Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 234 The land is not easy to solve

The reason why they were unwilling to over-concentrate the industry before was mainly because they were afraid that the group would be too large and the assets would be too concentrated, which would lead to too much power for the person in charge.

Other industries are fine. After all, as long as you invest, you can pay off the money in a few years, but Wancheng Foundation is an exception. If you want to pay off, you don't know that it will take years and months.

But if you keep borrowing money, although it is in compliance with the rules, there is definitely no problem on a small scale, but when the funds involve hundreds of millions of yuan, it is too eye-catching.

As long as Wancheng Foundation builds large-scale real estate across the country, their source of funds will definitely attract special attention. It cannot be concealed that Tai Chi Health Care Company is the largest funder.

Not to mention that competitors or some people who are not pleasing to the eye will promote policy supervision, even doing so is a major challenge to the domestic financial order.

Although there is no interest on the loan between the two companies, which seems to have nothing to do with financial attributes, it is tantamount to bypassing the bank and thus bypassing financial supervision.

If it is a small amount, people may not care about it, but the situation is completely different if it is hundreds of millions of yuan. No matter what era it is, it can be said to be a huge sum of money.

In order to avoid trouble, Wancheng Foundation was simply merged into Taiji Group, and the previous loan was directly converted into debt and equity, becoming a 100% subsidiary of Taiji Group.

Moreover, Tai Chi Health Care Company will not complain too much if it does so. Although Pei Qing has no objection to this, the original intention of establishing Tai Chi Health Care Company was to provide financial support for Ye Zishu.

However, the other management of Tai Chi Health may not quite understand that such a large-scale loan of funds has no interest, and they don't even know when they will be repaid.

"Isn't that appropriate? Taiji Group's target business has nothing to do with real estate. Will there be confusion in the mixed operation?" Pei Qing asked.

Although Pei Qing is very interested in increasing the group's asset scale, he is not particularly interested in the real estate industry. Compared with the high-end medical technology industry, real estate is a bit low-level.

What's more, she doesn't understand real estate, so she can't have another real estate company under her banner, but she is a layman, which is more likely to cause problems.

"Although Wancheng Foundation is under the Taiji Group, it operates independently. You only need to audit their finances, and you don't need to invest a lot of energy." Ye Zishu said.

"If that's the case, I don't have any objections." Pei Qing said.

Seeing that Pei Qing had no objections, Ye Zishu was very happy. Although he is the boss and has the right to make decisions, but Pei Qing is a legal person of the company, he still hopes to get Pei Qing's consent.

"Although this company is highly independent, I still hope that you will conduct regular reviews of their financial status and be stricter.

Originally, I was responsible for this matter, but real estate finance involves a large amount of money, and it is also very complicated. I don't have the energy to manage it. I hope you can manage it well. "Leaf Book said.

He was afraid that Pei Qing really didn't care about anything. Although she had financial supervision power in name, it was just a show, which violated his original intention.

The financial problems of real estate companies in the previous life were very prominent, not to mention the business of Wancheng Foundation was more complicated, not only involving the issue of using land to build houses, but also a whole industrial chain.

It is very complicated to manage, and if the finances are lax, it is easy to cause huge losses, and it is also easy to cause internal corruption.

For example, Tai Chi health care company, although the revenue scale is large, but the business structure is very simple, there are few opportunities to make a difference, the financial complexity is not high, and it is relatively easy to manage.

"If financial problems really arise, how should we deal with them?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Shu thought for a while and said, "If the president and vice president have financial problems, you can report them to me, and I will decide how to deal with them.

If people below the vice president level have financial problems, they can be handed over to Guo Dongsheng, the president of Wancheng Foundation, and you can supervise their implementation.

If their implementation process complies with the company's rules and regulations, you don't need to report to me. If not, you report the situation to me, and I will ask Guo Dongsheng why he handled it like this. "

The reason why it is so troublesome is that the real estate business is very complicated, and some things can obviously be implemented in accordance with the rules and regulations, but due to practical considerations, it may not be convenient to handle it this way.

This requires Guo Dongsheng to make such an explanation. If it is reasonable, he will naturally not pursue it. If it is unreasonable, Guo Dongsheng will take responsibility.

It is not that one size fits all with rules and regulations. Any decision of the company, as long as it is not illegal, needs to be weighed against interests, and the decision that is most beneficial to the overall interests of the company must be made.

This matter was decided in this way, and Ye Zishu continued to ask: "How is the construction of your medicinal material planting base and food material planting base?"

"How fast is that? Although you provided a full set of technical information, there is still a lot of work to be done to turn the things on the technical information into real objects.

At present, it is only in the research and development of the system and hardware. It is estimated that it will not be possible until the middle of this year to actually build a planting base. "Pei Qing said.

"Then where are you planning to build planting bases?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We try to choose places that are not too controversial, so the planting bases are still very scattered, basically every province will have them.

We are currently negotiating with various local governments about land contracting. Priority is given to state-owned land, and collective land is not a last resort. We do not want to contract. "Pei Qing said.

He understands Pei Qing's approach. Contracting state-owned land is contracting from the government. The signed agreement is very binding. Generally, the contract will not be broken for no reason. There is no need for that.

However, once the performance of the collective land is contracted, if you are jealous, the breach of the contract may happen at any time. Even if you do not breach the contract, as long as you do some small actions, the company will be exhausted.

Moreover, collective land involves the interests of the entire collective. Once a problem arises, it is difficult to solve it in a short period of time even through legal channels.

The most important thing is that the cost of contracting state-owned land is also lower than that of contracting collective land. For the government, the income from land is secondary. If the planting industry develops well, taxation is the main source of income.

"There aren't that many good state-owned lands?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Zishu is not very clear about this. In his impression, most of the land is collective land, with a very small proportion of state-owned land, and it is some land that is not suitable for farming, such as mountains, lakes, swamps, tidal flats, etc.

The land suitable for farming is distributed to farmers and exists in the form of collective land, which is why he asked this question.

Pei Qing nodded and said: "That's true, we are carrying out industrialized planting methods, and the lowest cost is to build planting bases on flat land.

And these lands have been allocated to farmers in the form of collective land. It is very difficult for us to obtain such land, so the land we plan to contract is all coastal tidal flats. "

"What should we do if a typhoon occurs, unless more costs are invested in building buildings that can withstand powerful typhoons, which invisibly raises the cost.

Moreover, tidal flats cannot be built directly, and proper treatment is required, which is also more expensive than ordinary land. "Leaf Book said.

"That can't be helped, we can't find a large piece of flat land." Pei Qing said helplessly.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu fell into deep thought and said, "Tell me, if we build such a planting base in the sandy desert, is it feasible?"

Pei Qing shook her head and said, "It's difficult, although we don't need to directly use the land for planting, our planting methods have high requirements for water sources.

In places with serious desertification, water shortage is also very serious. If all water is transported from other inland water sources, the cost is not low, and it is not as cost-effective as contracting coastal beaches and sporadic land in the inland. "

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