Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 262 In the final analysis, it is still a technical problem

Guo Dongsheng was shocked when he heard Ye Zishu's analysis, and even doubted whether what he said would happen, because it was too contrary to common sense.

Regarding the first point, Guo Dongsheng is not good at making judgments, but judging from the fact that Taiji Group can spend hundreds of billions of yuan to invest in Wancheng Foundation, making money must be cramped.

From this point of view, it is indeed necessary to have an outlet for investment. At present, there are not many places that can hold such a huge investment fund.

If you invest in a large number of projects at once, it is difficult to spread out such a large stall with the talent reserve of Ye Zishu. In the end, due to lack of management, not only will you not make money, but you may suffer serious losses.

The real estate industry is relatively simple. Although due to the construction of the entire industrial chain, the stalls are still not small, but they all belong to the same industry and have a strong connection.

In addition, Wancheng Jiye's real estate terminal business has a relatively strong control over the entire industrial chain, because they must rely on Wancheng Jiye to survive in the initial stage.

This gave the management of Wancheng Foundation more time to strengthen internal management and straighten out business relationships. The situation will gradually improve, at least internal corruption is less likely to occur.

In fact, apart from the Taiji Group, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company will also bring huge funds to Ye Zishu when they are fully fired.

In addition to a considerable part of these funds being used to continue investing in R&D and production, there will also be a considerable part of funds remaining, and this part of funds may eventually flow into the real estate industry.

Although Ye Zishu intends to enter the textile and apparel industry, because this industry can also provide a large number of jobs, the initial investment in this industry is not small, after all, what he wants is to develop the entire industrial chain.

However, the harvest period is relatively short, and it belongs to the industry with small investment and fast return. It is impossible to continuously devour Ye Zishu's funds. If it is done well, it is very likely that it will get very little profit.

At present, only real estate is an industry that can only enter and exit. Even if it relies on rent, compared with investment, the payback cycle will be particularly long.

What's more, the scale of the real estate market is too large, even if there is some income, it is not enough to continue investing. Ye Zishu believes that cash investment is the only choice.

In the initial stage, self-owned funds can be used for development. After a certain stage, bank loans can be used for development. Because of the huge scale of self-owned assets, even if there is a large amount of bank loans, it will still be under the safety line.

At present, he does not dare to overuse bank loans. The main reason is that there are too many uncertain factors and the phenomenon of rule of man is obvious. After a few years, there may be a big change.

In fact, it was the second point that had the biggest impact on Guo Dongsheng. Since he was a child, he was particularly envious of those workers who had a latte job. Basically, they had no worries about food and clothing.

As a result, Ye Zishu told him that these workers with iron rice bowls will be laid off on a large scale from this year, which is unbelievable.

But rationality told him that this kind of situation is very likely to happen. He has traveled far and wide in the past two years, and his knowledge is much wider than before.

The private economy in the south is developing like a raging fire, coupled with the entry of foreign capital, the state-owned economy is gradually unable to keep up with the pace of market development due to its heavy historical burden and slow adaptability to the market.

He has seen that many state-owned factories have been unable to pay wages, and many of them have stopped production. These state-owned enterprises can only rely on government subsidies to survive.

However, it is impossible for the government to subsidize these state-owned enterprises that only eat and do not work for a long time. Even the most powerful government cannot afford such consumption, and sooner or later there will be a decision.

It's just that he didn't expect that the number of laid-off urban workers would reach hundreds of millions in the future. This scale is really too big, so big that anyone will tremble a little when they hear it.

If one is not handled well, there will really be chaos. This is definitely not a joke. When the family cannot survive, anything can be done.

He can imagine how bad the social environment will be at that time, and it will not be solved by the government's tough measures, because the problem cannot be solved by treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

And the boss actually started to plan for the worst situation ahead of time, no matter whether the prediction is accurate or not, but this kind of mind is worthy of his admiration.

If it is an ordinary businessman, it will definitely not have such a sense of responsibility, but the boss is willing to take the initiative, and is doing it in obscurity.

You must know that "a good fighter has no great achievements", which means that part of the credit will never be worn on the head of Ye Zi's book.

Because people are short-sighted, as long as they don't feel pain, they feel that the world is peaceful. Few people would think that behind the peaceful world, someone is carrying the burden for them.

The so-called heroes in troubled times is not true that only in troubled times can heroes come out to turn the tide, but that in troubled times, heroes can be seen by everyone.

If Ye Shu does this, not only will he not be appreciated in the end, but someone will come out and accuse him of engaging in a real estate monopoly, because according to his investment method, the proportion of the real estate market will be very high in the future.

Unless he has been able to control housing prices and make it easier for ordinary people to obtain housing, this hat will be put on his head sooner or later.

It's just that Ye Zishu doesn't care about these things. If the country has the ability to take over, he can choose to let go, but even if the country wants to take over, it will not be so easy.

Because the scale of assets is too large, it is too large for any person or organization to take it lightly, unless it is forcibly seized, but the probability of this happening in a society ruled by law is very low.

As for looking for stains, it is more difficult, because his money comes clean, and this is what he is particularly concerned about. Only when he is righteous, it is not easy for evil spirits to enter his body.

The last one, Guo Dongsheng felt as if he was talking about fantasy, he could produce food without relying on the land, and he could produce all kinds of meat without even raising it.

This is simply unheard of. If someone else told him that, he might not bother to answer it. Only a lunatic can make such a statement, which subverts people's three views.

But Ye Zishu told him that he had to think about it, because what Ye Zishu had promised so far had never failed to be fulfilled.

When he met Ye Zishu, Ye Zishu showed his musical talent to the outside world. He thought that the person he followed was someone with star potential, and it turned out to be the case.

But as soon as he became a big star, he turned around and became the boss of a technology company, and the software products he developed were also a great success.

Now it is even more out of control, with layouts in the fields of communications, electronic semiconductors, etc., and even companies that sell health care products are ashamed of their ability to make money.

So when he heard the scene described by Ye Zishu, he subconsciously believed it, but he didn't know what kind of technology he had to achieve this goal.

Seeing that Guo Dongsheng hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Zishu said, "Is what I said right? You just need to watch quietly. Time will tell everything."

He really wants to come up with food production technology now. In his previous life, he saw similar news that starch can be synthesized by using carbon dioxide.

After crossing, and with the system close by, he immediately searched for relevant materials from the virtual library, and he really had relevant technologies.

Although I don't know if it is the same as the synthetic starch technology in the previous life, but the technology he brought out is definitely very mature, and the quality of the food produced is higher than that of the planted food, and the taste is more diverse.

There is also the technology of synthesizing various proteins. With this technology, even milk and other products can be produced from factories, which are just a combination of various nutritional elements.

As for factory meat production technology, it is much more complicated, involving biological technology, and the requirements for production conditions are relatively high.

But no matter what, the main source of human food raw materials is carbon, and carbon can be extracted directly from the air. As long as the production cost problem is solved, the source of raw materials is very extensive.

Leaf Book believes that in order to solve the greenhouse effect, it is not to cut down on food and clothing, but to increase the level of human utilization of carbon, because human beings' food, clothing, housing and transportation all involve a large amount of carbon elements.

Only by improving the level of carbon utilization can we solve the bottleneck of the number of human beings, so that the small earth can carry more people to survive, and it will not cause too much damage to the environment and remain within the natural purification capacity.

In the final analysis, it is still a technical problem. After breaking through the technical bottleneck, many problems can be easily solved.

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