Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 382 Forget it, let me do it

When Lei Jun heard what Ye Zishu said, he immediately felt relieved. The artificial intelligence has not been deployed yet, and everyone does not know the true face of Lushan, and they don't know much about the details.

Everyone is just out of trust in Yeshu's technology. Since he said artificial intelligence is so amazing, it is really so amazing.

As for the principle of front-end artificial intelligence, it has already been mentioned in the previous chapters. When designing artificial intelligence, he has fully considered this situation.

Compared with the back-end, the front-end is not only different in intelligence, but also has the ability to learn. The self-learning ability of the front-end artificial intelligence is very weak.

They all need to be trained and learned through the back-end artificial intelligence program, and then the learning results are fed back to the front-end artificial intelligence, so that the front-end artificial intelligence behaves very intelligently.

As mentioned earlier, the front-end artificial intelligence is actually a summary document of the learning results of the back-end artificial intelligence, which is analyzed through intelligent algorithms to show intelligent behavior.

So Ye Shu said: "The front-end artificial intelligence is not very confidential, mainly because it does not have the ability of self-learning, in fact, it is learning to summarize and explain the program.

Generally speaking, it can satisfy most of the existing application scenarios. If you want to train a more intelligent front-end program, then you need to provide more data for training.

If you want to do this, you need to send all the data from all over the world back to your country. When you operate, you need to know the laws and regulations of each country in detail.

If it is not prohibited by law, you can do this. If it is prohibited, you should not send the data back, and let the background artificial intelligence access your data center for learning. "

"We will do what Mr. Ye said." Lei Jun said.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu thought that the news portal business was over, but Lei Jun said: "I agree with Mr. Ye's social transformation of the news portal platform, after all, there are many benefits.

It's just that if there are no incentives, I think it is very difficult to get many self-media accounts to contribute for free.

But if the money is calculated according to the number of contributions, it may lead to a large amount of low-quality news content. Should we all switch to calculating rewards based on the number of readings and reading completion rates?

Just doing this will have a huge impact on traditional media, because if the incentives are considerable, most of them will come to our platform to create.

Not only will the discourse power of our platform increase, but the existence of many self-media will also weaken the discourse power of traditional media and weaken their influence.

This may cause changes in our current cooperative relationship. Once we stop cooperating, we will lose a lot of high-quality news content. "

There is no scruples about the expansion of the platform's voice and influence. Originally, they are fighting for the voice and influence. If they have to be scruples, it is best not to do it.

"I think you are overly worried. Traditional media can also apply for self-media accounts on our platform and give them platform certification marks.

If their content is equally popular on our platform, they can also get paid by our incentives, and we don’t discriminate in this respect.

If there are traditional media that cannot understand the form, the cooperation will be terminated. There is no pity. For the vast number of small and medium traditional media, our platform is their opportunity.

Originally, their newspapers and TV stations were regional, and it was difficult to expand their influence, but on our platform, at least they can expand to the whole country.

If the quality is very good, the content has the possibility of wider dissemination, and may even be recommended to platforms in other countries and regions, further expanding its influence.

Once we have mastered an influential platform, it will not be us asking them to cooperate, but whether we should give them a chance to cooperate. It is very easy for a platform to make a self-media account popular. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's analysis, Lei Jun felt that his worries were a bit naive. Isn't the reason why they want to build a platform is to monopolize the right to speak.

"Then how much money are we going to spend as rewards?" Lei Jun asked.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu thought about it for a while. Phoenix Technology is currently making money from Phoenix Software, and its operating income has reached about 150 billion US dollars so far.

It is still in the tax incentive period, and there are not many taxes paid, but they have such a large stall under them that needs to be supported, especially with the launch of many Internet applications, the cost of hardware has skyrocketed.

So there is not much money left, and there is really not much money for incentives. This is why Lei Jun asked this question. If he really had money, he would have spent it richly, why bother to ask Ye Zishu.

"If you want to come out with a new version of the news portal platform, you have to wait until the artificial intelligence comes out, and it may be the end of the year after you finish writing it.

During this period of time, your news portal platform should expand its users as much as possible, or adopt the existing mode of operation. This is your current task.

As for the incentive funds, it is hard to say at the moment. It depends on the overall revenue of Phoenix Technology before the new version is launched. If the revenue is good, it is not impossible to use a few billion yuan as an incentive bonus.

The second is that you have to start commercialization, that is to say, you need to launch commercial advertisements. If you just rely on incentive funds, you won’t be able to support it for too long.

It just so happens that many consumer electronics products of Qinglong Technology Company are going to be promoted all over the world. At least with such a large customer, your commercialization will have a good start. "Leaf Book said.

Lei Jun nodded when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and said: "What Mr. Ye said is true, but I expect to see obvious results, and the minimum amount of reward funds is 10 billion yuan.

As for advertising, we don’t have many advertising spaces. Even after commercialization, it will be difficult to bring us a lot of income. We can’t raise the price of a single advertising space too high, so that no one will come to cooperate with us. "

At present, their news portals are organized by column classification. Similar to Yahoo and Sohu news websites in the previous life, the places to display advertisements are very limited.

The reason for doing this is that such a news portal was considered to be very simple at the time, and Internet users today would not have too high requirements, because this is already advanced in the current era.

The news recommendation weighting method he mentioned to Lei Jun just now does not exist on the first edition of the news portal. Everyone reads the same content and cannot make personalized adjustments.

He plans to use the news content recommendation method on the news social platform version to provide users with news content that meets the needs of users, which can increase user stickiness.

If there is no recommended news content, it cannot be called a news social platform, and the content mentioned above will not have much practical significance.

"Do you know why we want to build our current news portal into a news social platform? In addition to user experience, it is to provide more advertising space." Leaf Book said.

Lei Jun was confused by these words. It was hard for him to imagine that any website could add a large number of advertisements. It couldn’t be full of advertisements. The user experience would be very bad, which was contrary to what the boss repeatedly emphasized.

Seeing his confused eyes, Ye Zishu said: "Forget it, I can't tell now, I will design a new news social platform for you, and I will help you design the advertising system."

The concept of news social platforms is too advanced, and it is very different from the current Internet form. It is impossible to explain clearly in a few words, and if they don't speak clearly, they may not develop what they want.

If it would be a waste of his time, he might as well just do it himself and give a sample to Phoenix Technology's companies, and then their other Internet products will know how to do it.

Ye Zishu actually does not need much time to do it by himself, because he is going to develop more intelligent programming tools, which can increase the efficiency by more than a hundred times.

With artificial intelligence, you can't just let the people under your hands widely apply it to products. His own tools must be upgraded as soon as possible. At that time, many program codes can be written for him by artificial intelligence.

This allowed him to get rid of the work of a coder, and only need to focus on architecture design and function design. This set of tools will also be provided to employees at the headquarters of Phoenix Technology.

As for overseas employees, they can only use the intelligent development tools supported by front-end artificial intelligence, although the efficiency is not as powerful as the development tools supported by background artificial intelligence.

However, compared with traditional development tools, the efficiency is also increased by more than ten times, which can greatly improve production efficiency and allow employees to spend more energy on innovation instead of writing code.

In order for Phoenix Software to stand alone in the world, in addition to the ideas he provided, it is necessary to have development tools that are far ahead of competitors, so that the opponent may not necessarily win even if they rely on manpower.

"Mr. Ye personally went out, so I feel a lot more at ease. To be honest, I really didn't know what to do just now. It may take a long time to make a satisfactory effect." Lei Jun said earnestly.

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