Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 402 The County Has Already Connected to Optical Fiber

He lost his temper after being told by Ye Zishu, but he still argued: "You can't say that playing computer is just playing, computer can do many things!"

"Oh, tell me, what can you do with a computer?" Ye Zishu asked back.

This made Ye Zi feel at a loss for words. Although computers can indeed do many things, most of them are software, industrial, and design jobs.

He is a finance student, so even if he wants to trade in stocks, he needs to have stock trading software. If he has stock trading software, the stock exchange has to open online trading support services.

Obviously, domestic stock exchanges do not have such a service, and Phoenix Technology is actively communicating with domestic Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges on this matter.

As the largest software company in China and the software company with the most advanced technology, if the stock exchange wants to realize digital and networked transactions, it is their best partner.

Even if a cooperation is reached, it will not be able to go online immediately, because this kind of product is not written in advance, but is produced according to the needs of Party A after the cooperation.

Of course, Party B can put forward some more feasible suggestions based on its own advanced technology. As for whether the proposal can be passed, it still depends on Party A's intention.

Therefore, Ye Zishu has a very clear understanding of the development of the domestic software industry. With a computer in hand, Ye Zihua mostly reads Internet news and chats with netizens on the Internet.

However, those who can use the Internet now generally have a good family background, and the quality of making friends on the Internet is generally not bad. After the Internet becomes popular, the Internet will become a mixed bag.

If the entire Internet becomes like the previous life, maybe he will introduce artificial intelligence to supervise and remind, especially social platforms, which is necessary to avoid the rampant situation of scammers.

As for why manual supervision cannot be used, the main issue is privacy issues. Artificial intelligence can’t see content censorship, and operators can’t see it. Only programs can see it, so privacy issues are not involved.

"I also have the right to experience new things!" Ye Zihua said.

"You are right, but you don't care about these few days!" Ye Zishu said.

"Okay!" Ye Zihua said helplessly.

The car that drove over yesterday, after a night, the soil on it was dry. Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to bring a bucket of water and wipe the front glass to avoid affecting the vision.

As for other places, there is no need to scrub now, and I don't know if the mud on the road has dried up, and I will be covered in mud again after washing.

He asked the two younger sisters to study and do their homework at home, and asked them if they wanted to buy anything, but they all shook their heads, which made him feel that the two younger sisters were very sensible and showed satisfied smiles.

After seeing Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua leave, Ye Ziqi asked, "Don't you really want Lin Zhiying's tape?"

"You think I'm stupid, my brother is a singing star, how sad it is to see me buying other people's tapes!" Ye Ziqin said.

"Cut, hypocrisy!" Ye Ziqi said.

"You're not the same. Even though you saw the car's eyes glowing, you still pretended not to care!" Ye Ziqin said disdainfully.

"I like cars, but I want to buy them with the money I earn hard." Ye Ziqi said.

"Okay, you have ambition!" Ye Ziqi didn't bother to continue talking to her sister, she buried her head and continued to read and do homework.

After a night of evaporation on the road, the mud pits that were originally soupy and watery were much less, but there were also a lot of silt left, but overall it was much easier to walk than yesterday.

At least I didn't get stuck in a mud pit like yesterday and couldn't get up. I stumbled and stumbled in the car, and finally came to the county seat. I don't know if the car will fall apart after driving like this a few times.

To be honest, seeing this situation, he really wanted to repair this road. In fact, it cost 1000 million to build a very good two-way lane road. It should not be a big problem in 30 to [-] years.

It's just that he doesn't know whether others will appreciate such a road construction. After all, some people's farmland will be occupied along the road, and it will be very troublesome to coordinate unless the government comes forward to organize road construction.

To be honest, the officials and lords in the county were very slow to react. A super rich man like him didn't respond at all when he went home, and he had no enthusiasm for attracting investment at all.

Although they don't know how much money Ye Shu made, it is an indisputable fact that people from all over the world rely on his connections to go to Shenzhen to work.

