Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 263 Guo Dongsheng Was Urged To Marry

Originally, Ye Zishu didn't want to say so much, and he didn't want to be a magician. He just wanted to lead the team well, and the necessary ideals still had to be established.

This is the same as leading an army. If you want an army to have combat effectiveness, faith is more important than money. Only an army with faith can be invincible.

This is also the reason why he likes to talk about his ideals with his subordinates. If he wants to deepen this belief, he must not only do it, but also speak it out, so that the effect will be better.

"Why are you all in a daze here?" Guo Dongmei walked in with a plate of dishes in her hand, and saw Ye Zishu and his brother sitting on the sofa, standing there silent, a little weird.

"Just now I chatted with your brother about real estate, and the food is ready?" Ye Zishu explained.

"Well, it's past 7 o'clock, and the Spring Festival Gala will start soon." Guo Dongmei put the dishes on the table and said with a smile.

Ye Zishu quickly stood up, ready to follow Guo Dongmei to the kitchen to serve the dishes. The matter was almost the same as what Guo Dongsheng had said, so there was no need to continue.

What he said just now contained a lot of information, and it took him a while to digest it before he could truly understand how important the development of real estate is to the development of today's country.

Entering the kitchen, I found Ye Zihua standing next to the stove with a scarf cooking. Seeing Ye Zishu coming in, Guo Dongmei's mother hurriedly said: "Your brother is really capable, the food is better than mine."

This is a bit of an exaggeration. My brother's cooking is indeed better than his, but to say that it is particularly excellent is an exaggeration. It is still okay to use it for family gatherings.

"I just said that Zihua's cooking skills are good, and my aunt will eat more later." Ye Zishu patted his younger brother on the shoulder, expressing his satisfaction with his performance this time, and said to Guo Dongmei's mother.

"We must eat more." After Guo Dongmei's mother finished speaking, she laughed, obviously what she said reached her heart.

Fortunately, people from Yunnan and Jiangxi are more able to eat spicy food, Ye Zihua also likes to use chili peppers in cooking, but there are no taboos to eat, which is very good.

Ye Zishu then brought the finished dishes to the living room, the last dish in the pot, and the pressure cooker stew on the coal stove, and the other dishes were finished.

After the dishes in the pot were filled, everyone went to the living room. The New Year's Eve dinner was officially started. By then, the soup in the pressure cooker was filled, and it was warmer to drink.

"Ye Shu, can you guess which dishes your brother cooks?" Guo Dongmei asked.

Ye Zishu glanced at it and said, "It's not that simple. The four dishes of braised pork belly, glutinous rice balls, steamed pork, and spinach meatball soup should be made by my younger brother."

Hearing that Ye Zishu recognized all the dishes Ye Zi drew, Guo Dongmei asked curiously, "How did you guess it all at once?"

"Because this is a relatively famous New Year's Eve dish in our family, it's just that our family was not rich before, so we couldn't gather so many dishes in many cases.

Although these dishes are also available in other places, I can tell if they are made by him when I look at the dishes. After all, this is a habit, and it is difficult to change in a short time. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongmei suddenly felt that there was no fun. Seeing her like this, her aunt said, "How old are you, and you have a childlike heart."

Then he turned his head and said, "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when it gets cold later."

After talking about putting vegetables in the bowls of Ye Zihua and Ye Zishu, Guo Dongmei and Guo Dongsheng also started to eat with their chopsticks. There were twelve dishes on a table, and the five of them ate happily.

When the meal was halfway through, Guo Dongmei went to bring over the ribs soup. Everyone was a little greasy, and it was just a sip of the soup to relieve the greasy.

After dinner, it was already 08:30, and the Spring Festival Gala had already started. Guo Dongmei said: "If it was two years ago, Ye Zishu performed on stage, we were looking forward to it, but now we don't feel that way."

Hearing what Guo Dongmei said, Ye Zishu couldn't help but said: "It's not about me, but because I'm getting older, and I don't seem to have the same feeling as before."

In the previous life, the Spring Festival Gala was organized more and more elaborately, but fewer and fewer people watched the whole Spring Festival Gala, and most of the time it just served as the background sound of the happy atmosphere.

