Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 277 Layout of memory and storage industry

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ye Zishu considered the computer industry. The industrial chain of chips, circuits, and screens has either been completed, or he has also provided technical information and is also working hard to build it.

The rest is memory and data storage, both of which are equally important to the development of personal computers, but whether this business will continue to be given to Qinglong Technology Company or directly to Xuanwu Technology Company.

Xuanwu Technology currently has only screens as its own business, in addition to the industrial chain business related to electronic semiconductors, as well as the electronic semiconductor foundry business.

Relatively speaking, there are not many high-profit industries of their own. The relatively high-profit industries should be chip foundry and electronic product foundry business, and the profit margin is destined not to be particularly high.

Therefore, he wants to hand over the hard disk and memory business, and even the subsequent SSD business, to Xuanwu Technology Company. With these three magic weapons, Xuanwu Technology Company is no longer a traditional foundry electronics company.

At present, the price of memory is very expensive and the capacity is extremely small. According to the historical development track, the mass production of 4MB memory will have to wait until NEC next year, which is simply unbelievable in Yeshu's view.

And the price is even more touching, as high as more than 4000 yuan, which is why the current computer price is tens of thousands of yuan, because the components are too expensive.

The hard disk is not much better either. Now it is a good configuration to have a 1GB hard disk. The capacity of the hard disk can reach 10.2GB, and it will not be realized until 1995.

Such a level of memory and hard disk cannot support the rapid development of the Internet at all, because the Internet needs to store a large amount of data, and at the same time it needs to cope with high concurrency requirements.

These two have very high requirements for memory and hard disk capacity. Anyway, Ye Zishu is not willing to spend huge sums of money to buy products from mainstream manufacturers, and it feels uneconomical.

Therefore, hard disk and memory are industries that he must enter. Fortunately, these two industries are not particularly difficult in his opinion. Even if Xuanwu Technology Company starts preparations now, it will be able to produce excellent finished products in the middle of the year.

In fact, giant magneto-resistance technology has been discovered, but there are not many places where it can be used well. Ye Zishu does not want to find another way. It can just develop along the original route, just bypass their patented technology.

As for the equipment for producing hard disks, the various subsidiaries of Xuanwu Technology Company already have considerable experience in equipment manufacturing. He only needs to provide technical drawings, and it is not particularly difficult to develop and manufacture them.

In his view, the hard disk capacity of a personal computer must reach at least 40GB, the medium configuration should reach 80GB, and the high-end configuration should reach more than 160GB.

As for server hard disks, mainstream hard disks should reach a level of more than 160GB, which can save a lot of costs for his Internet companies.

He also didn't plan to slowly squeeze toothpaste in the hard disk field, and was going to throw Wang Zha directly, and directly overthrow the global hard disk companies to the ground. There is no need to slowly grind with them.

Now a few MB of memory, and even some computer memory is still in KB, what can it do, even the Phoenix operating system has spent a lot of effort on this, it is not worth it at all.

Therefore, he plans to directly increase the memory capacity to the starting level of 250MB, which is also compatible with the high-performance chips launched by Qinglong Technology.

If the memory capacity is too low, no matter how high the performance of the chip is, it cannot be fully utilized, because the data throughput source of the chip is the memory, and low memory capacity means that the stored data is low.

The memory has not read enough data from the hard disk, and the data in the memory has been processed by the chip, resulting in a huge waste of chip performance.

The Pentium generation processor launched by Intel this year has a chip frequency of only 100MHZ, while the CPU chip he designed for Qinglong Technology Company has a frequency as high as 2.13GHZ. The performance difference between the two is 21 times.

If you want to fully utilize these functions, there must be no obvious shortcomings. If the performance of a certain component is too low, the overall effect will not be very good.

This is equivalent to the fact that his industry has completely rebuilt a computer industry chain that is far ahead of the world, not just the semiconductor industry chain.

He is a little fortunate now that he was greedy for perfection before and wanted to build the entire semiconductor industry chain by himself, although it made his capital chain very tight.

But now it’s finally over, and the benefits of building the entire semiconductor industry chain are also reflected, relying on advanced semiconductor equipment and the advanced manufacturing technology he provides.

