Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 313 I'm Exhausted to Maintain Such a Small Stall

Ye Zishu is actually not very clear about this. All his news comes from media reports, because he has not reached that level in his previous life.

But as the people at the bottom of the society back then, they didn't like it very much. Although they are also top rich people now, they are still very different from them consciously.

Many businessmen in China are still engaged in the business of introducing capital, through cooperation with foreign capital, to develop domestically, so as to earn more profits, and this is what the Stone Group does.

It's not that this kind of thinking is wrong. It is understandable to do so when the technical strength is not enough, but there is a problem if you don't think about making progress.

Ye Zishu only wants to concentrate on developing its own industry, carry out industrial construction for the weak projects of the country, and provide industrialized solutions for some problems at the same time.

To put it bluntly, the social wealth created by Ye Zishu far exceeds the existing domestic business development model. Of course, his model cannot be replicated.

So he is actually open to many things. After all, not everyone is like him, who can easily come up with technology and carry out industrial upgrading.

Of course, he will not feel pity because he understands this approach. There is no sympathy in business, and weakness is the original sin. When his industry involves other people's business fields, he will still eat the other party's interests without hesitation when he has the opportunity.

So facing this invitation, Ye Zishu was a little embarrassed. He really didn't want to join any organization, he just wanted to make money with peace of mind, and he didn't want to make it so complicated.

Ye Zishu was now thinking about how to politely decline this invitation, so he said: "I am deeply honored by Mr. Duan's invitation, but I am not very knowledgeable and I still have a lot to learn.

Although my industry seems to be very big, it is in the midst of fierce competition. Take the Phoenix operating system, a product of Phoenix Software Company, as an example.

It seems to be occupying the global operating system market at a very fast speed, and there is a tendency to dominate the rivers and lakes. In fact, due to the lack of application ecology surrounding the system, it is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Therefore, our current main energy is to deal with the crisis that will be encountered in the operation of the enterprise, and to solve the weak links in the process of enterprise development, and we do not have much energy to do other things. "

When Duan Yongji heard Ye Zishu's words, he knew his inclination. This was a polite rejection of his invitation. If he really wanted to join, he didn't have to say such a long word.

It's just that the development speed of the enterprises under Ye Zishu is too fast, and the business is not limited to the software industry, and has begun to set foot in a wider range of fields.

If it's just the software industry, it really can't attract the attention of many people. In addition to conceptual problems, the software industry cannot provide as many jobs as the industry.

This is destined to have limited influence. In fact, Ye Zishu also knows this situation. Fuyu does not mean that it has influence in the country. The extent to which it can help the country solve some problems is the standard for measuring influence.

At present, the country's primary problem is to develop the economy, and the purpose of economic development is to provide more jobs and make people's lives stable and prosperous.

Now the leaf book is different from the past. With the gradual production of Xuanwu Technology Company, its influence has also expanded rapidly, and it is already an existence that cannot be ignored.

Don't look at the size of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., which seems to be the same size. It seems that the scale is not very large. In fact, the scale of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is definitely a top domestic company.

Around the semiconductor and electronics industries, Ye Zishu asked Wu Chaoqiang to expand the number of employees to 50, which is considered a starting number. In the future, around the electronic semiconductor industry, the number of employees will be more than 500 million, and it is not impossible to reach tens of millions.

As for the specific scale of development, it depends on whether the products of Qinglong Technology can conquer the world. If it really monopolizes most of the market, the jobs provided by Xuanwu Technology will be very large.

This is also the reason why Ye Zishu didn't have much contact with these people before, and suddenly came to invite him, because his current influence cannot be ignored.

Although he is a little younger, his influence is huge. With his joining, many tasks of this organization will be easier to do.

"Mr. Ye is humble. It is absolutely rare in China to be able to develop the industry to the scale of Mr. Ye's industry. This has fully proved Mr. Ye's strength.

As for business management, it must be the top priority of business operations, but as an entrepreneur, necessary communication will help solve practical problems. After all, there are many people with great power! " Duan Yongji said with a smile.

Although this is true, it cannot solve his actual problems. Could this group of businessmen help him solve the upcoming duel in the semiconductor and software fields?

If it can be solved, it will not only develop domestically, but has already rushed to the international market. In fact, after decades, there are not many companies with such strength.

Even those companies rushing to the international market mostly focus on assembly, earning hard money, and the bulk is still safely taken away by international giants.

It is true that there are more people and more strength, but it also depends on the specific problem. Anyway, he knows the problem he is facing, and they are unable to help.

The two are no longer on the same level. What Ye Zishu thinks about is how to kill the international giants, while they think about how to rely on the international giants to survive better.

"President Duan, to tell you the truth, I don't even have time to go to Tsinghua University for classes, and I have to work until three or four in the morning every day before I have a break.

Now it is because of my youth that I can carry it down. With the remaining time, my first thought is to sleep to supplement the body loss caused by long-term lack of sleep.

I have no intention of participating in any external activities and meetings, including any organization, and I just want to do my best.

Unlike your predecessors, who have more energy than me, a 20-year-old young man, I really don't have the energy to do other things. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he rubbed his eyes, pretending to be in a state of lack of sleep, and matching his hair that hadn't been washed for two days, he really looked decadent.

When Duan Yongji heard Ye Zishu's words, it meant more than the refusal just now, so he didn't plan to continue persuading him. He is also a person of status, so it is impossible to entangle in this matter for a long time, and his status will be lowered for nothing.

"Since Mr. Ye has made up his mind, I will stop persuading him. After all, everyone has different ideas, and we still respect our respective choices." Duan Yongji said.

"Thank you Mr. Duan for your understanding. I am exhausted to maintain such a large stall, but I still have to thank Mr. Duan for your love." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"We are all on this three-acre land in Zhongguancun. We should help each other. Mr. Ye is busy first, so I won't bother you anymore!" Duan Yongji stood up after speaking.

After Ye Zishu saw it, he also stood up, and then personally sent Duan Yongji to the elevator door, and offered to press the elevator for him. He didn't leave until Duan Yongji got on the elevator and went downstairs.

Although he didn't want to join this organization, he didn't want to offend people for no reason, so he still had to make a good gesture to make the other person feel better.

At least there is currently no conflict of interest between them. Even if there is a conflict of interest in the future, it is necessary to maintain the harmony on the surface. It is not a good choice for businessmen to tear their face apart.

Duan Yongji, who left Phoenix Software's headquarters, sat in his car, thinking about the meeting just now, and naturally had another experience.

Before, I only knew that Ye Zishu likes to be alone, but now it seems that dealing with him is not so easy. Chengfu is not as shallow as a businessman.

Looking back at the huge headquarters of the Phoenix Software Company, I felt that this was the right thing to do. I didn't have the ability to control such a big situation.

It's just that Ye Zishu was not invited to join, which made him a little disappointed. After all, Ye Zishu's influence is still very large. Without him, the influence of this organization will be much weaker.

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