Could it be that the Spring Festival Gala program is not good? It is definitely not. Whether it is the stage effect or the quality of the songs, it is actually not low, and the energy spent is much greater than before.

It’s not that the quality has deteriorated, or that the Spring Festival Gala is becoming less and less old-fashioned, but that people’s hearts have changed, and the feeling of watching the Spring Festival Gala will naturally change when the mood changes.

But Guo Dongmei was unhappy when he heard him say this, and said, "Why are you so old, I haven't graduated from college yet!"

"I just said that you have grown up, but I didn't say that you are getting old. There is a difference between the two. There is no need for such a big reaction." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After hearing this, Guo Dongsheng's mother said, "In this way, Dongsheng is not too young. Before, the family conditions were not very good, but now there is no such problem.

It's also time to think about getting married and having children. Dongsheng, you have to pay more attention to this matter. If you really can't find a suitable one, I will ask someone to find it for you? "

Guo Dongsheng, who was watching the play at the side, didn't expect the flames of war to be on his own head, so he hurriedly said: "Mom, don't worry about it, I can handle the marriage by myself."

"Of course it's good that you can do well on your own. I'm afraid that you young people, who only care about your own comfort and don't care about this matter, will waste your age in vain. It will become more and more difficult to find when you get older." said the aunt.

Seeing Guo Dongsheng's mother lecturing, the three of Ye Zishu and the others fell silent, drinking the tea in their hands, as if the tea was so fragrant that no matter how much they drank, they couldn't get enough.

Seeing that he was isolated and helpless, Guo Dongsheng could only say: "Mom, I still want to save money for a few more years, at least I have to save enough for my wife.

Don't worry, it's only been a year or two, I'm sure I'll be more anxious than you in the future, who doesn't want to sleep with their mother-in-law in the winter, at least it's warm. "

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of tea. Fortunately, there wasn't much, otherwise it would be too rude. I didn't expect Guo Dongsheng to say such words that made people want to laugh.

Not only Ye Zishu laughed, but Guo Dongmei, Ye Zihua, and even Guo Dongsheng's mother laughed too. His mother asked, "Where did you learn this strange talk?"

"You can learn without a teacher, you can learn without a teacher!" Guo Dongsheng said with an embarrassed smile.

But although these words made people want to laugh, they finally changed the subject, or these words made his mother no longer pursue the matter of his talking about his wife.

Guo Dongsheng is only 23 years old after the new year, and he has just passed the legal age of marriage. It is indeed a bit early to urge marriage now, but according to his mother's generation, this is already a very old age.

But Ye Zishu knew that even if Guo Dongsheng wanted to find a wife in the past two years, he didn't have much time, unless he was eating grass, but most of the people in charge under him, including secretaries, were men.

I don’t know how this habit started. According to Ye Zishu’s guess, it may be that my big boss doesn’t even have a secretary. idea.

So I simply assign myself a male secretary. After all, if there is a secretary, I can hand over many things under my staff to the secretary, which can save me a lot of time.

Ye Zishu himself doesn't deserve a special secretary because he doesn't think it's necessary. He's an otaku and doesn't need to run around. If he has a temporary travel plan, he just needs to find an employee from the administrative department to play a temporary guest role.

As for daily life, he doesn't have as many rules as other big bosses, as long as he can eat enough and wear warm clothes, he doesn't have to pay so much attention.

Originally, he also wanted to make fun of Guo Dongsheng, but when he thought of this, he had to forget it. Guo Dongsheng didn't have time to find a wife, so he had his own share of the credit.

If I can't make it right, I will be bullied instead. I thought I should call my family, so I borrowed Guo Dongsheng's home phone and called.

Ye Zihua followed behind, wishing her parents New Year greetings, and at the same time promised to give gifts to her two younger sisters after returning from the summer vacation. In life, she was much more considerate than Ye Zishu.

In the eyes of the two sisters, Ye Zishu is a lazy and serious person who doesn't care much about their studies except for their studies.

In contrast, Ye Zihua also takes good care of her two younger sisters in life. A typical warm man, he should be more popular with women than Ye Zishu.

I stayed at Guo's house until 10:30, and then said goodbye and drove back to my home. After all, it was New Year's Eve, and it was best to welcome the New Year at my home.

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