Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 347 How to Attract Top Research Talents

The last sentence of Ye Zishu, although it is a suggestion, is actually not much different from giving an order, and the eagerness expressed is stronger than that of the business leaders.

The boss is so anxious, how dare they delay as subordinates, and the funds to buy land and build the campus are not very big for them.

Since it is an educational land, and it is a non-profit university, the land price will not be very expensive, and it is even possible for the local government to allow the university to land on its own site for free.

"Is Mr. Ye interested in building a college?" Wu Chaoqiang asked.

Although colleges and universities will not directly create much economic value, they can increase the local cultural environment, and a large number of enterprises may be born around colleges and universities.

If it is an ordinary university, it is very difficult to achieve this, but according to what Ye Zishu said just now, it is a bit difficult not to become a top school with such a large investment scale.

Such a university that integrates teaching and scientific research produces valuable research results. As a locality, it has many advantages over other places because it is close to the water.

"When I talked with Pei Qing before, I asked her to build Tianwen Medical College in my hometown of Xunyang. As for the higher college that you cooperate with New Oriental Education Group, I have no specific instructions.

However, I do not recommend building colleges in large domestic cities for the following reasons:

The first is to cultivate a strong academic atmosphere. Although the economies of large domestic cities are developed, people’s hearts are also very impetuous.

This will seriously affect the academic research of the school. Everyone is more enthusiastic about short, flat and fast projects, and is unwilling to devote too much energy to real basic research.

The second is that the cost of big cities is very high. Whether it is the cost of building a school, or the cost of education and living for students, they are all among the best. In particular, the housing prices in large cities in the future will be so high that it will make people look desperate.

Establishing colleges and universities in small cities, on the one hand, makes life easier for faculty members, and on the other hand, facilitates the establishment of research institutes in these places in the future.

The third is to avoid excessive concentration of educational resources. The main educational resources in our country are concentrated in such a few cities, which is very unfavorable to the development of high-tech industries in other cities.

As a company, even if we want to carry out scientific research in other places, it becomes extremely difficult. We have to set up scientific research institutions in these big cities, and the cost is naturally much higher.

The fourth is that students who can successfully graduate from these colleges and universities will basically not worry about having no jobs in the future. Our companies can provide enough jobs.

The most important reason why other colleges and universities are located in large cities is that there are many employment opportunities in large cities, and students can find suitable jobs nearby after graduation.

The fundamental purpose of these colleges and universities we established is to train talents for us, and the number of students who can drift into the society is extremely limited.

If these students still go to the society to find jobs, there can only be two situations. The first one is that our business development is not very good and cannot provide enough jobs.

The second is that we recruit too many students and the quality of education is unsatisfactory. I hope that the students cultivated by these colleges and universities are all elites, not ordinary talents that can be found casually in the market.

Therefore, when recruiting students, it is better to lack than to overuse. If you do not recruit enough good seedlings, you would rather reduce the number of students than lower the requirements.

As long as the elites are cultivated, even if we don't need so many of them in the future, they will be scrambled for by others in society, so we don't have to worry about employment at all.

So my opinion is to make choices in provinces and cities with relatively weak domestic university resources, such as Jiangxi and Henan.

When inspecting, you should focus on the attitude of the local government towards education, which will directly determine how much policy support you can get.

We are a private university. If the local government can help us with the formalities, many procedures will be much faster. You should know this.

I won’t mention other details. You can go to more places, communicate with local governments, and see the conditions they put forward, and then choose the ones with favorable conditions. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, they felt confident. It is not easy for them to run a private college well. Money is only one aspect, and it is also inseparable from local support.

If they want to establish a world-class university, they must introduce world-class talents from all over the world. If the local government does not cooperate, many things will be difficult to handle.

"When our companies really achieve large-scale profitability, the problem of funds will not be a big problem, but it is not so easy to build a top university in the world with only funds.

One is the need for top-notch teachers. We can spend high salaries to recruit people from all over the world, but high salaries alone cannot attract top talents to come to us.

If they are really top talents, they can do well no matter where they go, their salary will not be low, and they can live a worry-free life.

Therefore, the high salary can only be used as an auxiliary, not the main reason, and the salary we give cannot be too much higher, there must always be a limit.

Moreover, scholars who blindly pursue the level of personal salary may not be able to focus on academics with peace of mind. Too much desire for money will inevitably affect their energy focus.

The second is the need for good scientific research conditions, which is the main means of attracting talents, but it is not so easy to provide good scientific research conditions.

As a private university, we need to be more flexible in terms of system. In this respect, we are stronger than national universities, but not too much stronger, and only account for a small part.

We need to invest a larger proportion of scientific research funds, which is very attractive to many researchers. After all, it is easier to make research results with financial support.

It’s just that scientific research funding alone is not enough, and top-notch scientific research equipment is also the first problem we face, because we simply cannot buy many top-notch scientific research equipment.

If there is no top scientific research equipment, it is impossible to make top scientific research results. Even if it can be done, the process will definitely be more tortuous, and more thoughts will be spent on the design of scientific research projects. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

Wu Chaoqiang is the one with the highest level of knowledge among the three leaders. He is also a scientific researcher, and his views on higher education are much higher.

The question he raised also hits the nail on the head. Without top scientific research equipment, the attraction to top talents is much weaker. They have passed the stage of pursuing personal life, and what they want is to be able to complete the scientific research projects in their hearts.

In addition to financial support, it is the top scientific research equipment, which is much more attractive to them than giving them higher salaries.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu also nodded in agreement, but if he wanted to solve the problem of the top scientific research equipment, he had to do it himself, so don't count on others.

"For the top-notch scientific research equipment, I will provide the technical information. Xuanwu Technology Company can set up a subsidiary company specializing in the business of experimental instruments and meters.

This company not only provides top-notch experimental equipment for our own colleges and universities, but with the development of the economy in the future, the scientific research funding of domestic colleges and universities will also increase, and they also need these instruments.

It would be even better if you can open up the international market and sell the experimental instruments all over the world. Unless it is a very few confidential instruments, most of the instruments do not need to be treasured. "Leaf Book said.

Although they don't know how the boss does research, they are no strangers to it. Anyway, there are not many technical materials from him without reason, and everyone is used to it.

Of course, they wouldn't gossip around foolishly. Ye Zishu was at the core of their group. If an accident happened to Ye Zishu, their interests would also be damaged.

Now that they have the promise of the boss, they feel more at ease, and the happiest thing is that Xuanwu Technology Company has won another big business for themselves.

It seems that there is not a big market for experimental instruments, but in fact the market is not small. Even ordinary experimental instruments are expensive. Top-notch experimental instruments and equipment cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to the boss's urgency, as long as the technology he brings out is generally much higher than the world level, the competitiveness in the market is definitely achievable.

Wu Chaoqiang is naturally very happy to bring this business to his own banner, and by researching cutting-edge experimental equipment, it can also promote the improvement of the overall strength of the subsidiary.

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