After eating, Ye Zihua consciously went back, leaving Ye Zishu and Pei Qing here to talk, mainly because Pei Qing talked about the my country Genome Project initiative.

Since the sequencing of the human genome has many benefits for solving many diseases, Pei Qing, who aspires to become the world's top pharmaceutical and medical company, pays close attention to this matter.

After the last chat, the event started immediately after I went back, and I got responses from many experts and scholars who had already had this idea. After all, there is finally a big brother who takes the lead.

It’s just that there is still a lot of controversy about the leadership of the Human Genome Project. Most experts and scholars hope that national units will take the lead in this project.

Although Taiji Group is indeed rich and willing to pay all the funds for this research, many experts and scholars believe that this is a national project and should be led by the country.

However, if the state dominates, Taiji Group's participation as a private company is very low. They are only rich, and their strength in the field of genetic research is not very good.

They also expect these experts and scholars to support Taiji Group's research in this area. If these experts and scholars do not support it, Taiji Group will only have money left.

But for these experts and scholars, having money or not has little influence on them. Those who can reach their level have no worries about food and clothing, and self-interest is hard to impress them.

Of course, it doesn't mean that talents cannot be recruited, but the number is relatively small, and it is difficult to recruit top talents. This will be the dilemma of Taiji Group.

In the field of scientific research, money is certainly important, but money alone is not enough. Taiji Group can now be said to be only rich, and its other strengths are very average.

This is why after the Qinglong Technology Company press conference, it will receive widespread attention from all walks of life in the country, and even Ye Zishu feels the need to avoid it.

Taiji Group may have a lot of money in terms of revenue, and it is even more outstanding in terms of profits. It is currently unrivaled in the country, but its influence is not very large, and the government only regards it as a company that can make money.

"You guys try your best to fight for it. If you really can't get it, then see if you can join. If it's very difficult to join, or you don't have a strong sense of existence, then you can do it yourself." Ye Shu said.

"Do it by yourself, it's not as easy as you said. If we really have this ability, we would have done it by ourselves sooner, so why make any proposals." Pei Qing said angrily.

"Gene sequencing is actually not that difficult. When I sort out the relevant technical equipment information, the gene sequencing that takes more than ten years to complete with current technology may only take an hour.

The difficult part is the interpretation of gene series, which is related to the application of genes in medicine and biology, and it is also the most time-consuming place for us.

But there is no need to worry too much about this. We can build a more advanced gene interpretation simulation test platform and use supercomputers to help us conduct research in this area.

However, it is not enough to rely solely on computers for gene interpretation. It also requires experimenters to verify after interpretation, which is the most time-consuming. "Leaf Book said.

With the development of genetic science in the previous life for so many years, in fact, less than 1% of them have been cracked. If you want to fully analyze it, it will take a lot of time.

He hopes to speed up the cracking of the genetic code through technologies such as big data analysis, simulated testing, and simulated evolution. As for how long it will take, he dare not guarantee it.

But one thing is for sure, through the application of these advanced technologies, the threshold of genetic research can be lowered a lot, and even only need honest researchers to do experiments, no need for geniuses.

In fact, gene sequencing is a basic field. Even if Taiji Group completes the sequencing alone, it will be provided to the country and various domestic scientific research units, and it is impossible to enjoy it exclusively.

However, the deciphering of the genetic code is under the exclusive control of the Taiji Group. This is a commercial secret and can be used in the medical field to obtain commercial benefits.

What Ye Zishu said gave Pei Qing a lot of confidence. If it really had these technologies as Ye Zishu said, it would not be a fantasy for Taiji Group to do it alone.

Now Taiji Group needs to prove that it is a top scientific research enterprise. As long as it bears the halo, whether it is policy support or talent recruitment, it will be much easier.

If Gu really had the Taiji Group independently complete the gene sequencing work, he would be able to win many honors and get rid of the current embarrassing situation.

The reason why they care so much about honor is mainly determined by the particularity of the medical field. Unlike ordinary technology companies, research in the field of medicine and medical treatment has a very high threshold.

It takes so much time and energy to train general doctors alone, not to mention that it is even more difficult to train talents who study medicine and diseases.

Ordinary companies want to recruit a large number of such top talents, and want to spend a lot of money may not be effective, especially in this era, money has not become as powerful as it was in the previous life.

"What level of talent is needed to cooperate with the research?" Pei Qing asked.

Since Ye Zishu described the technology as miraculous, the only thing Pei Qing can do is to actively cooperate and provide a team of talents who can match these technologies.

"Of course, the higher the quality of talent, the better, but the threshold can indeed be lowered a lot. Anyone who has specialized research on genes is qualified." Ye Shu said.

According to Ye Zishu, at least a master's degree is required, preferably a doctoral degree. As for higher-level talents, don't expect extravagant expectations.

It would be great if Taiji Group could recruit a leader in the field of genetic research, and it could already independently build a genetic research team, which shows the importance of a leader in scientific research.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing knew it well, but with a master's degree and a Ph.D. in genetic research, Pei Qing felt that she still had great confidence in recruiting.

Although there are still not many talents in our country in this regard, at least the scope has expanded a lot. In the field of biological research, genes are now an unavoidable research topic.

It's just that there was no systematic research on genetic issues before, which is why a full series of genetic tests are required. Only when the sequencing is completed, can genetic issues be systematically studied.

"Then I will focus on recruiting talents during this time. After your equipment and technology come out, we can come up with a complete scientific research team." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded, expressing his agreement. The only thing Taiji Group can do at present is this. Regardless of the quality of the talent team, at least it will not have much impact on the sequencing work.

In fact, talents also need to be cultivated. No one is born a master, they all grow up gradually from a scientific research novice. Taiji Group has this confidence and patience to cultivate its own top talents.

"How is your vaccine research and development team building?" Ye Shu said.

"There are quite a lot of vaccine research talents in China. After all, in such a large country, vaccine research is the most important field, otherwise serious problems will arise.

Therefore, the recruitment of talents has been relatively smooth, especially the vaccines we have studied are very extensive, and many talents are very interested in this. At present, a team of more than 100 people has been formed. "Pei Qing said.

"So many people were recruited so quickly?" Ye Zishu was surprised.

It took only a few days for Ye Zishu to hand over various vaccine technologies to Pei Qing, and he was able to form a team of more than 100 people, which was very efficient.

"The main reason is that our research topics are so attractive, and we have properly disclosed some research results, which makes it more attractive to talents." Pei Qing said.

Regarding the disclosure of some scientific research results, Ye Zishu did not think that it would reveal commercial secrets. Anyway, after commercialization, everyone will study it, which is rare in terms of production technology.

Using traditional vaccine production technology, it is basically impossible to produce complex vaccines. Even if other methods are used, the cost is very high and there is not much commercial development value.

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