Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 383 Only Using Artificial Intelligence to Solve Problems

Lei Jun was pulling the boss to work without pain in his back. Ye Zishu ignored his slightly flattering words. If it wasn't for the fact that they might not be able to produce something he was satisfied with, he wouldn't be bothered to do it himself.

Innovation in the Internet field is to copy others first, and then add some of your own ideas on the basis of others. This is what Xiao Ma calls "micro-innovation".

Ye Zishu naturally does not want to be someone else's guinea pig, so the results it strives to produce are very mature products that can quickly occupy the market and leave no chance for others.

Don't think that foreign companies don't copy. People can kill people for profit, not to mention copying other people's ideas. As long as they can avoid legal risks, it doesn't matter race or country.

Especially for applications that do not have a large technical threshold, if they cannot quickly occupy most of the market, the possibility of being imitated by large companies is more than 90%.

Strictly speaking, the news platform created by Yezishu does not belong to the social category, but only adds social attributes, making the platform more interactive and increasing user stickiness.

Because in his positioning for Kunpeng Information Technology Company, there is no social content, and the real social applications will be handed over to Qingluan Information Technology Company.

"Looking at the number of registered users of your email, the number of users of your music platform should not be high." Ye Zishu asked.

Lei Jun nodded after listening, and said: "The number of registered users of the music platform is only about 300 million, but the number of active users is as high as 800 million, accounting for 80% of Internet users."

"This number isn't too bad, but we have to keep working hard," Ye Zishu said.

"To increase the proportion of registered users, it is very difficult for music platforms at present. I think more interactive transformations may be required. If you want to use these functions, you have to register.

In addition, users have to register as users in order to download music from the music platform after Qinglong Technology's music player comes out. "Lei Jun said.

Ye Zishu nodded, agreeing with Lei Jun's statement that the music platform is not yet open for download, but only provides an online trial listening function, and there is no limit to the number of trial listening times per day.

After Qinglong Technology's music player is launched, the paid download function will be opened, and the number of online trial listening times for non-members will also be limited.

"Then how many members are there now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Not many, only 10 users around the world have registered as members. This is still our member discount period. If there is no discount, the number of members will be even lower. After all, it is of little significance to become a member at present.

The second is that the number of music on the music platform is still relatively scarce. We actually tried to cooperate with record giants, but all ended in failure.

The record companies we are currently cooperating with are mainly small and medium-sized record companies, and the works they put out are mainly old works, and they haven't put out the latest works.

However, the number of independent creators is not very large at present. The number of registered independent producer accounts worldwide is only 1, and the quality is also uneven.

In addition, the online time of the music platform is still short, and the number of works created by these independent music creators is limited. Although some popular songs have appeared, the number is still very small. "Lei Jun said.

The number of music creators on the platform is small, and Ye Zishu has expectations. All the great music creators have been accepted by major record companies. Not to mention that there are no talented folks, but the ratio is very low, and they may not know about this platform in the first place. .

In addition, the platform has not yet seen the benefits of people, and there is basically no other income except for the sharing of membership income, so the enthusiasm of the creators is naturally not very high.

Moreover, the number of members is very small, and the membership fee is not high, and the profit sharing of members, in fact, the platform accounts for [-]% of the members' income.

The remaining [-]% will be calculated according to the number of music clicks and the degree of completion of listening to the music. After calculation, it will be sent to the music creator or record company.

In order to motivate authors to produce better works that are more in line with the tastes of the audience, they will have detailed statistical charts in the background, where you can see which of their music is popular, and even statistical information such as age and occupation will also be provided.

"Among the independent creators, how many are produced through our smart music production platform?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Currently, the proportion is less than 5%, mainly because the musicians who can come to our platform to create music now have good musical skills, and it is impossible for complete newcomers to upload their own music in the first place.

And our smart music production platform, although advanced in technology, can improve a lot of efficiency, but the share ratio is not low, and the music produced must be released on our platform.

In addition, these independent music producers have different understandings of the intelligent production platform, resulting in a very low usage rate, and most of them still use traditional music production methods to complete music creation.

