Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 278 Prepare to increase staff and expand production

In addition to the memory and hard disk, Ye Zishu has also prepared a copy of flash memory technical information, and this business is also going to be handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company.

Flash memory appeared very early, but the speed of development is not fast, otherwise floppy disks will not be used as data storage media until now.

Since he wants to skip the optical disc directly, he must come up with a heavyweight alternative product, and relatively cheap and large-capacity flash memory is very necessary.

Moreover, many products of Qinglong Technology Company require this kind of flash memory as a data storage medium. Compared with micro hard drives, flash memory is much more resistant to impact.

After Ye Zishu thought about these things, he immediately called Wu Chaoqiang and asked him to set up a research and development team for these three projects.

The staff should prepare first, and when the materials on his side are sorted out, they can immediately start turning the technology in the materials into reality after taking them back.

Wu Chaoqiang was very happy to hear that the boss had added new businesses to them. No company would be willing to be an OEM. Of course, they wanted to have more independent technology products.

Independent technology products not only represent more profits, but also have the ability to control the industry, which will give enterprises a huge influence.

Unless it is a high-end foundry industry like semiconductor chip manufacturing, the general manufacturing foundry does not have much say. It is only a matter of minutes if people want to replace the foundry.

But when Xuanwu Technology Company controls a lot of businesses related to the advanced electronics industry, the situation will be completely different, which can benefit their ordinary foundry industry.

Just imagine, it is also an OEM industry, other companies only do OEM and have not mastered the core technology, brand manufacturers do not need to look at the faces of OEMs at all.

But if the foundry company itself has mastered the core products of the industry, then when changing the foundry manufacturer, it needs to consider the consequences of doing so.

Moreover, such OEM companies have more bargaining power and can get higher OEM fees than ordinary OEM companies, because there are many ways to force the other party to agree to this.

For example, when it comes to our own core products, we will only give priority to the products that we find ourselves as OEMs. The number of products reserved for the outside world is limited, and the other party has to choose them as OEMs.

In addition, Xuanwu Technology has a certain ability to integrate upstream and downstream industries, which saves costs more than companies that only have OEM business. Even at the same OEM price, the profit margin is higher than other companies.

In addition, it is to let Xuanwu Technology Company continue to increase its efforts to recruit employees and do a good job of training employees in advance. In this regard, it can cooperate with New Oriental Education Group.

According to Ye Zishu's prediction, after the semiconductor industry is fully developed and the personal computer products of Qinglong Technology Company come out, orders may usher in an explosive growth.

At present, due to insufficient orders, Xuanwu Technology Company does not recruit too many employees. The staff size of 5 people is already the limit they can maintain.

After all, the current income is limited, and they use their own money to subsidize these employees, and even have to make some semi-finished products in order to allow these employees to work.

But the semi-finished product is not the final delivery product after all, and it is very difficult to get the full order fee, so the current staff size can only be said to be barely maintained.

When Ye Zishu asked them to prepare to increase the number of employees to 50, Wu Chaoqiang was completely dumbfounded. This is not as simple as 50 people.

The increase in personnel is not only an increase in personnel costs, but also an industry that needs to accommodate so many people, which means that production needs to be expanded, and the scale of investment is even greater.

At present, domestic labor is still very cheap. Even if it maintains a scale of 50 people, Xuanwu Technology Company is not particularly afraid of pure consumption.

I am afraid that after the production capacity is expanded, there will not be enough orders in the end, and the investment return period will be lengthened, and with so many employees, it will not be easy to disband at that time.

Because these are trained employees, they will only benefit others after they are disbanded, and it will take more cost and effort to call them up again.

"Mr. Wu, you have to believe in the capabilities of Qinglong Technology Company. At that time, the 50 people may not be enough. It is just for the sake of caution that I suggest you prepare to this level in advance.

Of course, if you are afraid of accidents, then set up the production lines for memory, flash memory, hard drives and screens as soon as possible.

The sooner you build it, the sooner Qinglong Technology's products will meet with consumers, and you will be able to get a steady stream of orders.