Even if he doesn't know his property status, but to be able to get so many people to work, the scale of the industry is definitely not small, at least it is a medium-sized enterprise.

When they came to the county seat, they planned to split up, but after thinking about it, they decided to forget it. The two went to the Postal Savings Office first and took out 5 yuan as the first payment.

Originally, he planned to pay in one lump sum, but what Ye Zihua said also made sense. He planned to wait until the end of the year, and the heads of all households would be there. It would be safer and easier to handle, and unnecessary disputes would be avoided.

Not to mention the power of the postal service. There may not be other banks in these small counties, but the postal savings office definitely exists, and it is also the main financial institution for many rural migrant workers to send money home.

After leaving the Postal Savings Office, Ye Zishu drove to the post and telecommunications office to inquire about Internet access. He didn't have much hope at first, but it turned out that such a service really existed.

Last year, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications only purchased 190 billion yuan of equipment for the bidding fee for communication equipment. For such a large country, this fee is not high. Generally speaking, it is used first in big cities.

Unexpectedly, in such a small county, it has already been connected to the Internet backbone network, but it has not been extended to the bottom. According to the director, the main reason is that there is no money.

If the country wants to realize household access, it must reduce the price of household registration, so the high installation fee in the past should not be considered. Without this money, it is basically impossible for the post office to send the network to the countryside.

Therefore, it will be necessary to wait until next year's budget is released before the large-scale delivery of Internet access to households will be realized. After hearing this, Ye Zishu feels that next year Lingtong Technology's Internet equipment purchases will definitely hit a new high.

In fact, the construction cost of the backbone network is not the big one, but the cost of terminal network construction is very high. Many third-party companies participated in the previous life to share the pressure of funds and services.

"Although we provide such services, we don't have the funds to continue to extend it. We need to wait until next year." The staff said.

"Then I'm willing to pay. How much do you need to pull the wire?" Ye Zishu asked.

When the staff heard what he said, they stared at him for a long time, as if looking at a fool. Now there are still people who are willing to bear the cost alone, which is a huge sum of money.

"I'm not joking!" Ye Zishu emphasized.

"Then I have to ask the leader, just wait a moment!" After the staff finished speaking, they quickly left their seats and reported to the leader.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, a middle-aged man who looked like a leader finally followed. Seeing Ye Zishu, he asked, "You want to go to the countryside alone?"

"I have this plan. My family lives in ※※ Township ※※Village Committee ※※※Village, about 15 miles away from the county seat. See how much it costs." Ye Zishu said.

The middle-aged man made some calculations in his heart and said, "It will cost about 15 yuan."

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that the quotation was more reasonable. Although he didn't know how many cores they used, if it was a standard 24-core optical cable, 1 yuan per kilometer was more reasonable.

In order to popularize the domestic optical fiber network, Lingtong Technology Company does not set the price of optical fiber products high. The ex-factory price of a standard 24-core optical cable is 7200 yuan per kilometer. If construction and transportation costs are included, 1 yuan per kilometer is more reasonable.

It is equivalent to 300 yuan per core, which is much cheaper than before. Previously, the price per kilometer per core was as high as several thousand yuan. Lingtong Technology directly reduced the price by more than ten times, and the quality is better.

Of course, this is the domestic price. If it is the export price, it will be more expensive. The price per kilometer per core is 500 yuan, which is still cheaper than all optical fiber products in the world.

Of course, Lingtong Technology has also made a lot of money. Due to the mature technology and low R&D costs, the production cost per kilometer per chip is only 20 yuan, the profit margin is quite scary, and it still has a huge advantage compared with other companies.

Selling at this price, enterprises using traditional optical fiber production technology cannot survive at all. This is the crushing effect brought by technology.

"Okay, you can help me pull an optical cable to my house." Ye Zishu said.

"You need to pay first," said the middle-aged man.

"Then wait a moment, I'll go get the money." Ye Zishu said.

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