Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 365 There is nothing to be afraid of

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ye Zishu fell into deep thought, carefully thinking about the possible difficulties he might face, and made a more comprehensive assessment of the risks.

Don't look at the arrogance just said, in fact he has to do it, because once he retreats, he will retreat step by step until there is no way to retreat, and finally he can only jump off the cliff by himself.

He never underestimated the greed of capital. As long as there is a slight opportunity, he will not give up easily. The only way is to break their teeth from the beginning.

Failure is nothing more than losing some money and slowing down development. Even if the business really cannot continue, he can still live well with his personal wealth.

If you don't dare to do it under such circumstances, then what's the point of living? What he said just now was not only to cheer himself up, but also to strengthen Ren Zhengfei's will.

In fact, there is also Phoenix Technology Company facing the same predicament, because they are integrated with Qinglong Technology Company, and Qinglong Technology Company can conquer cities and territories, and they will follow behind to reap huge benefits.

Of course, Qinglong Technology Company's ability to conquer the city is also inseparable from the support behind Phoenix Technology Company. Without Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company would not have such confidence.

I hope that the cooperation between the two of them will bring prosperity to the dragon and the phoenix. Leaving aside these idealistic things, Ye Zishu still feels that the possibility of success is greater.

There are a few main points. First, my country is a big country with complete sovereignty and has complete autonomy over many things. At least there is no problem in protecting the safety of its domestic industries.

This stabilized the basic market. The reason why old m was able to coerce rb companies in the 80s was mainly because they didn't have much power to fight for.

Second, "neoliberal" economics is now popular in the world, emphasizing the management strategy of small government and large enterprises, and reducing government intervention in business operations and economic development.

This banner was set up by Mr. M himself, and it has been widely recognized by many countries around the world. If they really make a deadly move against Qinglong Technology Company or Phoenix Technology Company, they will slap themselves in the face.

They not only have the interests of the electronic semiconductor industry in the world, but also have many other interests. If they slap themselves in the face, other countries will definitely have small thoughts, and the global economic consensus reached will be destroyed.

They themselves advocate "neo-liberal" economics to facilitate their companies to cut leeks and occupy the international market. If they fail, then this goal will not be achieved.

The governments of other countries are not blind. If the "neo-liberal" economics advocated by Mr. M is "only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps", naturally some people will not agree.

The old m is indeed strong, regardless of the military or the economy, but every country has its own interests, and if you want to be the "leader of the martial arts", you still have to do superficial work.

What's more, the current old m is already the only superpower in the world, and his self-confidence is at a stage of bursting. Although he encounters difficulties in the electronic semiconductor industry, he thinks that it is more likely that the difficulties are only temporary.

Because they have the most developed higher education in the world, and at the same time can attract talents from all over the world, their lagging behind is only temporary, as long as they are given some time, they can catch up.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will not mobilize people because of a problem in a certain industry. Just like Internet communication equipment, they just issued a chip ban.

When the chip ban lost its effect, they did not chase after it, because they did not sell chips, it was their freedom, and if the government issued a market ban, it would be a big problem.

The third is that Ye Zishu is no longer what it used to be. It not only has the cash cow of Taiji Group, but also has a global Internet news portal platform, search engine and streaming media platform.

It is not so easy to engage him quietly, as long as there is a disturbance, the whole world can know it immediately, and even the direction of public opinion can be controlled.

The only things that can be used to make a fuss are measures such as tariffs and quantitative restrictions, because my country has not yet resumed its status as a member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and its foreign trade preferential measures are greatly restricted.

Of these two measures, he believes that raising tariffs is more likely, because quantitative restrictions cannot solve the fundamental problem, and may even lead to dissatisfaction among the internal public.

The performance of Qinglong Technology's personal computer products is too much ahead, and they are sought-after products in the eyes of consumers. If the quantity is really restricted, the substitutability is relatively low.

If there is no product with such advanced technology and relatively low price, consumers will not have any thoughts. After all, there is no harm if there is no comparison, and everyone is the same anyway.

However, as long as there is a serious generational difference in products, if the quantity is restricted, it will inevitably lead to a sharp rise in prices, and people and institutions capable of purchasing the goods will be able to obtain huge benefits.

At that time, ordinary consumers will suffer the most, and ordinary consumers can also vote. For politicians, they still need to consider the emotions of the people.

Even because the goods are in short supply, smuggling has occurred, because there are people who will take risks to do anything that has huge benefits.

It's different when the tariffs are raised, at least everyone is the same, and there is no such chaos as limiting the quantity, but everyone needs to pay a higher price to buy.

The reason why he attaches great importance to Laomei's market is mainly because their market is currently the largest in the world, but if it is really lost, Qinglong Technology Company is not completely unable to operate.

Even if the rb market chooses to intervene because of the serious conflict of interest between their electronic semiconductor industry and Qinglong Technology Company, Europe does not have this problem.

Their semiconductor industry is not mainstream in the world, and their interests in this industry are not very entangled. On the contrary, they have more efficient production tools, which are more beneficial to their economic development.

There are also many other countries. Although they are poor and rich, they can help Qinglong Technology Company absorb a lot of production capacity, and the sum is not a small number.

In a word, his semiconductor industry chain will not completely collapse. As long as this is guaranteed, he has nothing to be afraid of.

Just as Ye Zishu was thinking, Ye Zihua knocked on the door and entered his office with a lot of shopping bags in his hand. It was obvious that he had gone shopping before.

Seeing that there were a lot of big and small bags, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Isn't it all you bought for yourself?"

"How is it possible? Am I that kind of person? These are the clothes I bought for my parents after calling and asking about their height and weight, as well as the height and weight of my two younger sisters." Ye Zihua said.

"Aren't you going to buy two for yourself?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Why do I need so many clothes? It's not that I don't have any clothes!" Ye Zihua said.

Ye Zishu nodded, as if he and his younger brother didn't pay much attention to appearance and grooming, maybe they were educated in the same family, and their concepts are similar.

"If you see clothes you like, you should buy some for yourself, and your brother is not short of the money for a few clothes." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Then thank you brother!" Ye Zihua said with a smile.

"Brother, is your machine a computer?" Ye Zihua asked when she saw the machine in front of Ye Zishu.

"It's a laptop that my company just produced." Ye Zishu said.

"This is too pretty!" After putting away the shopping bag, Ye Zihua quickly ran over, touched it, and couldn't help but say.

"Want one?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

Ye Zihua quickly nodded, but Ye Zishu said: "Don't think about the model I have, it's too expensive, what's the matter with getting it to school?"

The school still focuses on learning. Although this computer is nothing to him, it costs nearly 3 yuan outside, but it is quite expensive and will bring a lot of trouble to Ye Zihua.

He also doesn't want these expensive materials to satisfy Ye Zihua's vanity, because vanity and satisfaction based on material things are the lowest level, which is not conducive to his growth.

Hearing what his brother said, Ye Zihua couldn't help asking, "How much is this laptop?"

"The retail price is about 3 yuan!" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing the price, Ye Zihua didn't dare to touch it. She retracted her hand and said, "Why is it so expensive?"

"You get what you pay for, and there is nothing cheap in the east," Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, wait for the goods to arrive in two days, and I will give you other models of laptops, which are enough to meet your daily work needs." Ye Shu said.

He is going to give his younger brother a laptop worth about 8000 yuan. The performance of the game is not good, but there is still no problem in handling the study. It is not particularly eye-catching in Tsinghua University.

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