Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 348 Cloud Computing Service Platform

Wu Chaoqiang was happy, but Ye Zishu had a headache. He didn't expect to add tasks to himself while chatting about things, which he didn't expect.

And what Wu Chaoqiang said is very reasonable. If there is more time, the people below can study it slowly, but time waits for no one.

If it is fast, it will enter the enrollment stage in the second half of next year. If it is slow, there will be results in the next year. In such a short time, it is basically impossible to research top-notch experimental equipment.

The top-notch experimental instruments and equipment have much higher technical content than industrial instruments and equipment, and the requirements for parameters are extremely strict.

Let alone now, decades later, in the field of experimental equipment, companies from developed countries still dominate the market, and we can only make some low-end experimental equipment.

If it is one or two, Ye Zishu thinks that it does not need to spend much thought, but the field of scientific research is extremely wide, and each field has top-notch equipment that needs to be used.

But he doesn't have to worry too much, because there are countless experimental instruments in the virtual laboratory, and he can even automatically generate new experimental instruments as long as he needs it.

This doesn't require him to keep collecting technical materials from the library, he just needs to sort out the relevant technical materials one by one according to the instruments and equipment in the virtual laboratory.

It is not a complete copy. The virtual laboratory is an ideal state. When it is brought into the real world, it is necessary to consider whether it can be done and how long it will take to make it.

Therefore, many instruments and equipment in the virtual laboratory need to lower the standard, and he needs to be careful about how much to reduce. This is also a relatively energy-consuming thing.

"When is Mr. Ye going to give us relevant technical information?" Wu Chaoqiang said.

He said this not to urge Ye Zishu, but to have time so that he can arrange related work, such as the establishment of this subsidiary company, the recruitment of researchers, and so on.

If it cannot be provided until next year, he does not need to prepare now, and can save a lot of cost.

"When exactly, I can't give you an accurate answer at the moment, but it should be sorted out for you in the second half of this year. Don't be afraid to spend money. Just recruit enough scientific researchers in advance and put them in other companies and departments." Ye Zishu Said.

"How many R&D personnel do you think Mr. Ye needs?" Wu Chaoqiang asked.

There are a lot of experimental instruments, including top-notch experimental equipment, a lot of relatively ordinary experimental equipment, and many experimental consumables. There are at least a thousand kinds of them.

This is what he thinks he can use often. There are also many experimental instruments and equipment that he has never used before. The number is also quite large, and these are not within his consideration for the time being.

"Although I don't know exactly how many people are needed, I think it is necessary to prepare thousands of scientific researchers." Ye Zishu said.

If we really want to seriously operate this area, a research team of thousands of people is the most basic, and it is likely to expand in the future, but that is a matter of the future.

At present, these scientific researchers only need to give priority to the research and development of top-notch experimental equipment. General experimental equipment can be bought in the market. Even if it is not available in China, foreign countries are not restricted from exporting to my country.

If even these restrictions were imposed, it would be impossible for his enterprises to carry out scientific research. Many of their experimental equipment were imported from abroad.

This topic is almost here, and if we continue to discuss it, this meeting will become a special meeting on education investment.

"As mentioned earlier, with more and more Internet users, the data storage and background computing power will become stronger and stronger. With the current background technology, it is difficult to deal with it." Ye Zishu said.

Many background technologies in the previous life were brought from abroad. Although the effect may be better after our improvement, it still cannot change the fact that the proportion of our original technology is relatively low.

Now in the field of software and the Internet, Phoenix Technology is at the forefront of the world, and it is impossible for them to rely on others, so they can only conduct research and development by themselves.

"Our background technology can still be used for a period of time." Lei Jun said.

Although this is true, after all, there are too few Internet users now. Even if it expands rapidly, it cannot be compared with later generations. The big data-related technologies he provided before can still play some role.

"Although Mr. Lei is right, what I think is whether we can establish a set of common software and hardware technologies, which can not only provide cloud computing services for you, but also provide similar services for other enterprises and individuals.

After the release of Qinglong Technology's personal computer business, it will not be long before entering the server field, and the server market is not so easy to open.

