is to earn compensation for the demolition, which is dispensable to him.

What's more, the cost of compensation for the demolition and relocation of the courtyard may not cover the cost of his acquisition, so the work of purchasing the courtyard has gradually stopped.

Now Ye Zishu has started to ask Wancheng Jiye to help find someone to repair the courtyard house in his hand, and restore it to its original appearance as much as possible. As for the modernization, he is too lazy to deal with it now.

Because these courtyard houses are no longer inhabited, modernization is of little significance. When it is really time to sell them in the future, let the new owners do it, which may be more in line with their wishes.

Closer to home!

Regardless of the high bank interest rate, the social inflation rate is also very high. It exceeded 6% last year, and will exceed 10% this year. It reached 14% in the previous life.

The production of the products of Gu Yi Shi Qinglong Technology Company may absorb some inflation rate, but exceeding 10% is a high probability event, so from the perspective of inflation, the bank interest rate is still dwarfed by comparison.

What is even more exaggerated is that next year, the inflation rate in the previous life was as high as 24%.

Because my country is an export-oriented economic model, the exchange rate has depreciated sharply, allowing foreign exchange obtained from foreign trade to become domestic currency, and the amount of funds has increased rapidly, resulting in a sudden increase in the domestic money supply.

However, this situation is a good thing for Yeshu. In the short term, it may feel that the money supply has increased, leading to an increase in inflation. However, the companies under his umbrella provide high-tech products.

The increase in the domestic money supply is conducive to the domestic market to digest these products and promote the expansion of the domestic market, which in turn can effectively reduce the problem of high inflation caused by the exchange rate reform.

The key to the inflation rate is not the amount of money issued, but whether there are enough goods and services to absorb these funds. As long as there are enough goods and services provided to consumers, the inflation rate can be controlled.

It took three years to digest this wave of inflation in the previous life. It was not until 1997 that inflation entered a normal level, which was 2.79%. Such an inflation level is not a big problem.

But then it entered a deflationary situation, and the inflation rate remained negative for two years, which was caused by the Asian financial crisis in 1997.

In addition to the main cause of the financial crisis, there was also the negative impact of high inflation in the previous few years, but for a long time after that, the inflation rate basically remained within 2%.

Moderate inflation is conducive to social expansion of production and is beneficial to economic prosperity, while excessive inflation or deflation will do great harm to economic development.

These are the data from the previous life. Many things in this life are difficult to predict. If the foreign trade of Qinglong Technology Company develops very fast, the inflation rate next year may be even higher.

Because the development of foreign trade will bring a huge amount of foreign exchange, a very large change in the exchange rate in a short period of time will only lead to more money supply.

What's more, the companies under him have consciously temporarily stored foreign exchange abroad. After the exchange rate adjustment next year, these foreign exchange will flow into the country in large quantities.

This will further increase the domestic money supply, and the country may further increase bank deposit interest rates in order to control the amount of money in the market.

Next year, his industries will undergo a large salary adjustment, especially for grassroots employees, whose salaries may be doubled directly, which will lead to more funds entering the consumer sector.

The company has made money. In addition to investing and spending the money, there is another way to increase the salary of employees so that employees can also feel the benefits of the company's development.

At the same time, the increase in employee salaries is also conducive to expanding the scale of the domestic market. Many of his products can be more easily digested in China and reduce dependence on the international market.

As for whether such an approach will lead to other economic problems, as the owner of a private enterprise, he can't control so much, and it shouldn't be something he can control.

Even the matter of foreign exchange operations is based on his decision based on the interests of his industries. Opportunities are in front of him. If he doesn't take advantage of them, it will be a stick, and no one will say he is good.

The interests that should be fought must be fought for. Pretentious generosity in the business field is the most deadly. With this in mind, it is better to treat your employees better and make them feel more belonging.

Ye Zishu directly ignored the attitude of the staff. In the current service industry, poor quality is a normal phenomenon, and he has no way to change it.

After withdrawing the money, he drove directly to the post office. The middle-aged man just went through the formalities for him personally. After paying the huge installation fee, they promised to finish it within one month.

Because in rural areas, wire poles are generally used to pull cables, and generally do not go down the trench, because it is easy to be dug by others.

Speaking of which, it has only been three or four years since their village was connected to electricity, and now they have already connected to the Internet, and the phone was also connected last year.

It's just that the telephone installation cost was too high before, and everyone was reluctant to part with the money. Now he is giving money to the villagers while building a house, and the number of households with telephone installation may increase rapidly. Now the telephone installation fee is gradually waived.

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