With the technical information I gave you, you should be very clear about the performance of the product. When such a product comes out, it is enough to beat the electronic semiconductor industry all over the world.

Since we have such a powerful product, we cannot give others a chance to react. We must take advantage of the gap when their products are far behind ours and occupy the market as much as possible.

Even if they respond quickly in the future, it will take one to two years. In this time, our previous investment will be recovered and we will make huge profits.

Don't look at the investment and expansion of production now, the demand for funds is huge, as long as we survive, our future will be clear, how to balance, Mr. Wu should understand. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

These words are his true thoughts. If his companies really occupy the vast majority of the global electronic semiconductor industry, let alone 50 employees, even 100 million employees will not be enough.

According to his calculations, even if the electronic semiconductor equipment he provides is relatively advanced, the number of jobs surrounding the electronic semiconductor industry will reach more than 300 million.

Therefore, the 50 employees he mentioned are only aimed at the possible needs of this year, and only meet the needs of the initial market development. When the product share of Qinglong Technology Company is getting higher and higher, more jobs will be provided.

However, with the current strength of Xuanwu Technology Company, maintaining a staff size of 50 is already the limit. No matter how many, it is not only a matter of funds, but also management will not be able to keep up.

These employees will first receive vocational training from New Oriental's school, and the training period is about 3 to 4 months, and then they will enter the factory to familiarize them with the specific business.

Based on the current 5 employees, nearly 50 newcomers will be guided. Although the management is equally tense, at least it will not be too chaotic.

"Mr. Ye, if you follow your plan, Xuanwu Technology Company still needs to make a large investment. I hope Mr. Ye can solve the financial problem." Wu Chaoqiang said.

Since Ye Zishu proposed it, there must be awareness in this regard. With the current strength of Xuanwu Technology Company, it is unable to undertake such a huge expansion plan.

In fact, they will continue to expand production for quite a long time in the future, but at that time they already have a good revenue capacity and no longer need external investment.

"Mr. Wu, please evaluate how much money is needed to expand the production capacity. When the time comes, leave it to me, and I will approve it." Ye Shu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wu Chaoqiang could only say: "Okay, let's make relevant plans and budgets immediately."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Wu Chaoqiang could only agree. Although he still had doubts about such a rapid expansion of production capacity, he was not completely unconfident.

As Ye Zishu said, with the performance of Qinglong Technology's products and the reasonable price, there is no reason why it will not have a large market, but he still has some doubts about the speed of market share.

After all, Qinglong Technology Company is a complete newcomer, and other companies have been operating in the field of electronic semiconductors for such a long time, and their brand effects are very high.

If it weren't for the performance exceeding too much, he really didn't have the confidence that Qinglong Technology Company could win, but if the stalemate started for a while, it would still cause great damage to the boss's industry.

After hanging up Wu Chaoqiang's phone call, Ye Zishu decided that the funds should come from Taiji Group, because only they can come up with a large amount of funds to support.

As for Wancheng Foundation, they can only maintain it for a while, let them build up the real estate industry chain first, as for the expansion of land purchase, it will be possible to wait until the second half of the year.

The task of Xuanwu Technology Company is very heavy. On the one hand, it needs to build an industrial chain of screens, hard drives, memory, and flash memory. Although there are many ready-made equipment, the investment amount is also quite large.

In fact, according to the internal purchase price, it would not cost much, but Ye Zishu would not do this. It followed the market operation model from the beginning to avoid internal disorder.

On the other hand, the investment in expanding production is also not small. The price of building a chip production line is tens of billions, not to mention the screen, memory, hard disk, and flash memory production lines, none of which are cheap.

So he estimated that it would take an investment of more than 500 billion yuan in Xuanwu Technology to be able to fulfill the goals he set.

The maximum investment scale may be as high as 1000 billion yuan, because Xuanwu Technology Company not only needs to invest in production lines, but also invests in welfare facilities such as employee housing.

Therefore, he must prepare a little more money for this. Once the demand from Qinglong Technology Company is strong, Xuanwu Technology Company will have the funds to expand production capacity immediately.

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