Moreover, the software part of the current intelligent production platform is very advanced, but without the cooperation of high-level hardware, there are certain defects, which are difficult to tolerate for music producers with high requirements. "Lei Jun said.

If others don't use Gu, Yeshu can't do anything about it. The technology of the intelligent music production platform is already advanced enough. If it is more advanced, he can directly let the artificial intelligence create it by itself.

But when the idea came to this, he felt that he could really try it. Although artificial intelligence seemed a bit dull to him, many things could still be done.

As long as artificial intelligence is equipped with an emotional simulation system and does some work that imitates human creativity, although it is difficult to achieve the top level, the level above the midpoint can still be achieved, and even occasionally there will be high-level works.

The reason why he had this idea was mainly because the data of the Kunpeng music platform was too bleak, and the performance gap with other Internet applications was too large.

According to this data, after Qinglong Technology's music player is on the market, it will be difficult to provide assistance to the music player, and it will be good if it is not a burden.

At present, it is difficult to open up the situation, or delay time, let more and more creators rely on this platform, and increase the quantity and quality, so that it is possible to compete with other record giants.

But the longer it takes, the better it may not be. Other record giants are not fools, and other technology companies are not fools.

As long as there are technology companies that produce similar music platforms, and then give up a lot of benefits to these record giants, the probability of their cooperation is much higher.

Once their cooperation is reached, they will have the advantage of coming from behind, and the music platform will also have a gathering effect. At that time, Kunpeng Information Technology Company's music platform will run out of people.

It is very difficult for Chinese companies to do overseas business. Once their core interests are involved, they will naturally be very repulsive to Chinese companies and will not treat them fairly.

No matter how much money he spends, it will be very difficult to acquire an international record giant. What's more, he is not willing to spend this wrong money, it is unnecessary.

The only way out now is to use artificial intelligence to solve the predicament. If artificial intelligence is used to make music, it is no problem to come to hundreds of thousands of songs every day.

Not to mention the quality, these record giants can be piled up by the quantity alone, not to mention that there are a lot of junk music in their music library, and the overall quality is not as good as the results created by artificial intelligence.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu said: "After you go back, speed up the digitization of literary works and establish a complete database of literary works. The sooner the better."

Leaf Books gave Lei Jun this task before, but it is not only for literary works, but also includes all published works. Maybe they have not started this work yet.

Because the time is too short, if they want to build an online platform, they need to obtain online copyright, so their work order should be to obtain electronic content copyright authorization first.

In addition, if you want to digitize quickly, you need to use scanning tools. This work is being developed by Qinglong Technology Company, and it will not be available in a while.

"What is Mr. Ye's purpose for doing this? You must know that if we did not purchase the copyright, we would be involved in a legal lawsuit." Lei Jun said.

"You just need to sort it out as soon as possible. My purpose is not to go online, but to cultivate artificial intelligence and prepare to let artificial intelligence create music." Ye Shu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Lei Jun was shocked. Can artificial intelligence create music?This obviously exceeded his previous understanding of artificial intelligence, and it felt incredible.

Seeing his expression, Ye Zishu said: "I need these literary works, the purpose is to build an artificial intelligence emotion simulation system, so that artificial intelligence is no longer cold, but behaves like a human being."

"Will this be a problem?" Lei Jun asked.

"You don't need to tell the outside world, and you need to do a good job in internal management to keep this information to a minimum. If it is leaked, many people will covet it.

Moreover, this is just an emotion simulation system, not to make artificial intelligence really have emotions. If it really has emotions, it is life and can no longer be treated as a tool. "Leaf Book explained.

Hearing Ye Zishu's explanation, Lei Jun finally felt relieved. He even felt a little scared just now, for fear that the boss would really create a "monster".

If it can be controlled, it's fine, if it is out of control, the problems will be very serious, especially in the Internet age, it is not possible to kill it just by cutting off the power.

"You are overly worried. Although I have good technology, I can't create new species out of thin air. If I can do this, wouldn't I become a god?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"What Mr. Ye said is that it's just the first time I got this news. It's a bit beyond my understanding of artificial intelligence, and it's hard to avoid people's imagination." Lei Jun said.

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