To be so confident in the manufacture of memory, even the manufacture of large-capacity mechanical hard drives is inseparable from the support of advanced semiconductors.

This means that although it is difficult to walk in the early stage, as long as it is cleared, the next road will be easy. At least he needs to copy less and less data now.

At present, he has completed the design materials related to the communication chip, which is enough for the chip project team of Qinglong Technology Company to be busy for a while.

So he allocated the next time to memory chip manufacturing design technology and hard disk manufacturing technology. The sooner the work in this area, the better.

He hopes that after Qinglong Technology's personal computer CPU and GPU are mass-produced, Xuanwu Technology will be able to keep the chain on the screen, memory and hard disk.

At that time, the performance of the personal computers launched by Qinglong Technology Company will surpass the servers of other manufacturers, even large computers.

He believes that with this nuclear bomb-level scientific and technological achievement, Qinglong Technology's computer products will definitely conquer cities and territories around the world.

Because the products produced by Qinglong Technology Company not only have a large lead in performance, but are even lower in price than other computer manufacturers, consumers will vote with their feet.

Because the performance gap is too large, even if the governments of various countries want to protect it, they cannot do it, because this will only arouse the anger of the people, and at most it can only increase tariffs.

Even if tariffs are increased, it can't stop consumers' desire to buy. If it's just a little bit worse, everyone would rather spend less money and use inferior products.

But when the gap is too large, and the price gap is far smaller than the performance gap, consumers still feel that it is very worthwhile to pay a high price.

In addition to his desire to kill other semiconductor companies by virtue of his absolute leadership in performance, he also has another purpose, which is to kill the software manufacturers targeted by Phoenix Technology.

Compared with the same type of software products, Phoenix Technology's application software has more powerful and rich functions, which also means that the conditions for running the software have also become higher.

It is precisely because of this reason that the software developed by many subsidiaries of Phoenix Software has not been released, because many personal computers cannot be carried.

Even if it barely runs, the operation will not be very smooth, and the user experience will not be very good, so it is better not to launch these software products.

After Qinglong Technology Company's personal computer goes on the market, the situation will change fundamentally. The powerful performance and the many powerful software of Phoenix Software Company complement each other perfectly.

It will take a long time for other application software manufacturers who are not prepared to develop software with the same powerful functions, but consumers are unwilling to wait.

If it's just about the same, consumers don't care, but if the gap is too large, consumers will still choose to vote with their feet, and even a little more expensive is acceptable.

The reverse is also true. If you want to run powerful software, you need the support of a personal computer with excellent performance. At that time, many people will choose to replace their computers because they want to use the software.

Even if not everyone needs to use powerful large-scale work software, Phoenix Technology still has many excellent games waiting for ordinary people.

It will be a kind of torture for many people to see so many fun and cool games but not be able to play them, and they will definitely choose to abandon the old computer in the end.

Ye Zishu hopes to replace all the personal computers in the world in the next one or two years. Only in this way can he bring huge benefits to his industry.

Relying on the number of new consumers every year alone is not enough to support his huge semiconductor industry chain, at least according to Ye Zishu.

Moreover, when the performance is greatly improved and the price does not rise but falls, it will also activate more consumers' consumption demand for personal computers.

Especially with the cooperation of the Phoenix operating system, the threshold for using computers is very low, only literacy is enough, and the global personal computer market will expand rapidly.

His hope of increasing PC sales to somewhere between 5000 million and 1 million units seems a bit implausible, but he thinks it's possible.

If realized, it will be an industry of hundreds of billions of yuan per year, and as the initiator of this revolution, the industry under Ye Zishu will reap huge benefits.

At that time, whether it is Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, or even Xuanwu Technology Company, it will expand rapidly because of this, and it is expected to become a super giant.

The brand image established by the way will allow other businesses under Qinglong Technology to develop rapidly, and not only the semiconductor industry will benefit.

The benefits brought by these industries will flow into the hands of the domestic people in various ways, and the economic benefits generated are much larger than the hundreds of billions of dollars.

It's just that other semiconductor manufacturers around the world have suffered, but everyone wants to eat meat, so it depends on who is more capable.

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