Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 240 Shockproof Device

Back at the office, Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to read books by herself. This time, Ye Zihua bought a few books by himself, knowing that he was hanging out with his brother and had no books to pass the time. It was really boring.

During this period of time, he was basically busy sorting out technical materials related to construction. This category was too large, and he had already given the basic technical materials to Wancheng Foundation.

But the construction technology and materials are endless, and the difference between low-end and high-end is also very large. He doesn't want to change his mind to fix other technical materials now.

Now that Wancheng Foundation has launched a huge urban construction plan, it naturally hopes that every building has a bright spot, instead of lacking a sense of modernity like the current old buildings.

Future buildings must be the crystallization of high technology, rather than simple piles of concrete. It also requires a large number of high-tech products to improve the living environment.

Therefore, he hopes that the urban construction carried out by Wancheng Foundation will set a benchmark for the modern Chinese construction industry. This is not just a matter of face, but has huge interests behind it.

The first is to establish a position in the industry. When people mention real estate, they will definitely think of Wancheng Jiye. Whether it is the government or the people, they will give full trust to Wancheng Jiye's architectural design capabilities.

As long as this trust exists, Wancheng Jiye will get twice the result with half the effort no matter what it does, and the future development path will become wider and wider, and it will completely open the stalls of Wancheng Jiye and other real estate companies.

The second is to play a leading role. After becoming a benchmark in the industry, other real estate companies will have to follow Wancheng Jiye, and their architectural design and materials will also have to adopt Wancheng Jiye's plan.

And Wancheng Jiye owns a complete set of real estate industry chain, building materials and equipment are all its own, so other real estate companies need to purchase from them.

In this way, it is easier to develop its own construction industry chain, and it can also obtain more benefits from other real estate companies. This is the benefit of benchmarking and the development of the entire industry chain.

He hopes that Wancheng Foundation is not just a real estate company, but a high-tech industry based on real estate. Even if the real estate market shrinks in the future, it will be very easy for them to transform.

According to the method of super-long building life proposed by Ye Zishu, the domestic real estate construction market will gradually reach its peak and then decline rapidly. Unless it is an improved construction, it generally does not need to be rebuilt every few decades.

Therefore, there is definitely no future in the future of simply doing real estate, and Wancheng Foundation has accumulated a large amount of technical foundation and strength with its long-term investment in materials and construction technology.

No matter what the transformation does in the future, it will be easier, and even many research and development achievements can be used not only in construction, but also in other fields, and the road will become wider at once.

In the eyes of Ye Zishu, no industry is a real traditional industry. Any industry can be associated with technology. Using technology to make people's daily needs more convenient and comfortable is the significance of technology for traditional industries.

Some of the technologies he provides are relatively basic technologies, and many other high-tech products can be developed through these technologies. This is the job of its R&D personnel.

There are also some that provide finished products, which is not what he wants. After all, in his opinion, it is a waste of time and energy, and this should not be something he does.

However, he is also aware of the current situation in the country. If they simply provide technology, they may not be able to integrate into a product, and even if they are integrated into a product, it may not be a good product.

Some products do not necessarily have high technical content, but they give people the feeling that they are tall, and they are eye-catching at first glance. This is the charm of industrial design.

At present, there are not many talents in the field of industrial design in China, and there are few professional industrial design talents, so to avoid problems, he has to design some things himself.

At around 9 o'clock, Ye Zihua finished the book and went back to sleep. Ye Zishu continued to work, and what he was sorting out was the building's anti-seismic device, which was also a heavyweight product of Wancheng Foundation in the future.

The biggest problem with high-rise buildings is that earthquakes are unsolvable, which is also the reason why many people don't like high-rise buildings. As long as this problem is solved, people will not be so resistant to high-rise buildings.

Don't look at so many high-rise buildings in the previous life. It's not that the common people are willing, but there is no way. Anyway, there is no need to escape from a small earthquake, but you can't escape from a major earthquake. Life and death are up to you.

But if his anti-seismic device is used, the building will be as stable as Mount Tai in an earthquake of magnitude 8 or below, and the shaking of the building will not be felt at all.

Even if it is a magnitude 9 earthquake, only the building is damaged, and there will be no complete collapse. It is just that the building cannot be used in the future, but the personal safety of the people inside the building can be guaranteed.

The anti-vibration device is a complex mechanical structure device without any electronic products and does not require external conditions. It is a completely passive anti-vibration equipment.

The reason why we emphasize not relying on external conditions is because once an earthquake occurs, external conditions are prone to problems, and even electricity and other energy sources cannot be relied on.

Therefore, the anti-vibration device is a purely mechanical structure product, and the mechanical design inside is complex and exquisite. In order to make this set of equipment match the life of the building, the requirements for materials are also very stringent.

Since he wants to make the service life of the building up to hundreds of thousands of years, the material life of the anti-seismic device must reach this life, and there must be no problems in the middle.

In addition, since this set of equipment is under the building, it may bear the height of hundreds of meters, so the compressive capacity must be particularly strong, and it needs to withstand a huge pulling force in the event of an earthquake.

It can be said that such a device is the pinnacle of material science and machinery industry, and the crystallization of modern high technology, and the price is naturally very impressive.

For buildings above 400 meters, the starting price of a set of such equipment is 1 million yuan, and the higher the price, the faster the price rises. If it is a building with a height of more than 800 meters like the Burj Khalifa, the price of a set may need 5 million yuan .

Of course, the price is also related to the total weight of the building and the pressure on the foundation, but it is right that the price is expensive, and it is too cheap to reflect the gold content of this device.

And like ordinary residential buildings, the price of a set of anti-seismic devices may only cost 100 million or even less, depending on the height, weight, and pressure of the building.

Because the higher the standard, the higher the requirements for materials, and the more complex mechanical structure inside, but he still hopes that it can be popularized in ordinary buildings.

After all, the number of high-rise buildings in the world is limited, and most buildings are below 20 floors. To win this market, although the profit margin is low, the market scale is larger.

Moreover, he took out this device not only to make money, but also to benefit the common people so that they would not feel insecure living in high-rise buildings.

In particular, many places in our country are still in the earthquake zone, and there have been many earthquakes with heavy losses in his previous life. It is precisely because of the earthquake that he has experienced that he remembered this earthquake-proof device.

Moreover, as humans demand more and more resources from the earth, for example, when the surface mineral deposits are mined, deep mineral deposits must be mined, which will affect the stratum structure and increase the probability of earthquakes.

Human activities may not be able to affect the land plate in a short period of time, but after a hundred years, no one knows, maybe because of the intensification of human activities, earthquakes will become more and more frequent.

More importantly, an earthquake is still a very unpredictable disaster. In the previous life, it was already a very big technological breakthrough to have an early warning for a few seconds.

But a few seconds can make people do something, and it's not even enough time to react.

If he doesn't have the ability, he naturally has no ideas. If he has the technology and ability, it's a bit unreasonable not to show it.

Moreover, if such a device is brought out early to benefit mankind, it can also bring him huge profits. If it becomes a standard configuration in the construction industry, the market prospect will be even broader.

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