After all, many companies have used products from other server suppliers for many years, and most of the company's operation and maintenance personnel are biased towards these servers, and the replacement cost is relatively high.

Valley plus servers have a long service life. In non-essential situations, general enterprises will not replace them immediately, and they will definitely use them until they cannot meet business needs.

So I think it is very difficult to kill other server suppliers by relying on one company to promote our servers, especially IBM, which is still very strong in this field.

Therefore, we have to find another way to establish cloud computing centers around the world and build our cloud service platform. If enterprises need to deploy their own applications or publish their own services to the outside world.

They can purchase our cloud computing services online. They no longer need to purchase hardware in person, and at the same time, they do not need to maintain a large number of server operation and maintenance personnel, which greatly saves costs.

Moreover, using the cloud computing service tools we provide, they can expand their cloud computing capabilities very quickly and without feeling, which is very important for enterprises with rapid business development.

In addition, Internet companies under Phoenix Technology can also deploy their own services on this cloud computing platform, and other software companies can also build their own cloud applications and cloud services on this cloud computing platform.

This avoids the need for each enterprise to build its own server center, which not only saves personnel costs, but also saves hardware costs. The cloud service platform can give full play to the value of hardware and increase the return on hardware investment. "

Hearing this, Lei Jun's eyes lit up, and Ren Zhengfei was also very excited. This will solve their server market sales problem at once.

"Mr. Ye, can you talk about it in detail?" Lei Jun said impatiently.

"Cloud computing platforms are generally divided into three types. The first type is a storage-based cloud platform based on data storage, which generally solves the problem of too much data and no place to store it for users.

The second type is a computing platform based on data processing. For example, if we need to perform a scientific calculation, the normal way is to use a supercomputer to complete the calculation.

But with a computing cloud platform, we can rent the computing power of the platform to provide computing power support for a certain scientific calculation, without having to buy a supercomputer.

The third is a combination of the above two, taking into account both computing and data storage, called a comprehensive cloud computing platform, and the cloud computing platform you built is this type.

However, when developing services, don’t be so rigid. You can provide pure storage cloud services, pure computing cloud services, and of course comprehensive cloud services. "Leaf Book said.

Speaking of which, Ye Zishu took a sip of tea and continued: "Next, I will talk about the service types of the cloud computing platform:

The first is software as a service. The application runs entirely in the cloud and provides users with stable online application software. What users buy is the right to use the software, not the ownership of the software.

Users only need to access the application software through the network interface. For ordinary users, they usually use a simple client like a browser to operate the software application.

The cloud application we mentioned earlier is this type. In the future, many of your application software will need to change to this aspect. This is the development trend of the future software industry.

The second is platform as a service, which is to provide cloud services for application development instead of building its own client infrastructure.

Developers can directly develop on the cloud platform, and the direct users of the cloud platform are developers rather than ordinary users, providing developers with a stable development environment.

The third type is additional services, which is also easy to understand. It is to provide local applications with cloud additional services other than local functions to enhance functions.

For example, the translator we mentioned earlier can provide users with certain translation services if it is not connected to the back-end artificial intelligence, which is a local service.

However, in order to obtain a higher service experience, it is necessary to connect to the back-end artificial intelligence to enhance the ability of translation, which is an additional service. "

Ye Zishu explained clearly what the cloud platform can do in a simple and clear manner, allowing Lei Jun and the others to know how to provide cloud services at once.

"In the early days of cloud computing, it was more about providing services for your own companies. Other companies will not be at ease deploying their services on your cloud platform at first, so this matter has to be done slowly." Ye Zishu said.

Although he said before that he wanted to kill other server companies with arrogance, he also knew that it would take a long time to achieve this, and he needed to accumulate slowly to keep himself at the forefront of the industry.

Of course, it is not without advantages. In addition to the advantages of hardware infrastructure, there are many advantages that others cannot obtain, that is, artificial intelligence.

The most typical is that other companies want to provide global translation services for their websites in various languages, so that customers around the world can easily view their websites, which requires the use of Phoenix Software's cloud translation services.

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