Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 296 PHS is completely useless

Back at Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu just sat down when he suddenly remembered about the PHS. There is no news about it, and it has been a long time.

He urged Ren Zhengfei to follow up on this matter, but there seemed to be no news, as if nothing had disappeared, so he picked up the phone and called Ren Zhengfei, asking him to come and talk about this matter.

In less than 10 minutes, Ren Zhengfei came to his office, and as soon as he sat down, Ye Zishu asked, "Is there a theory about the PHS?"

Who knew that Ren Zhengfei shook his head and said, "It's hard, I guess there is not much hope."

"Did they say why?" Ye Zishu asked.

It is nonsense to say how much Lingtong technology company can make from PHS. At most, it can bring them more than one billion yuan, and a few billion yuan is very good.

For ordinary communication companies, this is a lot of money, but for Lingtong Technology Company, it is a dispensable business, and the future development potential is not very great.

The reason why we try our best to accomplish this is to facilitate the common people and lower the threshold for common people to access wireless communication.

But things didn't seem to develop as he expected. The last time he went to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the situation seemed to be good, but until now, something has changed.

"Although the answer given there is that internal discussions are still underway, we have obtained information through some relationships that this matter has basically been rejected." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Did you tell me why they are not optimistic about PHS internally?" Ye Zishu asked.

There were still a group of people who supported PHS before, which made it impossible to make a decision internally. He thought it was the result of wrestling between the two sides, but he didn't expect that there would be a final result.

This shows that people who originally supported PHS also began to choose not to support PHS. This was beyond Ye Zishu's expectations. There is no reason for such a result.

"It's mainly caused by the promise you made in the research and development of 3G communication technology. Not to mention our PHS, even the GSM introduced from Europe is basically at a standstill.

They want to launch 3G directly after our 3G mobile communication technology is developed, and they don't plan to bother with 2G, let alone PHS. "Ren Zhengfei said.

Speaking of this, Ren Zhengfei laughed unconsciously. In order to prove the necessity of PHS, Ye Zishu made a big promise in 3G research and development.

Unexpectedly, this promise turned out to be a reminder for PHS, which directly killed PHS. Of course, it also killed GSM in Europe.

"Now there is basically a drag-and-drop formula. Whether it is our PHS or GSM, the unified response to the outside world is still in the internal research." Ren Zhengfei continued.

Hearing this news, Ye Zishu didn't know how to express his feelings. Is it because they had full trust in him, or because the cake he drew was so good that they waited willingly.

"Is this the final result?" Ye Zishu repeatedly confirmed.

"Although there is no official answer, it should be close to ten." Ren Zhengfei nodded and said.

It seems that I have to delay the days of free communication for a long time. To be honest, without mobile communication, many things are really troublesome.

In his previous life, he was very disgusted with answering the phone. Every time he made a phone call, it was a matter of work, which made him feel very annoyed when he heard the phone call, but he had to answer it.

When I become a leader, I will fully appreciate the benefits of mobile phones. At least I can receive emergency calls from the lower levels at any time, and it is much more convenient to find someone.

Of course, these are based on his own needs. If 3G is really launched, the benefits will be huge, and the scale of industrial development will also increase rapidly, which is very beneficial to my country's economic development.

"They want us to speed up the research of 3G!" Ye Zishu said with emotion.

Whether they think so, Ren Zhengfei doesn't know, but if Lingtong Technology Company wants to get the cake of mobile communication as soon as possible, it must speed up the research progress of 3G.

Once the mobile communication market in major countries around the world is occupied by 2G, in order to reap the cost of investment, it is impossible to completely replace 3G technology, no matter how advanced it is.

This will seriously slow down the deployment of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. in the 3G field, so the sooner this matter comes out, the better.

Originally, he thought that it would be too soon to complete the research and development of 3G technology by the end of this year, but now it seems that just completing the research and development of technology by the end of this year is not enough.

Because the development of the technology is only the first step, small-scale testing is required later, and then there are pilot city tests before large-scale construction of base stations.

This back and forth in the middle, even if it goes well, it will take more than a year, and if it doesn't go well, it may take two years, which is a bit unbearable for him.

"I see. You will continue to speed up the recruitment of talents in the communication field. I will also take time to focus on 3G research and development. I will try to prepare technical matters in the middle of the year and complete small-scale test scenarios before the end of the year." Ye Zishu said .

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei immediately smiled, because once Ye Zishu pays attention to this area, the research speed will be much faster than now.

"By the way, the recruitment of chip researchers should not stop for a moment. We need to speed up the research work on 3G chips, otherwise it will seriously slow down the pace." Ye Zishu said.

Originally, he planned to put the 3G chip work in the second half of the year, and in the first half of the year, he could just follow the tasks of the previous communication chip, CPU, GPU, and photosensitive chip.

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ni Guangnan, who also worked in the same office, asked, "Is this going to add new chip research?"

Because according to Ye Zishu's plan, even with so many chip designers at present, they can still accomplish the set goals very well, so he doesn't need to specifically emphasize the need to find more chip designers.

There is nothing to hide about this matter, and he said directly: "The 3G mobile communication network cannot be separated from the support of the 3G chip, so the design of the 3G chip must also be put on the agenda, and it will be completed in the first half of the year."

In fact, it is not just a matter of 3G chips. The advance of 3G network means that a series of things must be advanced, because this marks the birth of smart phones.

Such as smart operating system, smart phone application software, and a series of technologies surrounding smart phones need to be developed. He hopes that the mobile phone he takes out is perfect.

As long as the first impression is formed, strong brand loyalty can be formed, and the biggest cake in the smartphone field can be obtained.

Apparently Ni Guangnan has not realized this, but is only happy about the design of 3G chips. After all, compared with ordinary communication chips, the requirements of 3G chips are undoubtedly much higher.

In order to reduce power consumption, Leaf Book must integrate the 3G communication chip with the CPU and GPU of the mobile phone, which has virtually raised the threshold for smartphone chips.

It can directly exclude a large group of chip manufacturers from mobile phone chips, and allow Qinglong Technology Company to monopolize the global market. It is too simple, but it is not easy to monopolize the market.

"Chief engineer Ni, you will stay in the chip project team for a few days, and I will go to Phoenix Software Company to do some work." Ye Shu said.

At the same time, I made a call to Ren Zhengfei and asked him to recruit more electronic designers into the company to prepare a talent reserve for smartphone research and development.

Ren Zhengfei didn't know what the smart phone Ye Zishu was talking about was, but it sounded high-end, and there were no simple products that had anything to do with smart phones.

After receiving a call from Ye Zishu, Ren Zhengfei started to mobilize the personnel department to recruit talents related to electronic design across the country.

And Ye Zishu went directly to Phoenix Software Company, preparing for Phoenix Software Company to develop a smartphone operating system, and their strength is quite strong in this regard.

Anyway, the current task of their operating system project team is not very heavy. Adding a new operating system research and development just keeps them from being idle.

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