Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 391 Stir-Fried Beef Tenderloin

If it was in the past, Ye Zihua would probably be rewarded with a chestnut by Ye Zishu, but it is no longer possible, Ye Zihua is an adult, and it is inappropriate to use "violent" methods.

It still focuses on education. If education is still the same as before, it is estimated that rebellious psychology will appear. In fact, after Ye Zihua turned 14 years old, Ye Zishu has already focused on reasoning.

"Men's college should be married, and female college's should be married, what's so embarrassing!" Ye Zihua said nonchalantly.

"Then you have to work hard and try to let your parents embrace their grandchildren as soon as possible!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Isn't there you in front of me, why am I so anxious?" Ye Zihua said.

"That's not necessarily true. Your brother and I don't want to get married so early. By the way, do you have any girls you like at school?" Ye Zishu asked.

When he said this, Ye Zishu was staring at the expression on Ye Zihua's face, and sure enough, he saw a change in Ye Zihua's face, but Ye Zihua still said: "I found that you are also very gossip!"

"I'm not gossiping, but caring about you. My parents are not around. As an elder brother, I have the responsibility of being a father!" Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, you won!" Ye Zihua immediately surrendered.

He has said so much, what else can he say, the elder brother still has absolute authority in his hometown, unless the other brothers and sisters have greater abilities, otherwise it will be difficult to fight for the right to speak.

Apparently Ye Zihua doesn't think that she is better than Ye Zishu, so she should be obedient and don't keep arguing about it, or she will just admit it after being beaten up.

"Okay, I don't want to mess with you anymore, let's go see how your sister Qing's cooking is!" Ye Zishu stood up from the sofa and said.

After taking the key, the door of Pei Qing's house was not closed. The Ye Zishu brothers came to Pei Qing's house, closed the door, and then went to the kitchen together to see how Pei Qing cooks.

"There's a lot of oily smoke, what are you doing delicious!" Ye Zishu pushed open the kitchen door, and a strong spicy smell rushed to his nostrils.

"I'm making stir-fried beef tenderloin." Pei Qing said.

"You still do this?" Ye Zishu said after hearing this.

"Why, is it difficult?" Pei Qing asked back.

"It's not difficult, it's just that you don't usually cook such a spicy dish!" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing this, Ye Zihua next to her pushed Ye Zishu with her arm, and said, "I still can't see it, sister Qing wants to take care of your appetite!"

As a native of Jiangxi, Ye Zishu grew up eating chili peppers. Especially in summer, chili peppers grow best in the vegetable garden, and almost every meal is a plate of chili peppers.

This is also the reason why Jiangxi people can eat spicy food, because they have been used to eating chili since childhood, but after working in the city for a long time in the previous life, they are not particularly good at eating spicy food, but they are still much better than ordinary people.

"Listen to what your brother said, you don't have any vision at all!" Pei Qing kept busy with her hands, but she never forgot to write a leaf letter.

"Where did you learn this cooking skill?" Ye Zishu ignored this sentence, but asked curiously.

"I learned from the chefs in the cafeteria. In order to let the employees from all over the world taste the taste of their hometown, we have invited some chefs from various cuisines." Pei Qing said.

This makes sense, he didn't feel how good Pei Qing's cooking skills were when he ate last time. Seeing her actions now, although she still looks very unfamiliar, she is obviously much more professional.

Ye Zishu directly gave Pei Qing a thumbs up, and said, "You who don't eat spicy food, it's hard for you to make such a spicy dish."

"I'm willing to do it!" Pei Qing turned her head and gave him a white look.

Then he said with a smile: "Hurry up and get out, it's a bit choking here, and this range hood is still almost useless."

After hearing this, Ye Zishu said, "To cook such a spicy dish, no matter how powerful the range hood is, it's impossible for it to be completely tasteless!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu left the kitchen, went to the living room to find the sofa, sat down on it, and then rested his head on the back of the sofa, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

He found more and more that as long as he was not working, he didn't know what to do next, and instead liked to stare at the ceiling in a daze.

Of course, if there is a longer period of time, he can still enter the virtual library to study. It is obviously inappropriate now, and he can only look at the ceiling.

"Brother, don't you feel weird staring at the ceiling?" Ye Zihua walked over and said.

"Why is it strange?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Like a fool!" Ye Zihua said with a smile.

