Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 364 Neglected Private Market Potential

Unexpectedly, it would go so far, Ye Zishu said: "Let's talk about the issue of sales. Your sales channels can appropriately increase redundant personnel. It is best to add one person to each store."

"What's Mr. Ye thinking about?" Ren Zhengfei asked puzzled.

"Actually, it's for Kirin Industrial Group. It's not so easy for them to build a complete sales channel all at once, so the most trouble-free way is to rely on your sales channels to build their own sales channels.

Although the sales of consumer electronics products are not the same as the sales of clothing, the principle of sales is the same. It only needs to increase professional knowledge to be competent.

Recruit them now for training, and when the time is right, let them receive professional clothing sales training, and they will be able to get started soon.

At that time, these personnel can directly become store managers around the world. Relying on these store managers, it will be much easier to build clothing sales channels. "Leaf Book said.

However, although this idea is good, it will increase the cost for Qinglong Technology Company, but Ren Zhengfei did not refuse, but agreed.

At present, Qinglong Technology Company has no direct interest relationship with Kirin Industry Group, and does not cooperate as closely with Xuanwu Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company.

However, as an industry that belongs to the same boss, it is necessary to look at the problem as a whole. If Qinglong Technology Company really encounters a crisis, it will eventually need a brother company to help.

Those with resources will contribute resources, and those without resources and money will naturally contribute money. This will greatly enhance the anti-risk ability of independent groups. Although they seem to be scattered, they are actually a whole.

Therefore, if the brother enterprises can develop and grow, they will actually add an insurance to themselves, and they will not be stingy when they can support them.

Relying on the income of Lingtong Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company can still afford relatively high cost expenditure. Regardless of whether their personal computer business develops smoothly as expected, the total income is still increasing.

Because they are priced according to international costs, in fact, Xuanwu Technology's R&D costs and industrial construction costs are far lower than normal levels.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Xuanwu Technology to build the entire electronic semiconductor industry chain with tens of billions of yuan. You must know that this should have been completed by countless companies.

In addition, the labor cost in our country is still relatively cheap, and the actual cost is much lower than the international cost. The reason why it is so expensive is mainly based on the technical content.

Because according to the performance of low-end brands, it still beats the performance of top personal computers in the world, but the price is much lower.

According to Qinglong Technology's plan, the minimum price of personal computers sold overseas is about US$1000, which is still much cheaper than products from other computer companies.

As for the low-end brands between 2000 yuan and 5000 yuan, they are only sold in China, hoping to expand the number of personal computers in China.

Because employees of domestic state-owned enterprises and public institutions, although their income is not high, they do not spend much of their own money, such as medical care, accommodation, and even part of the cost of meals, are all borne by the unit.

They don't make much money, but saving money is really not small, and the inflation has been a little bit high in the past few years, so they just bought these computers to digest the excess funds in their hands.

Inflation occurs because people with too much money have no place to spend it. To solve inflation is very simple, that is to provide more commodities to the people so that their money has places to spend.

It's just that the domestic industry was not rich before, but the country's foreign exchange could not support large-scale imports of foreign products. The electronic semiconductor industry chain he built just solved part of the inflation problem.

These electronic industries are all high-tech products. In the past, they were absolutely scarce goods in China. Now that they are open to purchase, they will naturally stimulate a wave of consumption.

As long as they choose to buy one, the family's savings for one year may be spent seven or seventy-eight eighty-eight, and the problem of inflation will naturally disappear.

After Ye Zishu earns money, part of it will be turned over as tax, and the state can use it to support infrastructure construction, and the other part can be used to invest, expand the scale of operation and build new industries, and continue to provide more abundant commodities.

At the same time, it can also expand employment, increase personnel salaries, and increase the size of the domestic market. In this way, the economy will be able to operate, and the inflation problem will naturally be contained to a certain extent.

What's more, there are many high-tech consumer electronics products behind. Although the domestic price is generally lower than the international one, the price of a single product is still high.

People who have no desire to consume personal computers will always have a product they like. As long as they choose to buy it, inflation can be curbed to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu asked directly: "How is your domestic sales channel building?"

"We have formed a domestic sales team, ready to sell to various domestic enterprises and institutions." Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu thought that he might have made the same cognitive mistake as himself. Before that, he also felt that domestic personal consumption potential was limited, and the main market was still enterprises and institutions.

Because this is the main market for personal computers before, but it ignores the fact that the previous computers are useless for ordinary people to buy.

Because the entertainment attributes of the previous computers were very low, and the operating system was not easy to operate, it was only used as a decoration when bought home, and it did not have much effect.

In addition, the price is too high. There are almost no personal computers below [-] yuan. Even if ordinary people have spare money, they don't have so much.

The situation is different now. Computers between 2000 yuan and 5000 yuan are still expensive for them, but they are still acceptable.

In 1993, the minimum basic salary in Shanghai was set at 210 yuan. In fact, the average salary will be higher. Of course, Shanghai is a big city in China, so it is normal to have a high salary, but it also shows that the salary of the labor force has gradually increased.

For employees of Xuanwu Technology Company, the minimum monthly salary has reached 250 yuan. In fact, 300 yuan a month is relatively common, and 250 yuan is only the salary of newcomers who have just entered the factory.

If the consumer electronics business of Qinglong Technology Company develops well, Xuanwu Technology Company will also benefit a lot, and the minimum monthly salary will be raised to 500 yuan next year.

It cannot be justified that the company has made a lot of money and is still unwilling to raise the wages of its employees. Although Ye Zishu may spend a lot of money to invest in other businesses to expand employment.

However, if the interests of the employees of the original company are not well guaranteed, it will definitely cause a lot of opinions. Not only ordinary employees have opinions, but the management will also have quite a few criticisms.

Therefore, based on these information, he concluded that there is still potential for domestic private consumption, and it is still very necessary to establish some directly-operated stores in the country.

"I don't think all eyes should be on these enterprises and institutions. Although it is necessary, the consumption potential of the private sector cannot be ignored. The number of directly-operated stores can be appropriately increased," Ye Zishu said.

"Is there such a big private market?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

Hearing his question, Ye Zishu recounted his thoughts just now, and then said: "There must be a market, especially in big cities in China, don't underestimate the consumption potential.

As for the county market, it is estimated that it will not be very large at present. Of course, some relatively affluent counties can still arrange channels appropriately. How to do it is up to you to decide internally. "

After listening to Ye Zishu's analysis, Ren Zhengfei nodded unconsciously. What the boss said is indeed possible. The market was not big in the past due to various reasons. It does not mean that there is no consumption potential.

"Also, when doing government business, you must abide by the law and do not engage in money and power transactions. I would rather not make this money than fall into the shoes of others." Ye Zishu said.

Nowadays, many salespeople are doing everything they can to improve their performance, and their company is also very indulgent in this situation in order to increase sales revenue.

They are no longer a small company, and I don’t know how many pairs of eyes will be watching them. They must be strict and self-disciplined in legal operations, and must not follow the market monsters.

What's more, they rely on their strength to make a living, and they don't have many competitors like other companies. Many of their products are the only one without a semicolon.

Take the purchase of personal computers. If the price is cheap and the performance is strong, if you purchase a product with a high price and low quality, it is easy to think that there is an ulterior transaction in it.

The reason why he wants to engage in high-tech is that he wants to eat his meal standing up, instead of gradually losing himself in the fierce competition in the low-end market like others.

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