Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 295 There is not much time left for them

After the interview, it was time for dinner. Ye Zishu invited the program team to the cafeteria for dinner. He thought that such a rich man would treat guests in the cafeteria.

But when they really came to the cafeteria of Phoenix Software Company, they directly refreshed their three views. This is not a cafeteria, and it is better than the restaurants outside.

Not only is the decoration very luxurious, reaching the standard of a three-star hotel, but also there are many types of meals, which are completely self-service, and you can order what you want.

Ye Shu led them to line up at the back of the line. The employees of the company did not show any strange behavior, except for saying hello to the boss Ye Shu, they did not show any other behavior, such as giving up their seats.

This also refreshed the understanding of Bai Yansong and photographers. It is also difficult to achieve such equal treatment in state-owned enterprises and state units.

After finishing eating, Ye Zishu randomly found a dining table and sat down. Bai Yansong finally couldn't help asking: "Your canteen consumes a lot of food every day, right?"

He counted carefully just now, and there are more than 30 kinds of meals, including fish and meat, even seafood, as well as various beverages and other products, which are more abundant than restaurants.

Moreover, the menu changes every day, so that employees can eat different meals every day, so as to prevent me from getting tired of eating the same meals for a long time.

"It's okay. The current domestic prices are still relatively cheap. As long as there is no waste, isn't the improvement of the living conditions of employees one of the meanings of a company's existence?" Ye Zishu said.

Starting with such a rich meal, the employees naturally have a big appetite and eat relatively more meals, but after a long time, the mentality of the employees has changed. No matter how delicious the meal is, they will choose moderation.

Because it is very easy to gain weight by eating too much, and they usually spend more time sitting, Ye Zishu does not encourage them to be too fat. If they are seriously overweight, they will be forced to exercise to lose weight.

And a canteen like this is available in every office building of Phoenix Software’s headquarters, the purpose is to facilitate employees to eat nearby, without having to go to the canteens in other buildings to eat.

Of course, the food provided by the company is not completely free, but the fee charged is very low. He is afraid that it will be really free, and there will be people playing snowball fights with steamed buns.

And if there is a frequent waste of food, the meal fee will increase, which is a punishment for those who waste food and avoid waste.

Fortunately, in this day and age, most of the employees haven't had a good life for a few days, and they haven't formed the habit of wasting food, and they basically eat clean.

"That's Mr. Ye's generosity!" the photographer said.

There are many places they go to interview, including state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Generally speaking, the treatment of state-owned enterprises is better, but it is not much better, let alone private enterprises.

On the contrary, the treatment of foreign companies is better than that of state-owned and private companies. After all, they have a lot of money and strength, and those who can operate domestically are companies with relatively good revenue.

The catering standard provided by Phoenix Software is definitely the best company he has ever seen, much better than state-owned, private and foreign companies.

"This is why it is necessary to improve the level of industrial technology. Like low-end manufacturing, each product earns a few cents, or even a few cents.

Under such circumstances, how could the boss be willing to provide better benefits, wishing that the employees would work for them without wages, and save as much as they can. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Bai Yansong said with emotion: "It's not that easy to develop technology. At present, it can only be said to be in the stage of capital accumulation. Maybe in a few years, the situation will be much better."

Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he heard his words. In his previous life, these words were not considered brilliant, and ordinary people knew them, but in this era, they are very insightful words.

It’s just that his words are a bit absolute. It is true that some companies have completed the capital accumulation stage and started to invest heavily in technology research and development, but a considerable number of them are willing to do ordinary work.

Take Ni Guangnan's former employer as an example, with an annual revenue of hundreds of billions of yuan, and still doing simple assembly work, Lao Liu said triumphantly: "I firmly disagree with the company's research and development of core technologies."

He doesn't know whether Lao Liu is really afraid of things, or really has no ambitions. If he is afraid, it is understandable. After all, as long as they develop their own chips and other core technologies, they may fall out with their original partners.

This can only be said to be due to commercial considerations, but if he just has no ambitions, it means that he is not a qualified business leader.

Of course, there may be other reasons. It is better to make the company rich than to make yourself rich. Ye Zishu himself does not know, and dare not talk nonsense.

"It's just that I don't have much time left for them!" Ye Zishu said.

"Why did Mr. Ye say that?" Bai Yansong asked.

Ye Zishu smiled, but didn't answer this question. He couldn't say that he planned to kill them. Whether he could survive would depend on whether he hit the muzzle of a gun.

For example, if he wants to engage in the textile and garment industry, it will definitely have a huge impact on the existing textile and garment industry structure, and even have a certain impact on textile raw materials.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this. The so-called old ones don't go and new ones come. As long as more jobs can be provided for the bottom workers, it's not a big deal for the boss to change one crop after another.

What's more, entering the field of textile and clothing industry by myself will definitely improve our country's international competitiveness in the field of textile and clothing, and the profits are also very high. The salaries and benefits of its employees are definitely much better than theirs.

Seeing that Ye Zishu had nothing to say, Bai Yansong wisely did not continue to ask. Although he was older than Ye Zishu, Ye Zishu's status lay here.

"Mr. Ye, if you produce food industrially, will you use it in the canteen of your own company?" Bai Yansong asked.

When I heard him ask this question, I knew what he meant. That is to say, the food produced by industrialization may not be as good as the food produced by traditional agriculture. Maybe there is a difference in taste or nutrition.

Just like the vegetables grown by many people in the previous life, they didn’t even eat them except for selling. This is a very common problem in the process of industrialization, and of course it is also the result of consumption.

Because consumers have high requirements on the appearance of agricultural products, or buyers have high requirements on transportation and storage, agricultural products have been excessively used pesticides and other chemicals, or planted varieties that are resistant to storage.

This leads consumers to feel that the vegetables they eat are not as delicious as they were when they were young, but they are unwilling to buy crops with crooked melons and dates, and naturally they are somewhat resistant.

"You are overthinking this, the food produced by industrialization is definitely better than the food grown by traditional agriculture in terms of taste and nutrition.

Because traditional agriculture can only rely on the genes of the food variety itself to determine the quality of the food crops, at best the planting environment is better, which will lead to better final performance.

However, industrially produced food can adjust the nutritional ratio according to needs, and it is easier to improve the taste and has more possibilities.

For example, in the future, people will pay more and more attention to health and worry about obesity, but it is difficult to change the ratio of starch and protein in the food produced by traditional agriculture.

Industrialized grain production is different. The ratio of starch and protein is relatively easier to reconcile. It is easy to reduce the ratio of starch and increase the ratio of protein.

It is even possible to add more nutrients, such as various vitamins and trace elements, which are more diverse and higher in content than those hidden in food. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Bai Yansong felt that this was the reason, and as the basic needs of the people, before the grain leaves the factory, it must go through the strict inspection of the state, and it is impossible to market it casually like ordinary products.

"As humans gradually master science and technology, their dependence on nature will become less and less, and overcoming the accidents brought about by natural changes will be an important driving force for the development of industrialization." Ye Shu continued.

Traditional agriculture relies too much on the natural environment. Once the climate changes, it will lead to serious consequences. Especially with the acceleration of global industrialization, climate anomalies will become more and more frequent.

It will become more and more difficult to rely on traditional agriculture to feed more people. Industrialization is an inevitable trend of agricultural development and will gradually replace traditional agriculture and occupy the mainstream of the market.

After eating, Ye Zishu and the program team separated, and immediately rushed to the office building of Qinglong Technology Company, and did not continue to return to the office of Phoenix Software Company.

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