Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 314 Health Supplements Make More Money Than Medicines

"How did you come here?".

Ye Zishu looked up and saw Pei Qing who opened the door and came in. Since Lao Yu's wedding last time, Ye Zishu hadn't met Pei Qing face to face, and everyone was busy with their own work.

"I'm here to see you, what's the matter!" Pei Qing asked with a smile.

Are all girls in the capital so tough? Ye Zishu was speechless after being said, and said with a smile: "Of course, you can sit down for a while, wait for me to finish the work in hand, and make whatever you want to drink."

Ye Zishu quickly finished the matter at hand, and then saw Pei Qing sitting at his desk, drinking tea leisurely, watching him work from time to time.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be a new health product, right?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing nodded and said, "The main purpose of coming here this time is to report this matter to you. The three health care products given last year have completed all the experiments last month.

Each health care product has gone through a follow-up test of up to 5 people, and there is no adverse reaction, and then it immediately enters the production stage, and has also obtained the health care product sales license of various countries. "

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He was confident in the effect of the health care products, and the adverse reactions were definitely within the controllable range. According to the data, it met his expectations.

However, Ye Zishu did not expect that the application for health care product licenses in various countries would be so smooth. Although health care products are not as strict as drug review, they still have to go through the process.

"Why are countries' audits of our products so smooth?" Ye Shu said.

Last time, the review process of elderly health care products in various countries took several months. He thought it would take such a long time now.

"It is indeed much shorter than before. The main reason is that our experimental data is very detailed and much more professional than before. In addition, there is no problem with the product itself. There were no accidents in the experiments in various countries.

In addition, our reputation is much greater than before. Due to the excellent performance of elderly health care products, we have reduced a lot of medical costs and financial burdens for various countries.

In addition, people have a very high degree of trust in our products, so naturally there is no need to hold us back when the data is detailed. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

Obviously, she is in a very good mood. As long as this trust relationship is established, the products of Tai Chi Health Care Company will further expand the international revenue and gain great reputation at the same time.

Now because of their outstanding performance before, they have already received great preferential treatment. Whether it is the private sector or the government, there is no reason to reject their products.

Although the health care products of Tai Chi Health have had a certain impact on the health care products companies in many countries, they have not yet caused a devastating blow.

Because the positioning of their products is completely different. Although they belong to the same category of health care products, the health care products of Taiji Health Care Company have reached the level of medicine, while the health care products of other companies are hard to say.

In particular, many government dignitaries, who are getting older, are also using the health care products of Tai Chi Health Company, which has greatly improved their physical condition, and they naturally feel close to the products of Tai Chi Health Care Company.

The three products presented this time are aimed at adults, men, women and children, either to solve some people's unspeakable secrets, or to be related to the growth of the next generation.

Due to the detailed experimental data, many people still recognize the effects of these three health care products, so the approval process was processed quickly.

"The sales should be good, right?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"The three health care products have been on the market for about a week, and the sales are very good. In just one week, they have brought us 50 billion yuan in revenue." Pei Qing said.

"So much?" Ye Zishu said in surprise.

According to this data, about 52 weeks a year, it is 2600 billion yuan a year, which is very scary. Even Ye Zishu never thought of such a high sales data.

"It really surprised me a bit, but we think it is mainly the side effect brought by the elderly health care products. No matter whether it is useful or not, everyone is willing to buy it and try it out.

If the effect is not satisfactory, it is estimated that the subsequent sales performance will decline seriously, and it may even affect the sales growth of our elderly health care products. "Pei Qing said.

"My idea is different from yours. The effect is proved by experiments. There are such a large sales volume in the early stage, and the sales volume will only increase in the future, because there is still a huge blank market waiting for us to occupy." Ye Shu said.

In particular, health products that promote the growth of human body height need to be used for many years, and it takes at least three months to see the effect, and some people even notice it after half a year.

Generally, consumers are more cautious in buying products that are slow to take effect. After the effect is released, the situation will be completely different, and everyone will rush to buy it.

The prices of these three health care products are much more expensive than health care products for the elderly, especially those that promote height growth.

Because it is impossible to promote the growth of the human body indefinitely, the use cycle is about 5 years, and it will not exceed 10 years. In the eyes of Ye Zishu, this is no longer a long-term product.

Therefore, for people with poor family finances, they may hesitate to buy such products with relatively high prices and a particularly long effective cycle.

"What's the daily sales growth rate?" Ye Zishu asked.

It is not yet possible to calculate the annual growth rate, and in his opinion, calculating the growth rate by day is also of reference value, because he is confident that as long as consumers buy it, it is generally difficult to give up and continue to use it.

Therefore, the daily growth rate is actually closely related to long-term accumulation, and there will be no situation where sales are strong in the early stage and bleak in the later stage.

"How can we count the sales every day, once a week is our limit." Pei Qing said angrily.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu scratched his head and said, "It's indeed a bit of negligence. Statistics are not so easy now, and it will be much easier when the Internet develops around the world."

Now statistical data is communicated by telephone, and then the calculated results are very troublesome and time-consuming, and the accuracy of the data is also a bit problematic.

This made him miss the Internet age a bit. As long as the relevant systems are installed in each sales store, he can know how the sales are going every day. The control of the sales network is not comparable to what it is now.

"You should have your own judgments, right?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We have done a lot of surveys, and the feedback from consumers is good, especially for health care products for men and women, with the highest satisfaction.

As for the health care products mainly aimed at children, since it takes a long time to have obvious effects, the evaluation is relatively neutral, but consumers generally still trust our products.

The parents who bought it feel that it is necessary to use it for a period of time to see how the effect is. If the effect is good, they will continue to use it.

However, according to the sample survey of various directly-operated stores, it is found that within this week, the daily sales growth rate is still obvious, basically reaching a growth rate of more than 50%.

However, this growth rate is due to the fact that in the early days, when sales were relatively stable, there would not be such a high growth rate, and there would be no long-term reference value. "Pei Qing said.

"No matter what, you guys have made a good start. With this good start, as long as you operate stably in the future, you will have a steady stream of income." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Although I am not as optimistic as you, the sales of these three health care products have exceeded our expectations. It is expected to bring us 1000 billion yuan in revenue this year." Pei Qing said.

Although this income is much higher than the sales income of Viagra in the previous life of Pfizer, in fact, although the final effect is somewhat similar, the two are completely different functional products.

Improving the sexual life of men and women is only incidental. Using Tai Chi Health Products will also produce other benefits. It belongs to comprehensive body care, and it does not have side effects like Viagra.

In addition, the way of use is different. The products of Taiji Health Care Company are taken for a long time, while Viagra is only taken when doing business. The frequency of purchase between the two is different.

Therefore, in terms of function, although the effect of health care products is relatively slow, the functions are much more powerful, especially for those who are busy with work and their physical fitness is getting worse day by day, these two health care products are their good news.

The function of Viagra is very single, it can only be used by men, and the side effects are more obvious, so you should be cautious when using it.

This is why Taiji Health's products are health products, while Viagra is a medicine, so he is not surprised by such sales.

This is still an early stage, and when the names of these three health care products spread more widely, the annual income they will bring to Tai Chi Health Care Company will be higher in the future, and it will not be difficult to break through 2000 billion yuan.

"Health care products are more profitable. It is not easy to make so much money from medicines." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing also laughed.

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