Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 239 This World Is Not Simple

Basically, this house has never been lived in. The last time I came here, I just took a look to confirm the location of the house, so the furniture in the house was covered with a layer of dust.

Fortunately, the time wasn't too long, and the dust wasn't too thick. Pei Qing glanced around and said, "It will take a lot of work for you to tidy up, it's covered in dust."

"It's okay, I'll ask the cleaners to come over to help clean up tomorrow, and I won't be staying here tonight." Ye Zishu said without hesitation.

"That's so troublesome, the three of us can do it very quickly!" After Pei Qing finished speaking, she was about to get the cleaning tools.

Ye Zishu hurriedly pulled her back and said, "You, don't worry about it. I'm probably coming back here on the New Year's Day, and I don't usually come to live here."

Seeing Ye Zishu's insistence on this, Pei Qing gave up. A rich man like Ye Zishu lives too casually, which is completely different from the rich people she knows.

Although the people are generally not rich now, there are also a group of people who got rich first, and their assets can reach several million or tens of millions, but they are really particular about it.

If you don't wear a famous brand, you feel inferior. The wine in the wine shop must be the best. A person who has just left his muddy legs will talk about the names of various high-end red wines.

Still the same sentence, the truly rich do not need external things to decorate themselves, but because the rich have used it, the original mediocre brand has become extremely valuable.

Ye Zihua also came here for the first time, and was shocked by the magnificence of the place as soon as he entered the house, so after entering the house, he put down his things and walked around the house.

To be honest, he doesn't particularly like this magnificent decoration style, it's too gorgeous, he still prefers the simple style of decoration, it looks comfortable and it's easier to clean.

This kind of decoration is completely in Guo Dongsheng's taste, but he has no intention of changing it. Anyway, he can't live there for a few days all year round, so it would be a waste to change the decoration.

Fortunately, he didn't say what he was thinking, otherwise Pei Qing would definitely say that the richer the money, the more deductible it would be. Not to mention that changing the decoration can take the company's account, even Ye Zishu's own funds don't have any pressure.

"Zi Hua, don't look at it, go back!" Ye Zishu shouted directly.

"Oh, here we come!"

The three of them left the house and went downstairs. The residential area here is already sparkling. There are many employees who have married families. They have already brought their parents over from their hometown. The family is celebrating the New Year in the capital in harmony.

Regardless of the generous benefits provided by the company, which is their salary, it is quite easy to buy a very good house in a year or two and take root in the big city of the capital.

Many parents first knew that their children had gone to college with great difficulty, but they ended up working for private employers. They complained about this and made them feel very humiliated.

But seeing that private companies also provide such good benefits, and the treatment is much higher than that of state-owned companies, the situation has changed a lot now.

Although I don’t necessarily talk about it with everyone, I don’t dictate the choice of my children. It’s just that the stability of private enterprises is still easy to be criticized. State-owned enterprises have their own establishments.

In fact, the software industry also becomes more and more popular the longer it works. Internet companies have stricter age requirements, because the Internet users are young people.

If there are a bunch of old men in the company, it is difficult to figure out the thoughts of young people, and it is impossible to respond to new market changes at any time and understand new market outlets.

This is very different from pure software companies. For non-Internet software companies, the more professional they understand the industry, the more valuable they are, and this professionalism takes time to accumulate.

This is also the fact that my country's Internet companies developed like a raging fire in the previous life, but the development of the software industry was not satisfactory, because many people used the Internet methods in the software industry.

Coupled with the atmosphere created by the Internet, it has led to impetuous restlessness. Many programmers are almost 35 years old and have no hope of promotion, so they want to change their careers and leave this industry.

Of course, there are also many practitioners who came out of the Internet after the age of 35 and entered small and medium-sized software companies. The competition of these companies is not so fierce, and they all have relatively regular business customers.

These people who come out of big Internet companies and enter small and medium-sized enterprises can bring more cutting-edge technologies and ways of thinking to small and medium-sized enterprises, which will still greatly promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

But for individuals, choosing a job in the middle age is a headache. If you can change to a new job that you are satisfied with in time, it will be fine.

If you can't find a satisfactory one many times, you will be severely hit, and it will be superimposed with the situation that there are seniors and juniors, and it will even make people collapse a bit.

And because I was very successful before, but I lost my job in middle age. Whether it is at home or in the social circle of friends, I feel unable to hold my head up, and the pressure will be even greater.

Fortunately, there will be many companies under Ye Zishu. If it is not suitable to continue to work in the Internet industry, you can apply for a suitable position in other companies.

In the future, he will establish a human resources coordination mechanism to allow human resources to flow between companies, so as to avoid as much as possible the problem of employees facing unemployment due to changes in job requirements.

Moreover, such a human resources coordination mechanism can give full play to the professional capabilities of veteran employees, and has a positive effect on the development of the entire industry.

Before Pei Qing got into the car, she suddenly said: "I almost forgot something. My mother heard that you are celebrating the New Year here alone, and she wants to invite you to have a New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve."

"This is inconvenient. If I were alone, I would definitely agree to Auntie's invitation. It's just that Zihua is here, and the two of them used to be a bit inappropriate." Ye Zishu said.

"What's wrong, can my family still be poor with two pairs of chopsticks?" Pei Qing said.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Auntie's kindness is hard to turn down. How about I take Zi Hua over for lunch on New Year's Eve?"

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, although she was not satisfied, she didn't continue talking, and agreed, as long as the two of them passed by, it would be a happy thing.

Seeing Pei Qing getting into the car, and then slowly driving towards the gate of the community, Ye Zihua next to him said, "Brother, I think sister Qing is interested in you!"

"You, it's too simple to think about things. No matter whether you are rich or not, as long as you are my younger brother, you will definitely have beautiful women around you.

They will show their charm in front of you, and they are cold and warm to you, but is this their true face?I don't think so.

So in the future, don't see a woman treating you well, and feel that you have met a confidant. If you want to see a person clearly, you should not only look at the surface, but you should be more careful when the time comes. "Leaf Book said.

"Brother, I think you think too much!" Ye Zishu said.

"Men obtain what they want through their own abilities, while women obtain what they want through men. The world is not simple. If you think it is simple, it is because you are very simple." Ye Zishu said.

Although what he said was biased, there was some truth to it. He said this to Ye Zihua, hoping that Ye Zihua would improve in understanding people in the future, so he couldn't be unguarded.

Ye Zihua used to live in the countryside, the environment is very simple, good and bad can be identified at a glance, but in the city, coupled with the increasingly developed economic capital, camouflage has become ubiquitous.

If you can't adapt to the life and rules of the city, and still treat people and things with the mentality of rural people, you will suffer sooner or later.

He didn't ask Ye Zihua to understand these words now, but when he encountered a situation in the future, he could think of his words and be prepared in his heart, even if he suffered a loss, it wouldn't be too bad.

Hearing what her brother said, Ye Zihua didn't know how to refute for a moment, and depressed, she followed her brother into the car and headed to the headquarters office. They had to stay in the lounge tonight.

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