Gu Yeshu didn't answer his words. Although his eyes were fixed on the ceiling, there were many silhouettes passing by in his mind, and his thoughts were constantly emerging.

This is actually the sequelae of long-term work. Even if you don’t work, you still haven’t let it go completely, and you can’t help thinking about work in your mind.

When Ye Zishu was thinking about something, Pei Qing pushed him and said, "What are you thinking about, let's go over and have dinner."

Ye Zishu came back to his senses and looked at Pei Qing. She was still wearing an apron, she looked like a housewife, and with her pretty face, she had a special charm.

Just thinking of this, Ye Zishu felt a little bewildered, stood up straight away, and said, "I want to try your handicraft."

There are three dishes on the dining table. There are not many types, but the quantity is relatively large. It may be because there are two big men, and I am afraid that there will be not enough food.

Ye Zihua served him a bowl of rice, and after the three of them sat down, Pei Qing said, "Try it quickly!"

Ye Zishu sandwiched a piece of beef tenderloin and ate it, but the taste exceeded his expectations. The beef tenderloin tasted very tender and smooth, and he felt that the spiciness was just right.

Jiangxi's spiciness is very spicy, but it is not heartburning, so it usually uses fresh Chaotian peppers, and I don't know why Pei Qing usually prepares these condiments.

"The taste is very good, not worse than the ones made by ordinary chefs!" Ye Shu said.

"As long as you like to eat, I spent a lot of time studying." Pei Qing said.

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu couldn't help coughing twice, and said, "Don't forget, I'm your boss, and if the employees say in front of the boss that they learn to cook during working hours, aren't they afraid of deducting your salary?"

"Cut, you didn't learn it while working, can you control it?" Pei Qing said dismissively to him, putting on airs.

Ye Zihua heard them bickering, but didn't answer, and ate desperately, as if the matter between the two had nothing to do with him, and just wanted to be a little transparent.

Ye Zishu just reminded Pei Qing that, as the president of the company, doing these things is a bit irresponsible. Of course, if he doesn't delay work, he can't control so much.

So he didn't talk about it again, but said: "Tomorrow, Zihua and I will go back to our hometown, and we may stay for a while."

"Why are you going back to your hometown all of a sudden?" Pei Qing asked.

"One is that I didn't go back last year for Chinese New Year, so I have to take some time to go back to see my parents and two younger sisters, and the other is to go back to avoid the limelight." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing him say Bifengtou, Ye Zihua, who had been eating quietly, suddenly stopped the chopsticks in her hand and looked at Ye Zishu, because it is not a good thing for Bifengtou to read.

"Why do you want to avoid the limelight all of a sudden? Did something happen?" Pei Qing asked anxiously.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Where are you going, you also know that the press conference of Qinglong Technology Company will cause a huge sensation whether it is at home or abroad.

Qinglong Technology Company, which was still half a small and transparent before, will definitely receive strong attention, especially in China, which fills many gaps in the field of electronic semiconductors in China.

If I still stay here, basically I don’t have to work, and all my time will be spent on welcoming and sending. As you know, I have a lot of work on my hands, and I don’t have that time.

Moreover, the product launch of Qinglong Technology Company will definitely damage the interests of some domestic companies, especially those companies with good revenue before, which may face the danger of overturning.

At that time, there must be many people who will come to seek cooperation, but the established business strategy of Qinglong Technology Company will not change, and it will only embarrass both parties. "

Pei Qing is also a person with a delicate mind. After hearing Ye Zishu's words, she knew what he meant. There are many companies in Zhongguancun that have overlapping business with Qinglong Technology Company.

Although Ye Zishu usually doesn't like it, but the power behind him is not small, if it works, it is really annoying.

Although we can't compare Qinglong Technology Company, after all, the achievements of Qinglong Technology Company can make many people have nowhere to start. After all, it is a national policy to rejuvenate the country through science and education, and Qinglong Technology Company is the benchmark.

But if he refuses in person, many people will not be able to step down from the stage. I don’t know if he will be given eye drops in the future. Big troubles can’t be found, but small troubles are still easy.

"Then how long are you going to stay back?" Pei Qing asked.

"It's hard to say the specifics, one is to see how the outside situation is, and the other is to quietly finish the more urgent things at hand.

I estimate that it will be at least a month, maybe even two months, if you have something to do here, just call me.

Preferably around 7:[-] pm, at other times I might unplug the phone line, otherwise there is no point in going back to my hometown. "Leaf Book said.

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